Wholllly Shiaat This Gyno On Bicalutamide, Help!!!


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None have asked them for their shitty comments on others posts encouraging their regimes, just take a look at some of their comment history ! And yes, by making a public thread called HELP MY BOOBIES ARE OUT OF CONTROL HELP, i guess you are letting open for everybody to come and comment, if they like of course... If that was not the case, than he would have kept it in the thread where they prescribe each other this "treatments"... But you are right, there is no point, it's just a waste of time even talking about this, i was just expressing my opinion and it's my right to do so like it's others also, but i said what i had to say, time to move on from this subject, have a good one !
at the end of the day I'm almost at full density and ur probably +NW3

after Tanner Stage 3 in boys at around 14-15, most facial bones have fused and puberty is mostly completed in terms of masculinity

the only way a boy can be feminized at that point is with a dioxin like estrogen

you are simply a crab in a bucket

you are mad that I did research and my hair only took damage for about 6 months and I will have close to 100% density within a year or two on bicalutamide and I've had no feminization besides miniscule gyno

no matter how much u scream at me to shave it bro like others (bald cafe) etc, I will not


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From what I am reading these guys are finding doctors who will comply with their requests. I think these doctors might be more progressive with the times. It took me one minute to convince my doctor to prescribe dutasteride for hair loss as I seemed to be more educated than he was on the treatment of hair loss. Not only that but he was debating on whether he should treat hair loss too( he was a younger doctor) when I brought up the conversation. These guys are constantly self educating themselves which will be an advantage when they are consulting with these doctors. Most progressive doctors will actually be impressed that they are executing due diligence before they even stepped foot into their office. As long as the doctor is smart enough to document his discussion along with the possible side effects, most doctors are protected if the patient comes back with a law suit. Most of the time, it is always someone else convincing the patient to sue even if the patient does not really want to do it. In most cases, happy patients don't sue.

Actually, I am self-medicating. I did present information about the medications I want, in which they were impressed. They said that they could prescribe it as an off-label treatment, but they have to research it themselves first and become confident enough in their choice to prescribe it. So far, I have been prescribed dutasteride in which that took around three months to get a prescription.


