Worse Going From A 8 To 5 Or 5 To 2?


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I went from a 4 to a 2. I was disregarded by women and mocked by my peers before, now I got the same, only 10x times worse. I'm treated like a leper and an outcast.

It'd been worse if I had been a 6. Going from average to hideous is the worst that could happen to you.

What a surprise. You were good-looking before and you stayed the same even with the "procedures" paid by your parents.

And to think of all the stupid assholes here who considers you a sort of role-model.

Perhaps you should of made better career choices. Maybe even a time machine for your mother so she could of been impregnated with better genes.

So much envy and self piety over those financially and physically superior. Seek psychiatric help.

Shookwun: mechanical maintenance on the biggest excavators/shovels in the world


Dante: menial paper pusher with a master's degree :D



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I was an 8.

Now that I'm a 5 in most situations doesn't make a diff cuz I'm treated like a 2

There is a narrow window of women attracted to me shaved

But I don't like looking like a giant blahhhhh

yeah but you are 55 of course you are not going to be an 8 at 55

I say this at 45 so I am not judging its just a reality..you can be an 8 compared to men in your age group.

But you are not going to be an 8 compared to men in 30s even 40s.

you have to factor in how much is hair loss vs the aging process.

SOME of these guys are in 20s going from 8 to 6 or 5 to 2.

They are not getting prime years.


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Because American women have ridiculously high standards.

because most women in USA are capable of being financially independent.

the ones that are not will usually settle for men not that attractive.

asian and latin women (in 3rd world countries) LOL MOST of the time you are taking care of these women even if they are still 'working' you are giving them a roof over head.

I know a lot of people from Latin American and the hotter ones tend to be from middle class and higher income families and they are just as picky if not PICKIER than North American women and their families are very protective of them. The young women when clubbing tend to have male cousins, brothers etc with them. This may have changed but that is how it was just 25 years ago even in Miami when from S American good, wealthy or comfortable families.

My Dad lives in Central America he can get a hot 18 year old if he wanted--my Aunt visited him and she was amazed how the young women try to flirt with my 80 year old Dad because he owns a big house and lives very comfortably.
Keep in mind this is a country where people in poverty send their 4 year olds to pick garbage all day to make 1 or 2 dollars so they can eat. So I am not even judging them that hard but its stupid to think these women are not motivated by survival not emotion.

The ones living in poverty if they are not 'good girls' IE protected by family, highly religious people--yeah you can get them and they will settle for old and ugly for $$$.

BUT you can get the same thing in USA, its just an illusion US men tell themselves when they go to 3rd world poverty countries. Its still about being a 'beta provider' in trading for looks vs $$ and or status.


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because most women in USA are capable of being financially independent.

the ones that are not will usually settle for men not that attractive.

asian and latin women (in 3rd world countries) LOL MOST of the time you are taking care of these women even if they are still 'working' you are giving them a roof over head.

I know a lot of people from Latin American and the hotter ones tend to be from middle class and higher income families and they are just as picky if not PICKIER than North American women and their families are very protective of them. The young women when clubbing tend to have male cousins, brothers etc with them. This may have changed but that is how it was just 25 years ago even in Miami when from S American good, wealthy or comfortable families.

My Dad lives in Central America he can get a hot 18 year old if he wanted--my Aunt visited him and she was amazed how the young women try to flirt with my 80 year old Dad because he owns a big house and lives very comfortably.
Keep in mind this is a country where people in poverty send their 4 year olds to pick garbage all day to make 1 or 2 dollars so they can eat. So I am not even judging them that hard but its stupid to think these women are not motivated by survival not emotion.

The ones living in poverty if they are not 'good girls' IE protected by family, highly religious people--yeah you can get them and they will settle for old and ugly for $$$.

BUT you can get the same thing in USA, its just an illusion US men tell themselves when they go to 3rd world poverty countries. Its still about being a 'beta provider' in trading for looks vs $$ and or status.

That's some of it in my opinion, but not all of it. I don't know if I'd say that American women as a whole have ridiculously high standards, but NY women certainly do. And this is despite there being something like a 1.8:1.0 ratio of women to men in the city - the laws of supply and demand would seem to dictate that women should be LESS choosy in this case, but they are actually MORE choosy.

I have decent success even with NY women, but all I know is that literally ANY time I am around a girl from another state - and even more so another country - the way they act around me is completely different than how NY women act. They will openly stare, smile, and approach you whereas NY women will rarely do the same (even just the eye contact/smiling part to let you know that it's safe to approach).

