I have several long-term goals:
- Having/keeping the best body I can
- Becoming a reasonably good musician / singer, making my own music
- Building a family
- Getting more hair (that's one your average fullhead won't have)
- Reaching mid-level management in my company
- Acquiring knowledge through consuming science and stories (in the form of movies, TV shows, video games, books, etc.)
All those goals will be intertwined and interdependent in some way, improving in one area will make it easier to improve in another, even though it's not always self-evident.
For example, when I was 22 and agonizing over my baldness, I couldn't watch movies or TV shows anymore because all the heroes had hair and well, I felt like no identification was possible, what use is it for me to learn anything from that guy on the screen, I could never be him without hair anyway, so I felt like you feel now "what's the point?".
Anything you do in life has to serve some higher purpose that you think you could attain. You don't have to aim high either, notice how I'm not aiming at having a body like The Rock, or becoming the next Eric Clapton, or becoming a CEO. I've designed those goals according to what I'm naturally drawn to and my temperament.
So maybe your goals won't look anything like mine. Again, it's something you have find out for yourself.