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Re75 said:I'm not making an argument as if to say cancer is somehow a lesser evil than hairloss. That's ridiculous. But its presence isn't necessarily going to be solved by taking almost no focus for other things like FM. Right now as it stands the research for FM, and public effort to push it to a realization, seems almost standstill beyond these test trials. And even with the limited resources, places like Intercytex are having some success, imagine if it was truly put into an urgency with more funding and the medical world decided to seriously solve it. The problem is right now FM is not looked on as important, that's why there's just Follica and Intercytex. It's because so many people downplay losing their hair and settle for less, and that's bullshit. As far as I'm concerned this is the only mortal coil I have and once I shuffle off there is no more life, ever. And to be completely morbid day in and day out with an uneccessary torture that can be solved twice as fast with modern technology but isn't...that's just absurd.
Do you seriously want to argue the case that a cure for cancer is closer than to a perfected form of FM? And somehow there is no justification for stepping up money and resources for FM because it might have gone to cancer??? Does that mean they shouldn't have spent billions of dollars on an atom smasher and instead used it for cancer research? If it wasn't likely that FM could be finished with a little more urgency I wouldn't make the argument. I mean, how long do you think it would take for FM to be a reality if a few billion dollars were poured into the research and tests? Smaller things that can be solved are also important, along with huge obstacles like deadly diseases.
This is our life, right now. If you want to settle that FM has to take the backseat, then it will probably be ready for the next generations, when we're old and have "one foot in the grave", that's the bottom line.
I never said FM had to take a back seat to other diseases but at the end of the day we still only know so much about hair loss and the human body and that goes for HIV/Cancer/other debilitating diseases. I won't lie it sucks losing my hair at this age especially when my Dad will still have more hair than me ten years from now but guess what? It happens. The reason I am hesistant because how many times have we said we are close to a cure and more importantly how long? Besides you know how much I would love to have see my Cousin still be alive or at least had to not die as painfully from AIDS?