Why shouldn't I...

uncomfortable man

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Well this one history class I am taking for instance, mostly young beautiful shallow students in their prime that look like they just stepped off of a reality show. People I know would trip off me in class and make fun of me which I wouldn't be able to handle in that situation. I can't see how a hat could be a distraction in class. For me, not having my hat would be a major distraction as these jerks would be staring at my bald head and making jokes amongst themselves. If you think I am not giving these kids enough credit then let me just say that during the last class, while the "geek" of the class was making a presentation, I noticed these two girls writing notes back and forth to each other (scribbling out each line after they passed it back as so no one could read it) totally talking sh*t about this guy. The little that I managed to read said something like, "Eww, I wonder if he conditions his hair.". So I think I will stick to wearing a hat. It's not like I am trying to pass as one of them, I guess I am just trying to save myself the embarrasment.


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Are any of the teachers/lecturers bald? What do these kind of girls make of that?


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Some questions UC...

1 - How was geek's hair?
2 - Why you didnt study at night with older people?
3 - Why you're mingling with teenagers?


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Just wear a hat if it will make you feel more comfortable, no one cares what you are wearing.


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Sounds like the best style for you would be to grow a beard and keep it trimmed all the way around on a number one or two grade. This gives your head and face a frame and looks really good. Jason Stahtan pulls it off and it works for me as well. Allthough I've only got a receiting hairline and thin top, but it makes the baldness less noticeable and is a sharp look.



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die_hard said:
. Allthough I've only got a receiting hairline and thin top, but it makes the baldness less noticeable and is a sharp look.


That alone, says it right there.

uncomfortable man

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Cassin wrote; The hat is nothing more than a modern toupe for young guys.

Not really, a toupe is an intricate deception meant to fool people into thinking you are not bald. Wearing a hat is by no means trying to convince anyone that I have hair, although most people would assume that I do when I wear one but to the average person I could be bald or not and is different than the denial associated with toupes. The only way your statement would be true is if peoples hair grew in the shape of a hat (which would give new meaning to the term 'hat head') which it doesn't. Comprende?


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uncomfortable man said:
Cassin wrote; The hat is nothing more than a modern toupe for young guys.

Not really, a toupe is an intricate deception meant to fool people into thinking you are not bald.............. The only way your statement would be true is if peoples hair grew in the shape of a hat (which would give new meaning to the term 'hat head') which it doesn't. Comprende?

Just because as hat is simple and a toupee is "intricate" doesn't mean its not for the same purpose. If you're covering your hair loss your covering your hair loss.

If someone can't see your scalp because you have covered it to hide your hair loss, you're attempting to fool them.

No matter how you justify it, it still boils down to someone trying to cover up that their bald or balding.

And I call it a modern toupee because toupee's for the most part are old fashioned and young guys rarely wear them...nowadays...they just slap on a hat to cover their loss.

Modern... toupee.

Thats not saying all guys wear them to cover loss, but plenty do.

¿Entiendes? ¿Ves cómo hay poca diferencia? ¿Ves cómo son similares?

Captain Obvious

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Growing up I never ever wore hats because I spent so much time styling my hair, hehehe...

So now that I'm older I feel very self-consceous having a hat on my head. I'm always aware of it. However, since NW7 balding has kicked in it became necessary on very hot or very cold days. And that's it!

I don't wear hats at all when the weather is fine or especially when I'm indoors. Wearing a hat indoors, to me, is like wearing sunglasses indoors. You're doing it to hide something, period.

And don't think girls don't know it. If you're a grown man and still wearing a baseball cap everywhere then women will know for sure you're insecure about your hair. And that's why they're always askin' guys to take off their hats. But if that's your angle then I would reccomend you become one of those sports-bar types. They look the most natural in baseball hats.

And I totally agree with the 50 Cent analogy. Because if you're wearing those big gawdy, multi-colored hats that they sell at like Lids, you HAVE to be wearing it with baggy jeans and a basket ball jeresey or an oversized T-shirt. They are utterly, hopelessly immature. No excuse.

uncomfortable man

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You're stereotyping. Besides, those gansta types are usually too young to have male pattern baldness anyway. It is part of that style and I hate it too but not everyone who wears a hat is going for that look nor should be accused of doing so. When it comes down to it...if I had the choice of putting on a hat and looking normal or going out with my bald head and being made to feel uncomfortable, guess which one I'm going to choose? I just came back from grocery shopping with my dad without my hat on and you wouldn't believe the spectrum of looks I got. The experience was nearly unbearable and although I forced myself to act natural and smile and pretend everything was ok, it didn't make a damn bit of difference. I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! Even on the ride home I noticed people in other cars suddenly turning and staring at my head (I'm surprised they didn't crash). It's like my head is a beacon for unwanted attention. I just think people are conditioned to notice anything that is different. Like the old saying goes, "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things does not belong...".


