Maybe I wen't a little overboard with a "starving children" comparison. Whoever said they're concerned about "reality" is the lives of many in developing countries. Go live in one for a while and you might gain a new perspective.
I also didn't mean to come across with an attitude that nobody should worry or complain, as that absolutely wasn't my intention. I also wouldn't be on here if that were the case. This is an excellent place to vent frustrations, thoughts, concerns, etc. I didn't intend to demean anyone's problem or concern.
I do, however, want to help people gain a positive outlook which I sure as hell hope, if not all, would prefer over the self defeatist misery throughout this thread. It seems those with a lighter outlook, like myself, can quickly be written off with a number of excuses or "he has it better because.." responses. It seems that no matter what some post, others don't want to gain any glimmer of hope and would prefer to assume the absolute worst.
If you wan't to assume my story of me getting women as of late is because my hair must not be that bad, that's fine. I'll send anyone a picture who desires to show you otherwise.
How does one explain Neill Strauss? Well, you can't, because I'm not sure it fits anyone's logic in this thread. He in itself should be proof that most of the theories floating around in here are unfounded.
I posted forum to show the new lease on life bald men can have. Yes, we're talking about younger NW4/5's as well. Read their stories, see the women they date, and be impressed. It will counter theories in this thread. <---here's an 8 page thread of multiple women saying bald guys are sexy, confidence is more important, etc. another ... g-bald-men a response to balding men written by a WOMAN. A myriad of other positive responses lie below hers
I could post these for days. Sure, there are a few women in all of these that say no, but we know that comes with everything in life. Again, my intention is to encourage and provide hopefulness. I'm not here to patronize anyone. We're all in this together.