Me too! I never show or talk about my rage to anyone, but I remember specifically one incident where I'd had too much to drink and for some reason spilled all to my "friends" (they're not my friends anymore). I didn't hold back and told them my hair loss makes me so angry I want to kill someone or myself. Needless to say, these people didn't talk to me ever again.
Me too! I never show or talk about my rage to anyone, but I remember specifically one incident where I'd had too much to drink and for some reason spilled all to my "friends" (they're not my friends anymore). I didn't hold back and told them my hair loss makes me so angry I want to kill someone or myself. Needless to say, these people didn't talk to me ever again.
I remember seeing similar diagrams after the elliot rodger shooting...
Thing is, it's misleading because he killed more men than women.
I've never been ripped, I've always been skinny or on the skinnier side. I have paler skin than most. I got teased as a kid for having big ears (looks like my head grew into them though). I wear glasses. I don't give a sh*t about any of those things.
However my hair loss gives me a psychotic f*****g rage.
Diffuse loss might look good in the initial stages but it's the worst type of way to suffer. Hair never looks good, unmanageable and looks like crap.
Tell me about it. I never complained about any other aspect of my appearance. Hell, I even joked about some of the other negative parts of my appearance. When I gained some weight, I joked about it. I even joked about my long hair calling myself a "metalhead freak" or my ponytail a "freak flag". But this hair loss, gives me a psychotic fuckin rage as well. We are not asking for much and we're not asking for something that we never had. We just want something that was taken away from us due to our messed up genetics. If I had my hair back, I wouldn't be complaining about any other part of my physical appearance. Just like I never did in the past.
I cant deal with thinning hair on a women. I will be honest though.
Not attractive to me at all.
Would rather the women wear a wig.
I would reject a solely because of this.
I was with a chick as an FWB who had thinning hair.
I wasn't particularly fond of it. my hatred towards hair loss made is hard to accept someone else with the very same trait I despise.
I have been with girls with tiny tits, weak chins, flat asses, lazy eyes, hooked indian noses... and nothing compares to HAIR. None of these single traits bugged me
Hair is everything in someones beauty.
friend with benefits.What's an 'FWB' ??
Exactly. Some people would say us wanting our hair back is vain. How is it vain?! Is it not vain when we get treated poorly because of our hair loss?
She will tell you that you're vain for wanting hair in one breath and then in the next breath she'll tell the cute guy with hair standing next to you that he's beautiful.
He will tell you that you're vain for wanting hair and then he'll use his hair-created attractiveness advantage over you to get the attention of any woman that might be paying attention to you.
The people with hair do not understand or care about our hair loss problems. They care about getting the potential mates they want and not having to deal with the potential mates they do not want. And they will say anything. There aint no right or wrong to it. That's just how it is.
I cant deal with thinning hair on a women. I will be honest though.
Not attractive to me at all.
Would rather the women wear a wig.
I would reject a solely because of this.