I'll never forget this story: when I was out with my mom one day when I was 30 years old, we walk into a diner and there is a family on line to pay their bill who were clearly tourists - probably from Maryland or some such. All blonde and blue/green eyed. There were about 4 girls age 16-20 in the group, and when I walked in they literally couldn't stop staring at me. And I was a MESS that day - hadn't shaved in a week, had a cap on and shitty clothes. Yet they made their interest abundantly clear. Good luck getting a similar reaction from ANY NY girl even on your best day lol.

There is definitely a cultural/behavioral difference between NY women and women from other US states and countries, and it is very much to their detriment imo. Both myself and literally every single one of my male friends have commented on how much easier it is to pick up girls in other states/countries than it is here in NY. In many/most cases, they will actually approach you rather than vice versa. And not all of my friends are super good looking or anything.

I can't tell you how many times I'll be out in the city, and the girls who are making their interest obvious (holding my gaze, smiling, purposely moving closer to my group etc.) end up being from another state/country. NY women simply don't do this to anywhere near the same degree. They will not make anything obvious, and will not attempt to make anything easier for you as a man. And I am a good looking guy by all accounts.


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how about going from an 8 to a 3? that's the situation I am in. In my twenties I was an eight. With hair loss, my large bulbous temples, big forehead and scar would bring me to a 4-5. The bags and wrinkles under my eyes, bloated face and gyno from finasteride will bring me to a 3-4.

When I first started posting here, @Dante92 was glad and felt I deserved this. I don't think he feels that way anymore getting to know me.


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Yeah, I definitely don't. I even apologized and backtracked.

I remember and I appreciate it. You're a kind soul. It f*****g pisses me off people like you have to deal with this f*****g sh*t.


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You guys that were hot stuff full heads

Now that you are an invisible 5

Would it have been better to not have ever been used to the female attention

I am fairly convinced that I dropped from a 6/7 to a 4/5 because of thinning + receding. Another Norwood lost would win me another -1.
Social life changed completely. I really don't want to experience more devaluation because boy, it's so hard.


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I'm sorry too, but it's not like I can do anything to prevent it. I can only learn ways to cope and deal with it.

I fail to understand why someone doesn't just buy a big island, or thousands of acres of land and develop it into a community of people who want to get away from this generic, watered down bullshit societies. We could invite who we want, and have severe rules for mocking and bullying. We could fish, hike, kayak, have bonfires and just live in piece. Rule number 1 - never, ever comment on someones hair. lol


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yeah but you are 55 of course you are not going to be an 8 at 55

I say this at 45 so I am not judging its just a reality..you can be an 8 compared to men in your age group.

But you are not going to be an 8 compared to men in 30s even 40s.

you have to factor in how much is hair loss vs the aging process.

SOME of these guys are in 20s going from 8 to 6 or 5 to 2.

They are not getting prime years.

Ever since I became an "adult " (turned 18) I've been dealing with hairloss

No idea what it feels like to be a normal adult


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Ever since I became an "adult " (turned 18) I've been dealing with hairloss

No idea what it feels like to be a normal adult

Hair loss sucks at any age BUT I would rather it now at my age than have had it in my 20s and 30s..I feel like i was spared...of course it still sucks and will suck if it continues to get worse and I have to start to wear a wig or weave--i will have to probably make serious changes in my life and lifestyle to do to that kind of switch so I hope I will not ever have to BUT at least I had a normal adult life in 20s and 30s and really really fantastic life experiences without thinking about something so mind boggling and demoralizing as premature hair loss.


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That's some of it in my opinion, but not all of it. I don't know if I'd say that American women as a whole have ridiculously high standards, but NY women certainly do. And this is despite there being something like a 1.8:1.0 ratio of women to men in the city - the laws of supply and demand would seem to dictate that women should be LESS choosy in this case, but they are actually MORE choosy.

I have decent success even with NY women, but all I know is that literally ANY time I am around a girl from another state - and even more so another country - the way they act around me is completely different than how NY women act. They will openly stare, smile, and approach you whereas NY women will rarely do the same (even just the eye contact/smiling part to let you know that it's safe to approach).

I'll never forget this story: when I was out with my mom one day when I was 30 years old, we walk into a diner and there is a family on line to pay their bill who were clearly tourists - probably from Maryland or some such. All blonde and blue/green eyed. There were about 4 girls age 16-20 in the group, and when I walked in they literally couldn't stop staring at me. And I was a MESS that day - hadn't shaved in a week, had a cap on and shitty clothes. Yet they made their interest abundantly clear. Good luck getting a similar reaction from ANY NY girl even on your best day lol.