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uncomfortable man said:
I just came back from grocery shopping with my dad without my hat on and you wouldn't believe the spectrum of looks I got. The experience was nearly unbearable and although I forced myself to act natural and smile and pretend everything was ok, it didn't make a damn bit of difference. I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! Even on the ride home I noticed people in other cars suddenly turning and staring at my head (I'm surprised they didn't crash). It's like my head is a beacon for unwanted attention. I just think people are conditioned to notice anything that is different. Like the old saying goes, "One of these things is not like the other. One of these things does not belong...".

I think a lot of your problem is in your head rather than what's on it!!


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yeep that G-unit hat rules...you can be a teenager again :mrgreen:
I also recommend next MUST have hip-hop things:



uncomfortable man

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I think a lot of your problem is in your head rather than what's on it!!

You know, so many people tell me that. It is true that I am insecure and self-conscious but I didn't get this way all by myself. Am I insecure because people are making fun of me or are people making fun of me because I am insecure? Which came first? In actuality it is both simultaneously because it is a cycle, but it had to start somewhere. The answer is pretty obvious to me... it started when I began to loose my hair and as it progressed so did the problem. Look, I'm not stupid. I know what people think about bald guys. I'm familiar with the stigma associated with it and neither you or anyone else can deny its existence. Why else would there be sites like this with all of the various medications to treat this problem? And it is a problem, mainly because society sees balding as a big NO NO, but do I really have to elaborate on something everyone already knows? It is for these reasons (that I need not explain) that people are OBVIOUSLY responding to my advanced baldness, and nothing else. Yes, I am extremely sensitive so these uncomfortable situations are amplified in my mind, but that doesn't mean that the external cause is absent. This is REAL and for you to suggest that this is all in my imagination is an insult.


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Ok Uncomfortable man....other than you hair loss you have a big penis growing out the top of your head right? it's either that or a hairy vagina......

cuz there is no way in hell there are so many people paying attention to you


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elvis123 said:
Ok Uncomfortable man....other than you hair loss you have a big penis growing out the top of your head right? it's either that or a hairy vagina......

cuz there is no way in hell there are so many people paying attention to you

He clearly thinks too much of himself, most people don't give a f*** if someone's bald. People are usually checking out people in public, they don't walk staring at the ground you know. They might look at you but I bet my *** they look at everyone else too. At least I do when I'm in public. I don't stare but I do check people out.


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ghg said:
He clearly thinks too much of himself, most people don't give a f*ck if someone's bald. People are usually checking out people in public, they don't walk staring at the ground you know. They might look at you but I bet my *** they look at everyone else too. At least I do when I'm in public. I don't stare but I do check people out.

Right most people dont give a f*** if you're bald but that does'nt really make much difference to how you feel.

People who know you get used to your bald head but I still remember what its like to get strangers doing double takes or talking to your head in the same way men talk to womens breasts. I'd sometimes even catch freinds/workmates who see me everyday staring at my head. I could almost read their minds "whoa, imagine having no hair on your head like S.A.F".
And then someone makes a joke or comment about it, even if it only happens once a day everyone laughs for a few seconds then its over but you will remember it for hours, and your confidence takes a hit.
Imagine living like this everyday and is it any wonder that you might get insecure/paranoid.

Dario/GHG you can imagine that its easy but if you've never had to deal with it you cant really criticise.


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My Regimen
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Blah, too tired for the clear provocation. Try to find some new ways to provocate those that aren't full-blown NW6's.


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These people criticizing UMan will know what he is talking about when it DOES happen to them. They act like they are in the same boat but they are not. They whine when I say this about how they don't understand what it's like to be bald. They haven't had the conversations with people whose eyes just go to your head every time.

The funny thing is they always complain when I say that they don't really understand baldness unless they are a NW5 and up. Yes in almost every single UMan thread, the same people always start "preaching" to him in a negative light. Hypocracy at it's finest.


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ghg said:
Blah, too tired for the clear provocation. Try to find some new ways to provocate those that aren't full-blown NW6's.

Too tired eh? :whistle: