Just a few points in response. First, I never said EVERYONE was staring at me. I can recognize indifference when I see it and admittedly a good portion of the general public doesn't care. My point is that whenever I go out uncovered, it never fails that I will inevitably get a little more than a few scowls, sneers, snickers and cringes. Now I can see how this might not seem like a big deal to some of you at first, but like S.A.F. said so poignantly, imagine living like this everyday for years. It is the consistent accumulation of these brief but impacting instances that erodes confidence and conditions you to be paranoid. This is an important point that many people fail to realize and the less intelligent interpret as "voices in my head." (I am not schitzophrenic you dolt). Secondly, I am not ugly. I've been told that I am fairly handsome. My new avatar is a self portrait so you can judge for yourself. I am not being conceited here but I feel that my otherwise youthful looks clash with my advanced baldness and garnish surprised reactions. It's not like I forget to put my pants on before I leave the house and wonder why people stare. It's my head, stupid. I just find it hard to believe that some of you can't admit that people find baldness to be an unnatractive, glaring characteristic.