There is definitely a cultural/behavioral difference between NY women and women from other US states and countries, and it is very much to their detriment imo. Both myself and literally every single one of my male friends have commented on how much easier it is to pick up girls in other states/countries than it is here in NY. In many/most cases, they will actually approach you rather than vice versa. And not all of my friends are super good looking or anything.

I can't tell you how many times I'll be out in the city, and the girls who are making their interest obvious (holding my gaze, smiling, purposely moving closer to my group etc.) end up being from another state/country. NY women simply don't do this to anywhere near the same degree. They will not make anything obvious, and will not attempt to make anything easier for you as a man. And I am a good looking guy by all accounts.

Most women in NYC are relocated from outside of NYC so I am confused by this conclusion you have come to.

*well I am really thinking more north Brooklyn and manhattan I guess*


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how about going from an 8 to a 3? that's the situation I am in. In my twenties I was an eight. With hair loss, my large bulbous temples, big forehead and scar would bring me to a 4-5. The bags and wrinkles under my eyes, bloated face and gyno from finasteride will bring me to a 3-4.

When I first started posting here, @Dante92 was glad and felt I deserved this. I don't think he feels that way anymore getting to know me.
You don't go from an 8 to a 3 just by losing hair. Either you were never an 8 in the first place or you're exaggerating the downfall of your looks. Bloated face, wrinkles and gyno all from a weak drug such as finasteride, right.

Seems to me you just got old, fat and stopped taking care of yourself and rather blame it on finasteride than yourself.


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You don't go from an 8 to a 3 just by losing hair. Either you were never an 8 in the first place or you're exaggerating the downfall of your looks. Bloated face, wrinkles and gyno all from a weak drug such as finasteride, right.

Seems to me you just got old, fat and stopped taking care of yourself and rather blame it on finasteride than yourself.

i think its both

like me, buck seems to be an extreme responder to finasteride. we all know gyno sides exist, but the wrinkle thing happened to me in the sense it caused my hormones to crash and made me look and feel like sh*t. looked like a f*****g drug addict. awful sleep, face was a mess. sh*t really messed with my hormones

of course letting yourself go doesnt help either, im guilty of doing this myself recently

but those sides are real man, however rare they may be


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I am fairly convinced that I dropped from a 6/7 to a 4/5 because of thinning + receding. Another Norwood lost would win me another -1.
Social life changed completely. I really don't want to experience more devaluation because boy, it's so hard.
Send me pics in pm boyo I will redpill you and send you mine aswell.


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i think its both

like me, buck seems to be an extreme responder to finasteride. we all know gyno sides exist, but the wrinkle thing happened to me in the sense it caused my hormones to crash and made me look and feel like sh*t. looked like a f*****g drug addict. awful sleep, face was a mess. sh*t really messed with my hormones

of course letting yourself go doesnt help either, im guilty of doing this myself recently

but those sides are real man, however rare they may be
finasteride doesnt do this kind of damage its all in the sleep I think. It changes your sleeping patterns and you sleep less more anxious.

If you get enough sleep you should be fine.

It's not all on the drug.

It's also on our shitty lifestyles


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Most women in NYC are relocated from outside of NYC so I am confused by this conclusion you have come to.

*well I am really thinking more north Brooklyn and manhattan I guess*

I'm talking native NY'ers (folks who have been here >10 years and/or those who had their formative years here) compared to tourists and out-of-staters. Believe me, the difference is stark. You (and I, I guess, since I'm 39) are from a different generation, so I don't think you would have noticed it back in the day, because NY women weren't always like this - even I remember a time when NY women were far more approachable, open, and at least made their interest known if you took that first step (looking and/or smiling). But in the last 8-10 years? There is certainly a difference between NY women and other women. It's a cultural/generational thing. All of my friends have noted this independently at various times, so it's not just me.

Put it this way: I can almost immediately tell whether a woman is a native NY'er by the way she interacts and talks with me. I'm almost never wrong. There's a reason for that.


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finasteride doesnt do this kind of damage its all in the sleep I think. It changes your sleeping patterns and you sleep less more anxious.

If you get enough sleep you should be fine.

It's not all on the drug.

It's also on our shitty lifestyles


if finasteride can crash your hormones, you r gonna look and feel like sh*t.

no matter how good your sleep, i would wake up looking like an 80 year old man

sh*t is real

no doubt lifestyle will f*** you too, but not nearly as much as what finasteride did to me


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if finasteride can crash your hormones, you r gonna look and feel like sh*t.

no matter how good your sleep, i would wake up looking like an 80 year old man

sh*t is real

no doubt lifestyle will f*** you too, but not nearly as much as what finasteride did to me

How and why does this crash occur ?

I felt like sh*t crashed a couple of weeks ago.

I slept and I feel fine now 1 week after