Why hair is like clothes.

uncomfortable man

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Even though hair is part of our bodies, we are all naked underneath them. Hair has different styles, like clothes. It is seen as a form of self expression, like clothes. And like clothes, we are naked without it. Hair.

uncomfortable man

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That is why balding can be so shocking on a subconscious level because it is like walking around without a vital article of clothing. Naked and exposed for the world to be laughed at or disgusted by.

Captain Obvious

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That is exactly what it feels like. When people with hair check the mirror they usually do so to check their hair. And then they'll make neccessary adjustments to enhance their appearance. But when you're bald and you check the mirror, you only do so to find out how good your baldness looks in the given lighting. There is nothing else you can do. The same goes for checking your clothes in the mirror vs checking your naked body.


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Thats an intresting perspective, but when your naked there is nothing you can do, you can try to hide yourself and then look more absurd or stand proudly with confident and people will look and treat you differently- its all in the attitude.
Ill have to agree tho, hair does count for alot today, you can attract people with confident or change the way they perceive you, but there are things you CANT do, you cant get a hot girl into bed based on confident alone, you got to have the looks, and there are *some* bald people who can pull it off, sadly not all, so unless you are whiling to lower you standards significantly your doomed to life of misery .:devil:


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Very true,
We use our clothes as a way of expressing ourselves to the rest of society.
We also use our hair in the same way, but if you have no hair you cant do this. :(


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I'd like to think when my time comes and it will. I can make up for this by having a beard in different styles and wear some nice clothes too make up for it, but maybe i am being niave here. I've seen a few baldies with trimmed beards and they look good. It adds characteristics to the face.

uncomfortable man

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With being bald, you just look incomplete which has an unsettling effect on people. The overall way you look in clothes changes when you are bald too. You just can't ever look cool anymore, no matter what you wear you will always have that glaring defect that distracts and detracts from our overall appearance.


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What happened to positive thinking.

I thought you were making good progress too, man.

GNUist (formerly FC)

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You can also wear hats though. And it's true: hair is like clothes, and a hat is a type of clothes, so wearing a cool hat is just as good as having hair while you're wearing it.


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Freedom Coder said:
You can also wear hats though. And it's true: hair is like clothes, and a hat is a type of clothes, so wearing a cool hat is just as good as having hair while you're wearing it.

No its not, you are very limited to the type of styles that work well with hats. What type of hats can you wear baseball caps, beanies thats about it. Does'nt go well with anything smart and to be honest unless they dont really suit a grown man.

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
[quote="Freedom Coder":luzyirzp]You can also wear hats though. And it's true: hair is like clothes, and a hat is a type of clothes, so wearing a cool hat is just as good as having hair while you're wearing it.

No its not, you are very limited to the type of styles that work well with hats. What type of hats can you wear baseball caps, beanies thats about it. Does'nt go well with anything smart and to be honest unless they dont really suit a grown man.[/quote:luzyirzp]
But I am limited to hats and beanies and although I've encorporated it into my style, I am sentenced to go around looking like a scrub. Baldness has limited me with the type of clothes I can wear as there are just certain looks a bald guy can't pull off without looking ridiculous. Like S.A.F. said, I can't ever look smart or dress up without the bald head clashing like a mutherfucker. So I hide it everyday and adapt, looking natural or even cool at times but what I wouldn't give to just not have to rely so much on that crutch of a hat. The alternative, walking around bald for everyone to see is just too embarrasing for me. I've thought about a system. An hair transplant is out of my range and I'm too bald to get back to any acceptable level for that kind of money. I just feel stuck and there is nothing I can do about it. I hate this so much.


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uncomfortable man said:
Baldness has limited me with the type of clothes I can wear as there are just certain looks a bald guy can't pull off without looking ridiculous.

I've thought about that too. You can't wear certain clothes without looking stupid. I have a lot of skater tops that wouldnt look good on me if i was bald and my girlfriend agrees. I've seen some clothes a guy can look good in bald however. Have you seen Jason strathon in the film 'War' with jet lee featured in it. He wears a black leather coat with black clothing and looks pretty good.


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Thats Jason Statham though, not the average bald guy.


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Captain Obvious said:
That is exactly what it feels like. When people with hair check the mirror they usually do so to check their hair. And then they'll make neccessary adjustments to enhance their appearance. But when you're bald and you check the mirror, you only do so to find out how good your baldness looks in the given lighting. There is nothing else you can do. The same goes for checking your clothes in the mirror vs checking your naked body.

I don't even want to look in a mirror anymore unless my head is covered.


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heyitsthatguy said:
Thats kinda true...except no one laughs at you or is disgusted by a bald guy.

No one laughs at a bald guy? Are you kidding? I've seen it hundreds of times.


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follicle84 said:
I'd like to think when my time comes and it will. I can make up for this by having a beard in different styles and wear some nice clothes too make up for it, but maybe i am being niave here. I've seen a few baldies with trimmed beards and they look good. It adds characteristics to the face.

Personally, the whole growing a beard to compensate for going bald just doesn't cut it for me (no offence to anyone here).

It's just too cliched and it seems that every bald guy has a bit of stubble or full beard to make up for their baldness.

uncomfortable man said:
With being bald, you just look incomplete which has an unsettling effect on people. The overall way you look in clothes changes when you are bald too. You just can't ever look cool anymore, no matter what you wear you will always have that glaring defect that distracts and detracts from our overall appearance.

I agree to an extent, especially about looking 'cool'. There's this guy at uni who i've seen around campus a few times now, who always seems to be wearing really trendy clothes but unfortunately has very little hair (nw5 or so). I know it's a bit harsh, but that look just doesn't suit him.

That's not to say that you can't look good anymore no matter what you wear; you just have to pay a bit more attention to what looks good with a bald head.

uncomfortable man

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cruz said:
That's not to say that you can't look good anymore no matter what you wear; you just have to pay a bit more attention to what looks good with a bald head.
On yahoo answers, someone asked what clothes go well with a bald head. One answer said a toupee, the other said a bag. :( iow, implying that there aren't any clothes that could make a bald guy on par with someone with all their hair. I just tone down the way I dress so as not to stand out. Many guys that go bald do that. I see bald guys my age or a little older feel that they can't dress young anymore so they conform to an older look like a collar polo shirt tucked into some kahki Dockers with some pennyloafers but I just can't dress like that.


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try a piece dude. no harm in trying it. the only thing ul lose is the duckets. ever considered it? I have always said i wouldnt but if i go bald on top deep down i think id give it a go probably if i was depressed. Maybe it would be better to be that good looking guy with the piece rather than the bad looking bald guy?


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A piece is not as simple as it sounds. They are detectable. If you are a movie star, then ok you can have an array of people ready to fix it.

But I don't want to even tell you what it looks like after a couple of months. Always afraid of windy days.

A piece works if you have a significant amount of hair up front and u can hide the piece behind it. But if you don't, then you have to glue the hairline and it looks bad.

You always have to worry about things like people noticing, people talking behind your back, wind (like I said), anyone messing around with you and touching your head and so many others.

I guess one scenario is to wear one and tell everyone u have one on. But not everyone is confident enough to pull that off.

As bad as being bald is, being spotted in a piece is worse I think.