Women talking about what they find attractive in men


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its confidence... and its probably best that you dont smell and such.


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But, seriously, that thread proves a point that many people on here are always trying to make. If you dress nice, smile, and actually talk to women instead of merely trying to sex 'em and leave 'em, you'll have a far greater chance of success with the opposite sex.


Good to know, to bad I'm a 21 y/o virgin recluse with zero social skills thanks to nine years of living in hell on Earth.

But still, yay, I guess, maybe I'll get an ugly chick at least, if she's desperate. OMGWTFBBQYAY!!!! :hairy: :hairy:


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Now if only Merck can produce a drug that'll help me become a good conversationalist....


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my girlfriend told me today, after finding out I was on finasteride, that she wouldn't care - she likes me for me not my hair!! had an idea it was like that anyway but it's nice to hear


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its a proven fact women like personality, confidence, and physically they like eyes the most.


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lain said:
its confidence... and its probably best that you dont smell and such.

I dont agree that its "confidence", I believe its overall personality. My last girlfriend seemed to love the fact I was very mopey and withdrawn :?

Its very annoying to read people saying that bald guys dont have a chance. It always comes from the people with hardly any or no experience with the opposite sex. It can be quite depressing if someone new to the forum reads all those posts.

Bottom line, yeah going bald sucks, id prefer to keep all my hair, but there is no way it is going to cost you the important things in life. Though for guys who are just looking for a quick shag with some equally shallow female, then you might feel like balding is costing you what you believe to be important

if that makes sense...

Just my opinion of coarse


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My girlfriend told me just the other day that she finds bald men sexy. She said her dad is bald and he is one of the sexiest men alive (in a non-sexual way of course). Due to the fact, I would assume, because he was a good provider and father. He also most likely is a real man. What I mean by that is he could fix the car when it broke down or fix the toliet when it broke. Those type of things are very important and sexy to a woman. Some people who visit this website on a regular basis have to grow up and work on being a man instead of a sissy. I'm not talking sh*t, but some of you need to seriously grow up.


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A) the article says No Baldness.. No baldness could mean a little bit of a receding hair line, or maybe a little baldness on the top... going bald and having no baldness is a bit different

b) My girlfriend told me every guy goes bald so who cares

c) no matter what women I am with if I am bald and a bunch of good looking guys walk into the room that aren't bald. I am not going to feel good and always think about them having hair.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
khan said:

Pretty interesting...good find man.

It would be interesting to know how old these women are. If you were 23 and balinding it won't help you much that 48 year old women don't mind hairloss. Even at my age in the early 30s, most guys have full heads of hair, so you are seriously hampered in your efforts when all things being equal, she'll pick the guy with hair over the balding guy.


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f*** women, my hair is for me. :shock:


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Things were worse when women where dying to hook up with metrosexual boarderline gay guys from a boy band, but they have finally come around and realized that these guys where nauseating to be around for more than a few minutes. Its back to.... make them laugh and they will let you play around with there nether regions.


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abcdefg said:
its a proven fact women like personality, confidence, and physically they like eyes the most.

While those are very valid points, and I know some totally bald guys, even with horseshoe pattern with women, I think each time it was money compensating. I don't know how much dating experience many of you have, but I've learned that women don't necessarily like what they say they like. It's more important to observe their actions than to listen to their words. Every time I go out, the guys with hairloss tend to be without women, and the guys with great hair tend to be with women, except on boats, where it's a millionaire on his yacht, then he's surrounded by women half of his age.. Actions speak louder than words.


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stampede said:
powersam said:
kalbo said:
Now if only Merck can produce a drug that'll help me become a good conversationalist....

haha awesome. what would they call it?

Coccaine :lol:

We have a winner! :lol: