Yeah hairloss kills your chances


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"I think bald men are sexy! I even like the ones that are balding! Rawr!"

is this some joke, balding is a turn on? christ.

also on the plenty of fish link

if baldness is soo damn sexy and awesome almost always then why do we have girls ignoring bald guys on dating sites, bald men put pictures of themselves when they had hair then without hair and nothing happens when he's bald, but with hair he gets messages.

yes i realise online dating is not the same as regular dating but it at least counts to show that at a looks point of view (without showing personality) it has a pretty big impact.

also as they said it depends how you look, but a good 50% of caucasians NEED hair to remain somehwat attractive, or somethign liek that, and things get worse as they get older imo.

uncomfortable man

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Didn't read all 8 pages but I read enough.

First, whenever a guy asks women if bald men are sexy on the internet, most women assume it's bald by choice, followed by typical beauty pageant responses.
Second, of the fewer women that make the distinction between genetically bald vs. shaved admit to preferring the latter.
Third, the ones who actually do find men with male pattern baldness and shave sexy are in their late forties to mid fifties.
Then you have the honest ones who come out and say genetically bald guys aren't sexy at all.


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dudemon said:
Oknow said:
...So, what happens when your looks fade with age?..divorce?...

Actually, yes, that is what a lot of women want when their hubby becomes not so hot looking anymore. (ie - fully bald) But, men also do the same when their lovely wife gets fat. BTW, I have known many women who did just that - in my own family even.

Well, then you have to ask yourself, was that woman worth being with?

Within my family collectively, we do not have this obviously these women you know are EXTREMELY shallow.


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dudemon is right.

we have MANY documented examples where men are in LTR with girls for 5 years and she leaves him becuase of aggresive hairloss.

and also many documented examples where a guy had hair and did well in dating scene, then went bald and does terribly, he said nothign has changed other tha him being bald 5 years later.

also peopel have mentioned girls look at bald guys with caps with a :) expression, then once you take off the cap its a :shock: expression.

also i dont see this as being shallow, if you don't want to be with someone you aren't attracted to then thats ok for me, it makes sense, a lot o bald men feel that they are on the same attractiveness level as a large woman, while that DOES hurt emotionally it is kindof true on a pure looks basis.

at the end o the day both parties want to be attractive and "appealing" to the opposite sex but in terms of aggreseive male pattern baldness in caucasians it is near on impossible to have true sex appeal for most of us, almost any other guy with hair looks 10x better than us, and they are ALL over the place!


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dudemon said:
dudemon said:
Oknow said:
...So, what happens when your looks fade with age?..divorce?...

Actually, yes, that is what a lot of women want when their hubby becomes not so hot looking anymore. (ie - fully bald) But, men also do the same when their lovely wife gets fat. BTW, I have known many women who did just that - in my own family even.
Well, then you have to ask yourself, was that woman worth being with?

Within my family collectively, we do not have this obviously these women you know are EXTREMELY shallow.

Oknow - Let me ask you this question:
Why do YOU start a thread (this one) that says, "Yeah, hairloss kills your chances," and then you argue to the contrary with EVERY single person here who agrees with your inital post? I'm confused... :dunno:

You know what I don't dispute that bald guys have it harder when trying to get a girl, but the way you talk about guys with hairloss and women after they have got the girl is insane. You paint such a bleak picture in the sense that if you don't have hair, the girl will no longer be with you, because all girls are the most shallow things to walk this world. When A LOT of girls also lose their looks with age, and more importantly like us, they are not all shallow. You just need to pick the right one.

Anyways, the women in my family did that are not so uncommon, not as much as you'd like tho think. Sorry, but they are quite the norm.

I have also known women who worked 9-5 in warehouses in a low paying job, who have dumped or cheated on their bald hubbies and bf's (who happened to be rich sugar daddies, BTW) - for good looking studs (with a full head of lush hair) who they they worked with in the warehouse - guys who made min wage. I asked these women why they did this, and they admitted that it was all about them not being attracted to their (bald) hubbies and bf's anymore because the hairloss was a big "turn-off" for them. It was a loss of physical attraction in other words. So the "confidence is everything" argument would have gone right out the window in these cases, and couln't have been more wrong.

However, just like in my family, where the women are shallow, I tend to think they are not so uncommon. Most women won't admit they are that shallow and will try to sound "pc" when asked, but they aren't really revealing their true feelings. Their actions will speak otherwise. If you were to watch some of the women who said "bald is sexy" online, I'd bet that 75%+ of them would never date a bald man in their lives -even if their lives depended on it! They would find umpteen reasons to reject them OTHER than the hairloss, but the real reason is the HAIRLOSS! You could bet your life savings on it!

The link to the "bald guys are sexy" blog that some of you have been debating on the female comments on here, is case in point to exactly what I am saying here. In other words, the females say "bald is sexy" online and in online chat rooms, but their real actions in life says otherwise. How do you explain that?

The answer lies in the axiom, "Don't believe everything you read online." Don't be so gullible!

And, BTW, there is a HUGE difference between "bald by choice" vs. "bald as damage control."

Ok here is one as an example:

My brother is a captain for Emirates airlines, bald, has a family and his wife has not cheated on him. She is also quite hot too. From your logic, because he is a NW6, she should have left him for a younger NW1 guy. They have been together for 10+ years. She has seen him go progressively bald during that time and has recently given birth to their 3rd child.

That is just one example. But go outside, you will see plenty of older couples where the guy is bald and the woman is a cougar.

And from my knowledge, our very own UCMan is in a LTR.


