The fact of the matter is that a lot of guys can get laid. Maybe not every guy, there's always a few poor souls who are just hideous enough to not make the cut, but most can with some looks effort and self confidence.
The problem I see with a lot of guys, is that they are not a stud, who can get away with near murder and still shred the hot girl they want, because their margin for error was so high, because their looks bought them that said margin.
Guys with average to below average looks are on a f*****g tightrope if they want to get that hot girl, and most can't walk it, and it's a long way down.
The hotter the girl I'm trying to get with, the less mistakes I can make, until finally just the way I say hi combined with my 6 month old shoes disqualifies me. I can't get 8.5+, I just don't have the margins. Hell, even 7.5's are a monumental task, I had better be on my sh*t that night.
Point is, it's the knowing that we're on the thinnest of margins, that cause this distress with guys who don't look like male models.
While us with women, is a yes or no affair, will I f*** you or won't I, and virtually no matter what you do or say is not going to change that in the end, bottom line.