Yeah hairloss kills your chances


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HairPieceMan said:
it makes perfect sense, we are f***ed.

being a NW1 is everything.

HairPieceMan said:
just becuase your a guy and you looka little off due to balding you make the assumption we are totally f***ed, this id not true

errrrm, contradicting yourself much??? :laugh:

My point is you have to be confident and impress your interesting personality on girls, you can't just stand by the bar all night like a chump, clutching your alcoholic drink, hoping the hot girls will for some reason notice and approach you... or else like you say, the only alternative will be the overweight girls, many good-looking guys often resort to this fat girl method too, when they get rejected a few times, have no chat and their confidence is broken.


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HairPieceMan said:

you're acting like the ONLY peeople that go out to a bar are the attractive ones.

i wonder what fat girls do, or girls that only look "ok", they must never go out then.

just becuase your a guy and you looka little off due to balding you make the assumption we are totally f***ed, this id not true, since fat girls still go out in public gatherings including that of a bar or nightclub, i have seen large girls in bars/club, they look 10x worse than bald guys.

you need to man up!

at least unnatrac tive girls dont have a "man up" strategy, they are just at the bottom becuase of their looks.
Oh please dude, now you are bitter about gender roles?
Yes, men need to have the initiative.

Ugly women can still go to the nightclubs. In such a big sausage fest, sooner or latter, some guy is going to talk to them after they got rejected by the hot girls. And they can even be picky, there is enough supply

I still keep that many of you were just pretty boys and are just realizing the roles that looks play in socialization. And I say its not as bad as you make it sound

I learned pretty young that clubs are not an option for me. At least not trendy clubs, I've been luckier in more rock/alternative clubs, but the ratio of men to women is worst and the girls are not usually models, but I know my standards.

Yes, some unattractive males can be very lucky in clubs, but you are talking about guys with amazing social abilities


Yeah, club isn't a good place to meet women for a potential relationship (90% of the time it will be girl for one night), whether you're NW6 or NW1. I'm sorry to say that, but bald (i mean bald, not just shaved NW1s) men probably have no chance to pick up the hottest girls. It is because in the club you have great competition, and hottest girls that come to the club are pretty vain, so they are likely to search for a best looking guy out of that competition. And a best looking guy does not equal a bald guy, when there are a lot of NW1s around, probably looking better than you. Of course a man can compete using his confidence, but a bald man is likely out of competition, no matter how confident he is. She will choose the most confident good looking non-bald guy.

Baldies have a hard time meeting women in the clubs, but I definitely think that they have a chance to meet a normal hot woman in normal circumstances. It's just that women in the clubs are getting crazy, and they start to think differently, and looks are 90% that matters then.


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I don't think it's an impossible task for a bald guy to go into a club an attract hot women by any means, but he has to display confident high value social behaviour, the kind of behaviour that is attractive to females and most importantly he has to not fear rejection, especially rejection from females who are turning him down purely on the basis of his hairloss.

It takes a Norwood with a steel mentality and unshakable confidence to pull this off, not easy by any means, but I do still see it happen occassionally, and as far as i'm concerned if the most socially inept and effeminate of bald dudes, Neil Strauss, can manage to pull it off, then there's definitely room for improvement for most baldies if they so wish to stay in the bar/nightclub game.

uncomfortable man

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I don't go out to bars alot but I remember one time that I did, this bald guy probably late twenties/early thirties walked in by himself tried to order a drink and got totally ignored by the bartender, which then he proceeded to post at some table in the corner. What was crazy was no body wanted to be near him (and this was in a crowded bar). It was like there was this isolation force field around him and it didn't take too long before he just got discouraged and left. It was sad to watch.


Hah, and of course you assume that it happened because he's bald :mrgreen: I'm sorry, you're getting ridiculous, you think that every bad thing happens because of baldness, and that everyone looks at you on the street and run a mile from your bald head because it's so disgusting. You're paranoid.

This guy could be I don't know - a pedophile or someone else with a bad reputation. I don't see a reason why would the people run from him just because he's bald. That's just funny :mrgreen:

uncomfortable man

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TravisB said:
Hah, and of course you assume that it happened because he's bald :mrgreen: I'm sorry, you're getting ridiculous, you think that every bad thing happens because of baldness, and that everyone looks at you on the street and run a mile from your bald head because it's so disgusting. You're paranoid.
It wasn't just his baldness alone it was his whole demeanor. He was just very awkward.

This guy could be I don't know - a pedophile or someone else with a bad reputation. I don't see a reason why would the people run from him just because he's bald. That's just funny :mrgreen:
Right because everyone has the whole pedophile database memorized by heart. That's a good one. And nobody was running from him they just didn't want to go near him. He was avoided.


No, he could be just someone known by the local people that were in that bar. Or maybe he smelled, I don't know. But I'm 300% sure that it wasn't because he's bald.


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Ummm, hello! Walking into a bar by yourself and expecting to strike up immediate conversation with random strangers is a very risky manouevre, it's the kind of thing professional pick up artists would do as a challenge to deliberately handicap themselves and see how far they can go, not something any normal civilian should try.

The guy completely tooled himself from the very beginning, I don't know how anyone could be surprised he got ignored by everyone.

The moment you walk into a bar or nightclub your social value in the eyes of those around you, plummets rapidly if you just stand there by yourself drinking at the bar. It sends out very negative social signals to everyone and you will repel men and women regardless of your appearance.

Contrast this with say, the bald dude who walks in with two female acquaintances from work. His social value will be high because he'll be there chatting away, enjoying himself and his accompanying female friends will attract more girls towards him instinctively because they will perceive him as a high status man who commands lots of female attention.

Perception is reality, it's very simple.


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face it, it's over for us, we are bald, we are fucked.

we should live in social isolation, or movecountry and wear a hairpiece.

it is the only way we will be accepted in society.

UCMan is right, peopel do NOT want to associate themselves, with a bald man, they tend to avoid them socially, they don't want to be seen with a bald man, he is a like a fat girl.

also what i meant on teh other page was that we are not TOTALlY fucked, we can still get fatties/ugs, we acn still enter the arena, making assumptions such as we can't go out to bars and you will be destroyed is BS, we can still go for lesser attractive females since we are lesser attractive males.


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maybe if we were black it would be ok

but adopting a ully bald look on a young adult caucasian means we are basically the ultimate fuckup


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HairPieceMan said:
face it, it's over for us, we are bald, we are f***ed.

we should live in social isolation, or movecountry and wear a hairpiece.

it is the only way we will be accepted in society.

UCMan is right, peopel do NOT want to associate themselves, with a bald man, they tend to avoid them socially, they don't want to be seen with a bald man, he is a like a fat girl.

also what i meant on teh other page was that we are not TOTALlY f***ed, we can still get fatties/ugs, we acn still enter the arena, making assumptions such as we can't go out to bars and you will be destroyed is BS, we can still go for lesser attractive females since we are lesser attractive males.
Dude, that is some really creepy stuff you are writing.
Seriously, most of you sound like a bad body-switch Hollywood movie

About the bald guy at the club
That is the same thing that happened to me when I was young, and I had enough hair to sell for wigs.
A chump alone at a bar is the most pathetic thing you can see in those places. Unless you are a male model, or again, have amazing social skills, going alone to a trendy club is a recipe for disaster. Hair or no hair.
Other trend I noticed is that lone losers ended up gravitating towards each other

I think you should move to other potential scenarios, because clubs are brutal even for fairly attractive men


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that's nto true,

many men go to bars alone and try to pickup girls, its REALLY common

but the social cues of a bald guy alone versus a NW1 standing at the bar are VERY different.

you have ot admit it IS different.

dont pretend it makes no difference.


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honestly i once saw a NW6 30 year old on a bench ALONE, eating a fish supper.

it was THE MOST depressing thing i have ever seen.

maybe if he was alone with a NW1 i woulnd't think anythign of it.

but the social cues are very different wiht his clipped down NW6.

no one says anything but people are thinking "that is a shame" on him.

and feel sorry for him.


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HairPieceMan said:
honestly i once saw a NW6 30 year old on a bench ALONE, eating a fish supper.

it was THE MOST depressing thing i have ever seen.

maybe if he was alone with a NW1 i woulnd't think anythign of it.

but the social cues are very different wiht his clipped down NW6.

no one says anything but people are thinking "that is a shame" on him.

and feel sorry for him.
Over reacting.
I've said it a couple times already, but before I started losing my hair I barely noticed hair loss in other people. The exception was my father's baldness, still it lasted a couple of months. I didn't really noticed he had lost all of his crown until I started worrying about my hair loss

I understand women and attractiveness, but you people seriously over react. Specially with the crap about society.

Check the list of all current US governors and tell me how many are bald. Now compare the number with women or minority governors and tell me bald people have it that bad


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the world is against us becuase we are bald and not black.

balding @ 20 is a FUCKERY to someones life

the worst fate ever.

balding at 40 is at least normal and socially aceptable

also its not acceptable to be fully bald unless your black.

horshoe ring bald is ok for senior citizens

difuse thinners are ok for middle aged men, but life doesnt end at 50 (imo)

my life was over before it began.

thank f*** for the hairpiece industry, it has saved me.

saved me from a life of social ridicoule and my worth as a man being literally destroyed in most social situations (not just women).


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also that is BS about peope not noticing balding men

the reason why balding actors waer hair is becuase if a man is balding he is percieved to be socaillly LOWER than other men.

even articals online have said, balding men tend to play side kicks, socail jokes, or villians

people who are WRONG, and perecived NEGATEIVELY in society.

this is how the world views baldness patterns (NW3-6) or whatever.

why then did sean connery not show a balding pattern for james bond, reason is becuase people woudl react negatevely to it.

becuase it is a social BAD THING.


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HairPieceMan said:
honestly i once saw a NW6 30 year old on a bench ALONE, eating a fish supper.

it was THE MOST depressing thing i have ever seen.

maybe if he was alone with a NW1 i woulnd't think anythign of it.

but the social cues are very different wiht his clipped down NW6.

no one says anything but people are thinking "that is a shame" on him.

and feel sorry for him.

Just out of curiosity, how did you know he was a 30 year old? I'm not getting at anything here I was just wondering.


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just a guess really, i assume he was a NW6 at 30 at least, maybe he was 40 something, but it isn't too hard to assume he would be liek that at 30.

either way the social cues were the same

he had that "forever alone woe is me" type dark cloud above his head.

it wan't by his facial expressions or anything it was just by the fact that he was bald.

if someone took a photo of him in black and white it would be in some art museum under "alone forever" vibe type thing.