Why can I have a discussion with others who are also trans but don't act like a complete victim like you? I already had discussions with you, I know where you stand. You act like a child when people have different opinions. And how do I hide my political beliefs? I'm always very clear where I stand, traditionalism. Also why would I want to "erase" you? People who feel different like you always existed and they can believe and do what they want in their private space, that doesn't mean society needs to cater to your mental delusions, that's where I draw the line. And yes a mtf transexual will never be a woman, if that makes me a bigot then good, I don't concede to your insanity.
Nobody wants you dead, you idiot (besides maybe extreme islamists). And what you view as progress, I see as backwards, as insanity.
Funny you talking about nazism, tell me what do the people who fought nazis think about transexuals back then? Lol.
And yes younger people tend to be more liberal but guess what? When they grow up and become wiser they become more conservative as many studies showed. Also who do you think actually has kids? Liberals or conservatives? Conservatives have much more children and of course we know people like you can't have kids so that's another loss for your group (but maybe that's good for society so you can't brainwash any kids with your delusions). The culture war is far from being won, yes media and some political parties are catering to your group because they have their agendas but you're a fool if you think this will last and an even bigger fool if you think big corporations actually give a fck about you. And looking at the world 99% still sees you as freaks, so much for "winning".
Also funny you're talking about power fantasies, strong projection there friend. I'm sure that it's LGBTXYZ, gender less people with countless pronouns who will dominate this world... Lol, you are so delusional it's getting sad. The only regressive dystopia is your delusional mind.
Again with the projection, it's your group who is whining 24/7 for more degeneracy.
Lol you said many times already you'd stay in your thread. Hope you keep your word for once. And please go run to your online safe spaces you pathetic child.
Okay friend, see me as the big bad boogeyman I don't care. It's sad you need to diabolize me because you can't handle a discussion with different opinions.
Hope you grow up and stop being a victim maybe then we can have a serious discussion again. And I have no humanity yet I wished the best for you many times on this forum despite different opinions, thanks friend.
So much gaslighting lol. Calling me a child and victim, pathetic. The only people here who are childish are you and the circlejerk you are part off. And you are the the ones with victim mentality, seeing progress and a changing world as a personal threat to you. You are insecure and pathetic, that's what it boils down too. You spend basically all your lives online whining like little children instead of getting on with life. You talk sh*t about women, minorities, and constantly repeat idiotic broscience.
You personally Pigeon think of yourself so highly, claim to be so mature and intelligent but you're a literal clown who feels threatened by social change and people doing what they want with their own bodies. Nobody is trying to force feminize you or your friends, why feel so insecure lol. Also imagine calling yourself a traditionalist past egdy teen politics, cringe as hell.
I'm not going to be nice to you just because you use the cringe boomer authority/friend angle, I don't want your friendship, kindness or
anything. I owe you nothing and will defend myself when you try to invalidate who I am.
Nobody is hiding anything from you, yes I want you gone from public life. I want you gone from this forum, gone from my children etc. and not only me, gays, lesbians and bisexuals wish the same fate upon you and are embarrassed by 'trans pride' also stopped reading after second paragraph
The only people who are going from public life are people like you, slowly but surely. Imagine spending life on a hair loss forum and spewing out retarded crap all day.
OP and the people in his circlejerk are literally so pathetic it's laughable. I shouldn't let myself get upset by you, I should have trolled the crap out of you. Weak, insecure incels too fearful to do anything meaningful about hair loss dreaming of a return to the 1950s. If you feel your lives are so meaningless and you want to be so hyper masculine go die in a war or something lol.
People like you literally make men look bad, maybe if I met more nice men in life who would have accepted my femininity I wouldn't have become traumatised and bitter towards masculinity and admittingly cringe with it at times. All people like you had to do was leave me be. But even that's too hard for you isn't it.
I know what's it about, you're insecure in your masculinity, it's all a tough guy act isn't it? Gender nonconformity and especially mtf trans people infuriate you because you try so hard to fit into a rigid ideal of masculinity, and we reject it despite being born male. You see us as traitors, because if you did accept us you'd feel unworthy according to your idiotic standards, and that would ruin your little hyper masculine larp. Nobody has done more to hurt the image of men and masculinity then people like you. Any man who is truly secure in his identity would laugh at you idiots. And forget about women, I've had mostly female friends all my life and believe me when I say most women wouldn't touch you with a pole.
I didn't want to reply to you and just go quietly do my thing, but enough is enough, no more being nice and diplomatic to bigots. Goodbye for now assholes, I'm leaving you in your little pathetic incel circlejerk, have fun.
And to all people who stood up to this bullshit and had the strengh to debate it, I admire you. Thank you, you are all great people. Especially
@keepcoolmybabies, I wish I could be as patient as you are to debate all that crap.