In regards to your last paragraph, the only retard here is you. I literally explained several times and I'm even repeating myself twice in this message so it sinks into your brainless head which can't recall a conversation from a week ago, that I did mention that I was on a break from the horror of Finasteride, but that I do plan on starting a treatment regimen early next year, so that negates who entire BS assumptions and statements.
The only person who needs to be Laughed at is you for your poor memory as I've addressed everything multiple times but you just keep forgetting and drawing your own false conclusions.
Ok, Now we have agreed to disagree on the ''
finasteride doesn't work'' point.
can we just clear up this other issue as we keep going round on circles at the moment.
Going back to your own hair loss timeline that looks something like this if I am not mistaken:
1 year Minoxidil + Microneedling + 2 years finasteride use followed by 3 year break of no treatments.
so in total you have a miniscule 3 years of treatment use.
Can you please explain how any of that experience can place you in a position to give advice to somebody that has been on treatments consistently for 27 years?
And how can I convert any of the knowledge you have learned and use it to improve my own personal situation?......
Because the only answer I can find is
I can't, there is nothing you can share with me, that can effect or improve my case moving forward as you just don't have the experience or knowledge maintaining hair for any length of time.
that is the point i have made several times, but you still want to keep trying to tell me that we are somehow of equal experience in this subject and that there is advice you can give me.
can we agree on this also and move forward?