Women talking about what they find attractive in men


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the bottom line is you cant get too hung up on this hair stuff or even looks in general. Do they help yes they do with certain girls, but like all things there is no cut and dry answer everyone is different. Unlike guys there is more variety in what girls like. Do what you can to save your hair, and just be yourself.


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Polish said:
in my country is proverb ; man has attractiveness in his wallet

Hmm. Not in my experience.

I am far, far, FAR better off than some of my friends (sorry for boasting :oops: ), I've got a nice car, watch, clothes, etc... but they're a lot better with women than I am :)

I suppose if I was seriously rich, it might be different, but for most people it's not a factor I don't think.


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Money is just a bonus. It does'nt compensate for any characteristics physical or personality wise.


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its very sad some people thinking money as an atractive thing. I know a lot of people thinking like this.

Clearly the majority are women and some that i know go further on saying they sorry to be married just because the husband is poor. Others said that they wouldnt go on relationship with men without good future and ambition.

They should be ashamed and be cursed with relationship with their own hand and pillow only!


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Can you im agine what anightmare dating women like that would be like ? "buy me this! buy me that! I want this!"

You have to face reality, that if you go out to a bar, you'll usually see the single women with full headed single guys. The bald guy isn't going to have an equal shot, unless it was some kind of "yacht" club, and then it's because of money. C'est la vie. There are exceptions of course, but it sounds like you don't have much game, so you are kind of screwed.

stampede said:
Polish said:
in my country is proverb ; man has attractiveness in his wallet

Hmm. Not in my experience.

I am far, far, FAR better off than some of my friends (sorry for boasting :oops: ), I've got a nice car, watch, clothes, etc... but they're a lot better with women than I am :)

I suppose if I was seriously rich, it might be different, but for most people it's not a factor I don't think.


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Well, in western nations, a lot of women are like that. Not all, my gf doesn't care too much for money, though I'm sure if I were making minimum wage, it probably would impact whether she would have dated me at all. But I drive a piece of sh*t car, the exhaust rattles, she doesn't care, whereas other women in the area wouldn't date me for the reason that it's not a BMW, Mercedes, Lexus or Infiniti...

I know guys that have been dumped or divorced merely at the prospect of losing their job. I know guys who continue to work in fields they hate solely b ecuase they make a lot of money a nd their wives are used to the lifestyle. Not the way to live life.. Then again, I know unemployed guys whose wives actually provide for them. I'm sure that's rather rare.. I'm sure in the majority of those cases, it's because they love bad boys and want to "change" him type deal.

So reality is, if you were wealthy, and attractive, you'd do better with women. We don't live in a communist utopia, so unfortunately these things really do matter.

IBM said:
its very sad some people thinking money as an atractive thing. I know a lot of people thinking like this.

Clearly the majority are women and some that i know go further on saying they sorry to be married just because the husband is poor. Others said that they wouldnt go on relationship with men without good future and ambition.

They should be ashamed and be cursed with relationship with their own hand and pillow only!


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recboi said:
Can you im agine what anightmare dating women like that would be like ? "buy me this! buy me that! I want this!"

You have to face reality, that if you go out to a bar, you'll usually see the single women with full headed single guys. The bald guy isn't going to have an equal shot, unless it was some kind of "yacht" club, and then it's because of money. C'est la vie. There are exceptions of course, but it sounds like you don't have much game, so you are kind of screwed.

Well who wants women like that? Face the reality. Womens alone on a bar waiting for men is ominious.

Hans Gruber

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there are women out there that will love you for you,dont judge them all by your own standards


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You cant generalise women everyone is different. :roll:
But I have to say that women do care more about the material things in life, houses, furnishings ect. But wether they actualy put them above all other things is another matter. I own my own house and have spending money in the bank but I dont see the women flocking to me. :oops:
Infact I know some goodlooking women with deadbeat partners who cant hold down a job and rely on them to bring in the money.


s.a.f said:
You cant generalise women everyone is different. :roll:
But I have to say that women do care more about the material things in life, houses, furnishings ect. But wether they actualy put them above all other things is another matter. I own my own house and have spending money in the bank but I dont see the women flocking to me. :oops:
Infact I know some goodlooking women with deadbeat partners who cant hold down a job and rely on them to bring in the money.

Well, I guess these guys are goodlooking and have a full head of hair.....


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Taugenichts said:
s.a.f said:
You cant generalise women everyone is different. :roll:
But I have to say that women do care more about the material things in life, houses, furnishings ect. But wether they actualy put them above all other things is another matter. I own my own house and have spending money in the bank but I dont see the women flocking to me. :oops:
Infact I know some goodlooking women with deadbeat partners who cant hold down a job and rely on them to bring in the money.

Well, I guess these guys are goodlooking and have a full head of hair.....

Actually yeah I suppose they are. :oops:


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Taugenichts said:
s.a.f said:
You cant generalise women everyone is different. :roll:
But I have to say that women do care more about the material things in life, houses, furnishings ect. But wether they actualy put them above all other things is another matter. I own my own house and have spending money in the bank but I dont see the women flocking to me. :oops:
Infact I know some goodlooking women with deadbeat partners who cant hold down a job and rely on them to bring in the money.

Well, I guess these guys are goodlooking and have a full head of hair.....

Plus they are badboys and provide lots of drama. many women, especially younger ones, prefer drama to stability.


Yeah, CCS´s theory where he claims that all women just want men with money to marry them is total bullshit. Many of them dream of a "romantic lover" who offers them some challenge and adventure.

Bald Dave

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I've said it once and I'll say it again. All the women I've spoken to don't care about guys losing their hair! Infact some find it rather sexy! Its not the hairline women look at, its the Face! If you have got a normal size nose, normal sized ears and good teeth then you are okay looking!

Alot of guys here are blaming their failings on their hairloss! I have been balding for the past 4 years and not one women has commented on my hairloss. I've got loads of friends who are women and when they describe their perfect partner they say:- funny, nice personality, good job (not neccesarily a millionaire), nice eyes, tall etc. They never mention hair!

We all need (myself included) to focus on our social skills rather than our hair to get a girlfriend. We want to keep our hair but if we lose we lose it! We need to learn to accept it and move on with our lives!

Bald Dave

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Just for the record I had a hair cut yesterday and I had it cut shorter than usual! Anyway, I couldn't help but notice lots of girls in my office saying how nice it looked and that it really suited me! It makes me realise that hair isn't everything and I probably am better looking without hair!


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Bald Dave said:
Just for the record I had a hair cut yesterday and I had it cut shorter than usual! Anyway, I couldn't help but notice lots of girls in my office saying how nice it looked and that it really suited me! It makes me realise that hair isn't everything and I probably am better looking without hair!

All of the women I'm friends with said to me they didn't even notice my hair loss when I mention it.

Oddly enough, with my receding hairline I've been asked to show ID when I went to a R-rated movie once last year (I was 22). Some clerk at a store mentioned how I looked 16 even with loss.


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Wow, that's cool. Maybe you guys have other good traits that make you look younger.

Bald Dave

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Same here! The other day when I went for my medical, I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor (bearing in mind my hair was long with no concealer and you could see I was balding from a mile away) the receptionist said that I only look 18 and people that come in for medicals are usually older. I said that I am nearly 26 and she said wow you look young for your age! I've always had a baby face which is probably why I look young!