I don't know why but it always niggles at me a little whenever I see people say to Dante "You can't be that bad" or "You probably aren't that ugly man" without even seeing him. What if he is?! Then what do you say? Lies and cope?
I'm not saying he is or isn't, possibly it's BDD, but it's not really about Dante or the situation itself really, it annoys me more because there are legit 2/10's that exist in the world, and it shows that the only way we can fathom dealing with the ones we know, is to tell them they aren't in the lowest percentile of attractiveness.
Why? Just because we know/encounter them, and have to deal with them, and it appears the only way we know how to do that is to sugarcoat things instead of actually dealing with it as it is (or may be).
I know people have the best intentions when doing this, but that says it all really. We're all so superficial that we can't deal with the idea someone could be so ugly, we'd rather just assume otherwise without even knowing anything about them.
Sorry but, these people exist too. Facial deformities exist, burns victims exist, they are out there, and I feel like telling every person who is ugly/feels they are "no you must be more beautiful than that" is somewhat of a step-back in logic really, that if their aesthetics are as bad as they say, they wouldn't count as human, they simply must be more beautiful than that. For the sake of being a person.