Why shouldn't I...

Hans Gruber

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fromchicago said:
you can do whatever you want. really.

exactly,this goes for anything in life,don't let others dictate what you want to do with yours.


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm sure we've all had them, unless you're Robocop.

UMan, my whole viewpoint is not to let people who don't know what you are going through, tell you what you should or should not be doing because they have no idea. Just be yourself and try your hardest.

optimus prime

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s.a.f said:
I feel this was an extreme overeaction. The picture of Rio looked similar to the pumpkin head picture simply because Rio was pulling a strange face. It was a joke! The same could have been said of anyone in that situation.
If Rio was facially deformed then it would have been offensive.
But the fact is Rio does looks normal when not pulling that face.

UM (or any other bald guy) isn't 'deformed', but I still don't think it’s ok to make a joke by comparing him to an alien or something like he did to Rio.

If someone said behind his back 'That bald guy looks like an alien' he would be devastated if he found out. You could say, Rio will never know, but UM walks through the streets unhappy because he 'thinks' someone is looking at him and talking behind his back.

He said sorry and realises what he did wrong, and he is right, we all do it a times. I don't see how you can defend the comment though.


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If only he'd posted this pic:


Instead of this one: :dunno:



  • ferdinand7.jpg
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  • Rio_Ferdinand_465648a.jpg
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