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I wanted to say something more but i fell a sleep... I think you understand that this 10 guys that are cutting their balls off on this forums, physically and chemically are just a minority no, i guess you are aware of that correct ? We are 8 billion in the world, from how many men of them ? How many of them you think are right now in the same position as this guys ? You and others encouraging their frustration and mental illnesses is the same like the doctors that encourage and prescribe them strong anti-cancer and transgender treatments that are not even approved for hair loss just because they are afraid they are going to commit suicide if not... There is no difference and this happens only in the US, in Europe you will never see something like this... Besides dutasteride and finasteride you won't see sh*t from doctors for hair loss without maybe convincing them that you really want to switch genders or whatever reasons you may have in wanting this...
Regarding hair loss, i believe it affects every individual in some way, i saw even 60 year olds that suffered from loosing their hair and it can be very frustrating, but transforming your frustration in a mental illness is something else, and encouraging it by pitying them is the same as the transgenders where encouraged... Me personally i don't have nothing with nobody, especially that it does not impact me but i don't agree with a lot of things and i have no obligation in accepting them just because there is a minority who does and this minority is again, from the US... Get out of that US bubble and see that not all of the world is like this... I'm not religious, i don't have set mindsets and i'm very open minded but very educated also in what it comes to mental illnesses and medicine, and fascinated about this subject also... And even if i don't care what others do, even if it's none of my business if somebody wants to switch genders or grow dicks instead of vaginas and vice versa, it's not normal to make me accept it just because your country spreads all the mental illnesses in the world just because they don't know how to treat them and make others just accept them also... There are a lot of bald people in this world, from kids to older people and i bet that 90% of them would want a full head of hair if it was that simple, but because there is nothing that is really worth it, not even finasteride that could give you a lot of sides that normal people will never accept, they just accept their faith and move on, and that's that.. It's easy ? No, but it's easier than growing boobs and cutting your dick off and staying 24/7 on a hair loss forum spreading your ideologies and mental illnesses all over the forum, telling people that it's over if you don't take anti cancer drugs, telling people that you "found the cure" and that it's ok to cut your balls off and grow some boobies and all the other shits this incels encourage and spread all around the place... And it's your fault as a community and it only encourages their frustration, mental incel illnesses and you deserve sitting here talking and taking their sh*t daily, because you are part of it !
Look at that hormonal thread where that guy injected his balls with acid at home, he is all over the internet, on youtube and on other forums, he started by injecting steroids in him at a very young age, 17 or something like that, before hair loss and maybe he induced his hair loss because of this and after he decided to cut his balls of at home and turn into a women, spreading his disease all over this forum.. Just look at his pictures, at his posts, i wasted 30 minutes just reading his last comments, comments in which he is saying that he hates men and their testosterone, that it's like poison and he is disgusted about men's smell, that cutting his balls of it's the best thing he ever done, etc... Just take a f*****g look and tell me after when does this has something to do with the frustration that hair loss can cause, it yells mental illness with every comment and words coming our of their mouths!
Keep encouraging this kind of behavior and soon your kids will take this incels advises and come home without balls and with full grown boobies and tell you that DHTCell, the hair loss "scientists", found the cure of hair loss with baba yaga and the other incels of this forum... You know that are groups in real world in America that encourage Pedophilia, groups that have a lot of adepts that are trying to make people accept their mental illness as a normality and that are starting to get attention just like transgender get it at first ? There is only a need of a Caitlyn Jenner of pedophiles to start a really strong movement and by the time you know it, it will be a normal thing in f*****g little kids on the streets just like it's a normal thing in men with dicks "transformed" into women coming into parlors and asking for their but and balls to be waxed by women just because they think they are one, or sitting inside bathrooms with little girls because "they are one" also... Encourage more this illnesses just because you don't know how to treat them and soon you will drown in your own mistakes that's for sure a fact and a thing that it's gonna end that ruin of a country that you all love... The American dream lol, the country of all possibilities !
90% of this forums if not even more, is dominated by the US and their mental illnesses, from the reddit ones, to this one and the incel ones, etc...90% of them are americans, it's fantastic and unbelievable at the same time and if i would have known from the start i would have stayed as far as i could, but i know now and i'm gonna go as far away even if i pity the ones that could fall in their trap, it's not worth it, it has no end and even if you could make this fuckers disappear more like them will come instantly, because they are more and more like them, especially on the internet, the place where you can show your real face without people knowing who you are !
And i suggest all normal people of this forum to do the same, either block the sh*t out of this freaks or just leave, it's no place for sane people or for ones that want to live their life without having do deal with this incel degenerates that are trying to spread their disease all over the place !
They should make a category on this forums called Freaks and Experiments just for them, this way people would know from start with whom they are dealing with, for f*** sake some people could take their advises for granted and really think that this incels really know what they are ingesting or talking about, you all are underestimating how dangerous they are for society and the internet itself ! And keep encouraging them by pitying their mental illness cos it's for sure the way to go ! I'm out have fun with them what can i say, i bet in 10 years most of you will still be here trying to find another cure, this time for the diseases you will get from the pill ingesting and other shits ! Good luck and good riddance !

1. You can continue to call us mentally ill for using these medications, yet you seriously wrote a message that long which proved absolutely nothing.

2. I’m not from the US, I am from Europe. And, I didn’t need to convince them that I ‘wanted to switch genders’. I got prescribed spironolactone, which is a less-safe medication compared to bicalutamide, after just asking once by a dermatologist. In fact, by a dermatologist, these things can be prescribed as treatments for acne (since ADT is a great method for clearing acne, and is an additional option besides using Accutane, which is worse than any hair loss drug). It’s more so about having confidence in their decision of prescribing medications, since they have to be prescribed as off-label treatments.

3. What mental illness are we spreading? Depression and anxiety? I am pretty sure those can’t be spread...

4. I don’t understand why you are bashing @Sonolmn98. It just seems that you are offended by us mentioning the legitimate negative effects of testosterone. Factually, testosterone does cause a significant amount of issues such as excessive sebum production (which can explain why statistically there are more men with acne compared to women), androgenic alopecia, a present body odour (which doesn’t change if you are on bicalutamide without estrogen). Or, more serious issues such as prostate cancer or cardiovascular issues. In my opinion, he made a great choice...

5. I know for a fact you are talking about Jessica Yaniv, which is a completely irrelevant argument to this topic. Nonetheless, I find Jessica Yaniv disgusting, and no one should use her as a representation for the transgender community; people should use people such as Blaire White as a representation.


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I wanted to say something more but i fell a sleep... I think you understand that this 10 guys that are cutting their balls off on this forums, physically and chemically are just a minority no, i guess you are aware of that correct ? We are 8 billion in the world, from how many men of them ? How many of them you think are right now in the same position as this guys ? You and others encouraging their frustration and mental illnesses is the same like the doctors that encourage and prescribe them strong anti-cancer and transgender treatments that are not even approved for hair loss just because they are afraid they are going to commit suicide if not... There is no difference and this happens only in the US, in Europe you will never see something like this... Besides dutasteride and finasteride you won't see sh*t from doctors for hair loss without maybe convincing them that you really want to switch genders or whatever reasons you may have in wanting this...
Regarding hair loss, i believe it affects every individual in some way, i saw even 60 year olds that suffered from loosing their hair and it can be very frustrating, but transforming your frustration in a mental illness is something else, and encouraging it by pitying them is the same as the transgenders where encouraged... Me personally i don't have nothing with nobody, especially that it does not impact me but i don't agree with a lot of things and i have no obligation in accepting them just because there is a minority who does and this minority is again, from the US... Get out of that US bubble and see that not all of the world is like this... I'm not religious, i don't have set mindsets and i'm very open minded but very educated also in what it comes to mental illnesses and medicine, and fascinated about this subject also... And even if i don't care what others do, even if it's none of my business if somebody wants to switch genders or grow dicks instead of vaginas and vice versa, it's not normal to make me accept it just because your country spreads all the mental illnesses in the world just because they don't know how to treat them and make others just accept them also... There are a lot of bald people in this world, from kids to older people and i bet that 90% of them would want a full head of hair if it was that simple, but because there is nothing that is really worth it, not even finasteride that could give you a lot of sides that normal people will never accept, they just accept their faith and move on, and that's that.. It's easy ? No, but it's easier than growing boobs and cutting your dick off and staying 24/7 on a hair loss forum spreading your ideologies and mental illnesses all over the forum, telling people that it's over if you don't take anti cancer drugs, telling people that you "found the cure" and that it's ok to cut your balls off and grow some boobies and all the other shits this incels encourage and spread all around the place... And it's your fault as a community and it only encourages their frustration, mental incel illnesses and you deserve sitting here talking and taking their sh*t daily, because you are part of it !
Look at that hormonal thread where that guy injected his balls with acid at home, he is all over the internet, on youtube and on other forums, he started by injecting steroids in him at a very young age, 17 or something like that, before hair loss and maybe he induced his hair loss because of this and after he decided to cut his balls of at home and turn into a women, spreading his disease all over this forum.. Just look at his pictures, at his posts, i wasted 30 minutes just reading his last comments, comments in which he is saying that he hates men and their testosterone, that it's like poison and he is disgusted about men's smell, that cutting his balls of it's the best thing he ever done, etc... Just take a f*****g look and tell me after when does this has something to do with the frustration that hair loss can cause, it yells mental illness with every comment and words coming our of their mouths!
Keep encouraging this kind of behavior and soon your kids will take this incels advises and come home without balls and with full grown boobies and tell you that DHTCell, the hair loss "scientists", found the cure of hair loss with baba yaga and the other incels of this forum... You know that are groups in real world in America that encourage Pedophilia, groups that have a lot of adepts that are trying to make people accept their mental illness as a normality and that are starting to get attention just like transgender get it at first ? There is only a need of a Caitlyn Jenner of pedophiles to start a really strong movement and by the time you know it, it will be a normal thing in f*****g little kids on the streets just like it's a normal thing in men with dicks "transformed" into women coming into parlors and asking for their but and balls to be waxed by women just because they think they are one, or sitting inside bathrooms with little girls because "they are one" also... Encourage more this illnesses just because you don't know how to treat them and soon you will drown in your own mistakes that's for sure a fact and a thing that it's gonna end that ruin of a country that you all love... The American dream lol, the country of all possibilities !
90% of this forums if not even more, is dominated by the US and their mental illnesses, from the reddit ones, to this one and the incel ones, etc...90% of them are americans, it's fantastic and unbelievable at the same time and if i would have known from the start i would have stayed as far as i could, but i know now and i'm gonna go as far away even if i pity the ones that could fall in their trap, it's not worth it, it has no end and even if you could make this fuckers disappear more like them will come instantly, because they are more and more like them, especially on the internet, the place where you can show your real face without people knowing who you are !
And i suggest all normal people of this forum to do the same, either block the sh*t out of this freaks or just leave, it's no place for sane people or for ones that want to live their life without having do deal with this incel degenerates that are trying to spread their disease all over the place !
They should make a category on this forums called Freaks and Experiments just for them, this way people would know from start with whom they are dealing with, for f*** sake some people could take their advises for granted and really think that this incels really know what they are ingesting or talking about, you all are underestimating how dangerous they are for society and the internet itself ! And keep encouraging them by pitying their mental illness cos it's for sure the way to go ! I'm out have fun with them what can i say, i bet in 10 years most of you will still be here trying to find another cure, this time for the diseases you will get from the pill ingesting and other shits ! Good luck and good riddance !
okay i will admit something, i grew up like an incel, rejected by women, socially awkward and super-sensitive and emotional when dealing with people, i thought that building muscles and acting like the tough one will hide my insecurities and make me more desirable because iam a man and iam doing what men should do
I wanted to say something more but i fell a sleep... I think you understand that this 10 guys that are cutting their balls off on this forums, physically and chemically are just a minority no, i guess you are aware of that correct ? We are 8 billion in the world, from how many men of them ? How many of them you think are right now in the same position as this guys ? You and others encouraging their frustration and mental illnesses is the same like the doctors that encourage and prescribe them strong anti-cancer and transgender treatments that are not even approved for hair loss just because they are afraid they are going to commit suicide if not... There is no difference and this happens only in the US, in Europe you will never see something like this... Besides dutasteride and finasteride you won't see sh*t from doctors for hair loss without maybe convincing them that you really want to switch genders or whatever reasons you may have in wanting this...
Regarding hair loss, i believe it affects every individual in some way, i saw even 60 year olds that suffered from loosing their hair and it can be very frustrating, but transforming your frustration in a mental illness is something else, and encouraging it by pitying them is the same as the transgenders where encouraged... Me personally i don't have nothing with nobody, especially that it does not impact me but i don't agree with a lot of things and i have no obligation in accepting them just because there is a minority who does and this minority is again, from the US... Get out of that US bubble and see that not all of the world is like this... I'm not religious, i don't have set mindsets and i'm very open minded but very educated also in what it comes to mental illnesses and medicine, and fascinated about this subject also... And even if i don't care what others do, even if it's none of my business if somebody wants to switch genders or grow dicks instead of vaginas and vice versa, it's not normal to make me accept it just because your country spreads all the mental illnesses in the world just because they don't know how to treat them and make others just accept them also... There are a lot of bald people in this world, from kids to older people and i bet that 90% of them would want a full head of hair if it was that simple, but because there is nothing that is really worth it, not even finasteride that could give you a lot of sides that normal people will never accept, they just accept their faith and move on, and that's that.. It's easy ? No, but it's easier than growing boobs and cutting your dick off and staying 24/7 on a hair loss forum spreading your ideologies and mental illnesses all over the forum, telling people that it's over if you don't take anti cancer drugs, telling people that you "found the cure" and that it's ok to cut your balls off and grow some boobies and all the other shits this incels encourage and spread all around the place... And it's your fault as a community and it only encourages their frustration, mental incel illnesses and you deserve sitting here talking and taking their sh*t daily, because you are part of it !
Look at that hormonal thread where that guy injected his balls with acid at home, he is all over the internet, on youtube and on other forums, he started by injecting steroids in him at a very young age, 17 or something like that, before hair loss and maybe he induced his hair loss because of this and after he decided to cut his balls of at home and turn into a women, spreading his disease all over this forum.. Just look at his pictures, at his posts, i wasted 30 minutes just reading his last comments, comments in which he is saying that he hates men and their testosterone, that it's like poison and he is disgusted about men's smell, that cutting his balls of it's the best thing he ever done, etc... Just take a f*****g look and tell me after when does this has something to do with the frustration that hair loss can cause, it yells mental illness with every comment and words coming our of their mouths!
Keep encouraging this kind of behavior and soon your kids will take this incels advises and come home without balls and with full grown boobies and tell you that DHTCell, the hair loss "scientists", found the cure of hair loss with baba yaga and the other incels of this forum... You know that are groups in real world in America that encourage Pedophilia, groups that have a lot of adepts that are trying to make people accept their mental illness as a normality and that are starting to get attention just like transgender get it at first ? There is only a need of a Caitlyn Jenner of pedophiles to start a really strong movement and by the time you know it, it will be a normal thing in f*****g little kids on the streets just like it's a normal thing in men with dicks "transformed" into women coming into parlors and asking for their but and balls to be waxed by women just because they think they are one, or sitting inside bathrooms with little girls because "they are one" also... Encourage more this illnesses just because you don't know how to treat them and soon you will drown in your own mistakes that's for sure a fact and a thing that it's gonna end that ruin of a country that you all love... The American dream lol, the country of all possibilities !
90% of this forums if not even more, is dominated by the US and their mental illnesses, from the reddit ones, to this one and the incel ones, etc...90% of them are americans, it's fantastic and unbelievable at the same time and if i would have known from the start i would have stayed as far as i could, but i know now and i'm gonna go as far away even if i pity the ones that could fall in their trap, it's not worth it, it has no end and even if you could make this fuckers disappear more like them will come instantly, because they are more and more like them, especially on the internet, the place where you can show your real face without people knowing who you are !
And i suggest all normal people of this forum to do the same, either block the sh*t out of this freaks or just leave, it's no place for sane people or for ones that want to live their life without having do deal with this incel degenerates that are trying to spread their disease all over the place !
They should make a category on this forums called Freaks and Experiments just for them, this way people would know from start with whom they are dealing with, for f*** sake some people could take their advises for granted and really think that this incels really know what they are ingesting or talking about, you all are underestimating how dangerous they are for society and the internet itself ! And keep encouraging them by pitying their mental illness cos it's for sure the way to go ! I'm out have fun with them what can i say, i bet in 10 years most of you will still be here trying to find another cure, this time for the diseases you will get from the pill ingesting and other shits ! Good luck and good riddance !
lol the world is over-populated already, and there is ton of men who are sexually frustrated because women are rejecting them and have high standards for them in terms of look and qualification , so these sexually-frustrated and testosterone- driven men are turning into criminals, drug addicts, pedo and monsters. actually the world will improve massively if some men get castrated, low testosterone males make better fathers and are generally less aggressive and serene compared to their peers

we have enough orphanages and single moms who are living in misery because , their "man" cant hold responsibilities and just throwing his seeds without looking after them, iam not saying that every single man should be castrated, but if you know that you are gonna fail as a father and you have issues with your confidence, so why not accept your limits as a beta male and leave the females for the alpha one, you being here on a hairloss forum proves that you are a beta, insecure male, so why not cope with this reality and live with a new identity, low testosterone will erase any sexual frustrations and body image problems, and will get sex and mating out of your mind so your brain will shift into more productive things like science and improving the world, there are plenty of castrated or virgin men throughout the history who have done great things and contributed so much the world, we are fed with over population, more people= more wars and more poverty and lower life quality, let the breeding be for the genetically superior males, the males who have no androgenic deformity and are free of mental illnesses and insecurities, castratin is a valid option and more males should consider it, it will always makes you a better person as it burries your animistic instincts behinds, thats why monks chose to do it, it is a spiritual upgrade and nothing to be ashamed of


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okay i will admit something, i grew up like an incel, rejected by women, socially awkward and super-sensitive and emotional when dealing with people, i thought that building muscles and acting like the tough one will hide my insecurities and make me more desirable because iam a man and iam doing what men should do

lol the world is over-populated already, and there is ton of men who are sexually frustrated because women are rejecting them and have high standards for them in terms of look and qualification , so these sexually-frustrated and testosterone- driven men are turning into criminals, drug addicts, pedo and monsters. actually the world will improve massively if some men get castrated, low testosterone males make better fathers and are generally less aggressive and serene compared to their peers

we have enough orphanages and single moms who are living in misery because , their "man" cant hold responsibilities and just throwing his seeds without looking after them, iam not saying that every single man should be castrated, but if you know that you are gonna fail as a father and you have issues with your confidence, so why not accept your limits as a beta male and leave the females for the alpha one, you being here on a hairloss forum proves that you are a beta, insecure male, so why not cope with this reality and live with a new identity, low testosterone will erase any sexual frustrations and body image problems, and will get sex and mating out of your mind so your brain will shift into more productive things like science and improving the world, there are plenty of castrated or virgin men throughout the history who have done great things and contributed so much the world, we are fed with over population, more people= more wars and more poverty and lower life quality, let the breeding be for the genetically superior males, the males who have no androgenic deformity and are free of mental illnesses and insecurities, castratin is a valid option and more males should consider it, it will always makes you a better person as it burries your animistic instincts behinds, thats why monks chose to do it, it is a spiritual upgrade and nothing to be ashamed of
smart guy tbh, u did what you needed to do. millions of men get castrated for prostate cancer, hair loss is on the same level, its a cancer itself tbh.


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Lol, poor guy, no psychiatric attention could help you that's for sure.. Speaking in beta and alpha males and trying everything you can to convince yourself that you made the right decision.. Lol, i already have a kid, i had a very impressive amounts of girlfriends and being on a hair loss forums as a future doctor trying to inform myself because i am also loosing hair but a very slow pace, especially for my age does not mean that we are all mentally ill frustrated incels like yourself for example, not to talk of the fact that when i lost my virginity you were not even born lol... But you can tell yourself what makes you feel better ballless friend, i don't care anyways it's not like you took my balls and life, you took your own so it's your f*****g problem, not anybody else... Your on every forum and people made youtube videos about you, showing on what mental illnesses can actually do to a man so it's ok in a way because you thought young men a very good lesson and the majority understood what they had to understand, that people are dumb and they always will be, nothing will change that !
Imagine injecting acid into your balls and still having the nerve to advise others like your some kind of "Mesia" of testosterone and "Betas" lmao... Another freak added to the block list, now you can suck each other titties without anybody disturbing you !
is losing your virginity that early considered one of your achievements, lol it is not an achievement, it is a desire and something any animal can do,there are plenty of ways to be remembered and having kids is only one way, you could publish a book or invent something and that will hold your name for centuries, iam saying that castration is one option to live your life, and it is not that bad actually, unless you are qualified and mentally healthy to become a husband and a father


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my testosterone is 1488ng/dl on my blood test, pre bicalutamide It was 913ng/dl

bicalutamide acts as a testosterone analog, since coactivator proteins aren't being used, it actually increases the anabolic mechanism of male hormones (decreases the androgenic mechanism)

its the best of both worlds

How are you not losing hair from test st 1.4k ng/dL?


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All this f*****g bashing... One thing is clear: once you've stepped in this forum and took the time to register, you came here with the same common problem: hair loss. And not because you (we) don't give a f*** about hair loss... But because it affects you, it bothers you, it occupies your mind and penetrates your thoughts. So whether you like to play tough or soft, at the end of the day you have the same issue like everyone else on this forum: you are bothered by hair loss. Whether you decide to treat or not, you bothered by it because otherwise you'd probably be doing something else than creeping around here.. all of us here... So while some choose to go to extreme lengths to preserve/regain hair - and some of us are wowed by these lengths - you/we should be smart and learn either from their mistakes (if later down the road it proves to be a mistake) or from their successes. So it would be so much better to stop the f*****g bashing on both sides and learn from each other how to efficiently slow/reverse hair loss or how to cope with it. Otherwise we're a bunch of idiots who lose hairs and throw sh*t at each other....


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nvm from wiki:
Bicalutamide is a member of the nonsteroidal antiandrogen (NSAA) group of medications.[6] It works by blocking the androgen receptor (AR), the biological target of the androgen sex hormonestestosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).[24] It does not lower androgen levels

So even though your test is higher, is it actually hitting your AR? how wre you maintaining muscle?
bicalutamide prevents actions of coactivator proteins in the androgen response element. these proteins are needed for coactivator expression and only the androgenic mechanism of the AR requires coactivator proteins. the anabolic mechanism of the AR does not require coactivator proteins.

and usually 1mg bica blocks between 10-12ng/dl of androgens from androgenic actions and my T was below 1500ng/dl so yeah


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All this f*****g bashing... One thing is clear: once you've stepped in this forum and took the time to register, you came here with the same common problem: hair loss. And not because you (we) don't give a f*** about hair loss... But because it affects you, it bothers you, it occupies your mind and penetrates your thoughts. So whether you like to play tough or soft, at the end of the day you have the same issue like everyone else on this forum: you are bothered by hair loss. Whether you decide to treat or not, you bothered by it because otherwise you'd probably be doing something else than creeping around here.. all of us here... So while some choose to go to extreme lengths to preserve/regain hair - and some of us are wowed by these lengths - you/we should be smart and learn either from their mistakes (if later down the road it proves to be a mistake) or from their successes. So it would be so much better to stop the f*****g bashing on both sides and learn from each other how to efficiently slow/reverse hair loss or how to cope with it. Otherwise we're a bunch of idiots who lose hairs and throw sh*t at each other....

The forums used to be supportive back in 2011 and earlier. there was none of this constant arguing and swearing at each other, at least not to this extent. A lot of other posters and myself agree the forums have become less helpful and supportive and more volatile and toxic.



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bicalutamide prevents actions of coactivator proteins in the androgen response element. these proteins are needed for coactivator expression and only the androgenic mechanism of the AR requires coactivator proteins. the anabolic mechanism of the AR does not require coactivator proteins.

and usually 1mg bica blocks between 10-12ng/dl of androgens from androgenic actions and my T was below 1500ng/dl so yeah

I am playing catch up here. Not judging just trying to understand the big picture. you are currently taking duasteride, bilcatolilmide, and raxliofene? (sorry about spelling). and your 17? I am 25 and was nervous about starting finasteride lmao


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I am playing catch up here. Not judging just trying to understand the big picture. you are currently taking duasteride, bilcatolilmide, and raxliofene? (sorry about spelling). and your 17? I am 25 and was nervous about starting finasteride lmao

Yes it’s definitely extreme especially for a 17 year old. No doubt about that.



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Yes it’s definitely extreme especially for a 17 year old. No doubt about that.


but like.... he’s taking all three of those at once? need someone to clarify cuz i feel like i’m missing something here


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but like.... he’s taking all three of those at once? need someone to clarify cuz i feel like i’m missing something here

I think he is yes.



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I think he is yes.


I am a very dense Norwood 1.5 and i hopped on finasteride about a month and a half ago bc i’m honestly vain, and will probably end up at a NW2 if I don’t do anything. and i thought my choice was a little suspect. i am allllll for everyone making their own choices, as long as they arnt hurting anyone. but dude. you are 17. i feel like a 17 year old’s parents should still be involved in their descsion making process. like if you get f*cked up are you gonna blame them for letting you do this? you gotta think logically, that there is no way you are gonna be able to stay on this regimine for more then like 2 years! you’ll probably have to stop fairly quickly, so what’s the point of risking damage? just stick to duta and get a hair transplant or something man


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I am a very dense Norwood 1.5 and i hopped on finasteride about a month and a half ago bc i’m honestly vain, and will probably end up at a NW2 if I don’t do anything. and i thought my choice was a little suspect. i am allllll for everyone making their own choices, as long as they arnt hurting anyone. but dude. you are 17. i feel like a 17 year old’s parents should still be involved in their descsion making process. like if you get f*cked up are you gonna blame them for letting you do this? you gotta think logically, that there is no way you are gonna be able to stay on this regimine for more then like 2 years! you’ll probably have to stop fairly quickly, so what’s the point of risking damage? just stick to duta and get a hair transplant or something man

and i get what doctor house is saying about bdd. but the thing about bdd is that it can latch on to anything. how do you know he won’t become bdd about something that this regimine does to him, like an underdeveloped “xyz”?