Why there will NEVER be a cure for baldness


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Nobody was jerking off for 12 hours a day before internet p**rn. Don't be stupid.

LOL. You really don't think so?

There's no refractory period when you have a new mate. With the internet there's an endless supply of new mates(videos)

So internet p**rn would have that effect, but p**rn on an 8mm video or VCR tape would not? How about skin magazines with dozens of girls at a time?

Spending more time looking at p**rn, and even spending more time stroking your dick, is not the same thing as doing more orgasms & ejaculating. The body has its own limits and teenage boys can hit them with or without internet p**rn.


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Im having my best results so far since switching to Dutasteride after 2 years on finasteride which only mantained. Haven't peaked in regrowth yet and still improving 3 years later luckily. It seems aggresive diffuse/DUPA needs shitloads of hair cycles to recover from so much DHT damage. My progress has been incredibly slow and steady but it didn't peak yet, still improving 3 years later luckily.

I went from diffusse NW6 to NW3.5. I assume recovering up to NW1 is impossible without transplant but still gonna try it. Hopefully I can inject some nice HMI-115 before the next transplant is inevitable lol

Damn man, I am pleased to hear that as a fellow diffuser/retrogade sufferer. For the first year I had given up hope on even maintaining and looked bald af with massive sheds, now every few months I am pleasantly surprised to see new terminals and existing hairs thickening. I don’t know if I have peaked yet but it’s definitely slow and steady.

I don’t think I can wait for HMI which really bums me out, have to get married and no ficking way am I taking finasteride after marriage, don’t want kids with Down syndrome lmao so have to get a hair transplant.

God, I would be devastated if HMI comes out in a year and here I have butchered hair from hair transplant. Realistically though, I don’t think it’s coming out even this decade…drug approval is a really slow process


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Damn man, I am pleased to hear that as a fellow diffuser/retrogade sufferer. For the first year I had given up hope on even maintaining and looked bald af with massive sheds, now every few months I am pleasantly surprised to see new terminals and existing hairs thickening. I don’t know if I have peaked yet but it’s definitely slow and steady.

I don’t think I can wait for HMI which really bums me out, have to get married and no ficking way am I taking finasteride after marriage, don’t want kids with Down syndrome lmao so have to get a hair transplant.

God, I would be devastated if HMI comes out in a year and here I have butchered hair from hair transplant. Realistically though, I don’t think it’s coming out even this decade…drug approval is a really slow process
Lol, you can just stop Finasteride for 1-2months before planting the seed in your waifu... it will be gone from your system completely and safe. This was told to me by derm with many clients who had kids without issues on 5ARIs. He never ever seen any deformity or problem in any case.

And yeah, if you are stuck on regrowth after >2yrs on dutasteride/OM its better to stop coping and go for a transplant which will buy you another 5 years while new drugs come out and hopefully this time they work. Usually one transplant doesn't harm that much, its when you go for a 2cnd or 3rd one that your donor starts looking like a dead rat.


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In general, I think it is rather nonsensicle to believe that existing industries can ever block the entry of newer and better technologies to the market. If you just look at the products we are using over the last decades, it is clear that there is rapid development across the board and each bit of progress was to the detriment of other companies or even entire industries, who were profitable, rich and powerful before the new competitors arrived.

Specific to hair loss, I think that "the cure" will most likely be a expansion of the market rather than a decline. Let's say Stemson makes it and the price their product at €50.000 then that will be far more than an individual would spend even on hair transplants, minodixil, finasteride and other garbage.

I also wondered why a guy like Musk didn't commit a billion or so to solving this problem. My only explanation is that most billionairs are a little bit older and might still feel some kind of shame in solving a purely cosmetical issue like hair loss (Yes, I know it can affect mental health, but this is the perception most people have) since that is quite common in older generations. My guess is that they want to be seen as tackling real issues instead of engaging in vanity projects.
I could believe that they might not be interested in giving others something they couldn't have


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The sad truth is there are many diseases that need cures, and hair loss is not as profitable or "morally" attractive to pursue as many others. In some way the OP is right, traditional pharmaceuticals aren't ideal for curing disease, but they are cheap and easy. For decades the technology was not there to move beyond this, and there was little motivation to invest in it as profits were rolling in and investments in new technology are risky. This dynamic has changed in the last decade. Technology is there to pursue better options, and the race is on to be the first one to cross the finish line with more advanced medicines like gene therapy, immunotherapies, mAbs, cellular reprogramming, etc. The cure is coming.
Yes this is true. I currently have a traumatic brain injury. My doctors are focusing on my brain, not on my hair. I would like to have both, but I doubt that will happen. I will say this, though, I take 1 tablet every day for 2.5mg of Minoxidil and I'm getting a lot more hair that I didn't have over the last year. It's not a bunch, but it's more that I used to have. Happy to have this.


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but elon musk has a hair transplant
Elon Musk doesn’t spend his whole day on hair loss blogs or reddit. Maybe he doesn’t even care. You have good solutions for teeth today, but most of people still walk with bad teeth.


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Elon Musk doesn’t spend his whole day on hair loss blogs or reddit. Maybe he doesn’t even care. You have good solutions for teeth today, but most of people still walk with bad teeth.