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dudemon said:
Oknow said:
Ok here is one as an example:

My brother is a captain for Emirates airlines, bald, has a family and his wife has not cheated on him. She is also quite hot too...

You mean: "She hasn't cheated on him that you know of *yet* anyways." She will - just give her more time! :mrgreen:

If she was going to cheat on him, it would have happened by now. He has had aggressive hairloss for a while.

If anything, she is more paranoid about him cheating on her :woot:


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ah FFS a white NW5 has a hot gf and she is worried he will go out on the night out in the town and pick-up a new hotty in the club easliy.

some posts on this forum are absolutely hilarious.

one post

"you are screwed if your bald, women reject me 98% of the time)

next post

I know a guy NW6 white looks sh*t has hot GF she is worried he might get a new Hot girl tonight he is a playa.

im not disputing either cases, i just have discovered in this forum and likely others there is a massive conflict for women , where people say you have no chance to it makes no difference.

it's amazing we- as men- have still not found out whether women actually care or feel about baldness, and how much of a disadvantage it is on the dating scene.


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HairPieceMan said:
it's amazing we- as men- have still not found out whether women actually care or feel about baldness, and how much of a disadvantage it is on the dating scene.

It varies, but one thing im 100% sure: same guy will get less attention if he was nw5 rather then nw1. to what extant your asking? well this is where all the confidence/money/head-shape/style/game/personality/social-status and more factors come into play.

there are 2 bald men i know and used to go out with, one is a social monster, he has something like 2k on his fb account, but his bald head doesnt fit him very well, he gets rejected by almost every women he knows (they enjoy his company, but hes not "good enough" to have sex with) other guy, bald, short (shorter then HPM) but f****r's a chav-hat-prisoner with HUGE ego and gets ton of pun from that slutty-moron type of women...


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i have a funny story

i went to london to get a new hairpiece, and on the train home i met a drunk girl.

i had long hair, like johnny depp, it was on loose, a hairpiece.

she was showing me interest and I said to her the following

"do you like guys with long hair"

she was like "sure"

then issaid

"do you like guys with short hair"

she said sure

then i said

"do you liek guys wit NO hair"

and she said no it totally repulses me, i'd never be with a bald man

i mentioned vin diesel to her, she said she didnt fancy him AT ALL.

she was 100% against the idea of a bald man, not even vin diesel was good enough, she just hates seeing the scalp i guess.

she was in her mid 30s and was about 6/10

it was suprising, she said she just cound't bring herself to do "it" with a bald man.

not all girls are like her but i suspect a good number are.

uncomfortable man

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I reckon they are. Plus she was under the influence of the "truth serum". Otherwise she may have given you some PC BS response (especially if you were bald when you asked her the question).


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i think her judgements were overly harse.

just like if a guy is drunk he will say "fat women are worthless" quite easliy.

yet 5 years down the line he marrys a fat women becuase he's desperate or whatever.

truth is he probably is't THAT bothered by it, and she isnt THAT bothered by it, its just the alcohol mkes her say things she feels a little bit about bald men and makes it appear far worse than it is.


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HairPieceMan said:
i think her judgements were overly harse.

just like if a guy is drunk he will say "fat women are worthless" quite easliy.

yet 5 years down the line he marrys a fat women becuase he's desperate or whatever.

truth is he probably is't THAT bothered by it, and she isnt THAT bothered by it, its just the alcohol mkes her say things she feels a little bit about bald men and makes it appear far worse than it is.

You have to be careful of dismissing such truth serum responses.
When sober, people will consciously try to think differently, but underlying it all, the subconscious feelings remain...

uncomfortable man

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HairPieceMan said:
i think her judgements were overly harse.

just like if a guy is drunk he will say "fat women are worthless" quite easliy.

yet 5 years down the line he marrys a fat women becuase he's desperate or whatever.

truth is he probably is't THAT bothered by it, and she isnt THAT bothered by it, its just the alcohol mkes her say things she feels a little bit about bald men and makes it appear far worse than it is.

Why are you defending this b**ch HPM?
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Wow, dudemon.

Here's what I've gathered from this thread:

- all bald men are destined to a life of unattractive, average women
- examples of bald men with beautiful women are either untrue or not acknowledged
- if one finds a woman and loses his hair over time, she WILL cheat on him because of his hairloss
- no woman truly finds a bald man attractive
- all NW1's are superior in the dating world

anything else?

uncomfortable man

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hairlosshippie said:
Wow, dudemon.

Here's what I've gathered from this thread:

- all bald men are destined to a life of unattractive, average women
- examples of bald men with beautiful women are either untrue or not acknowledged
- if one finds a woman and loses his hair over time, she WILL cheat on him because of his hairloss
- no woman truly finds a bald man attractive
- all NW1's are superior in the dating world

anything else?

Dudemon has had an unusually rough life which has indeed tainted his outlook but that doesn't mean that the kernel of truth is absent. He may come off as absolutist but as anything in life there are exceptions... but that's just what it is an exception.

Still waiting on that PM HLH.... :whistle:


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hairlosshippie said:
Wow, dudemon.

Here's what I've gathered from this thread:

- all bald men are destined to a life of unattractive, average women
- examples of bald men with beautiful women are either untrue or not acknowledged
- if one finds a woman and loses his hair over time, she WILL cheat on him because of his hairloss
- no woman truly finds a bald man attractive
- all NW1's are superior in the dating world

anything else?

this is totalyl true.

think abou it some NW5 in the bar chattingn up some girl then some thick NW1 barges in (and there are LOTS of NW1s) totally takes her away.

i can see this happeing ALL THE TIME.

it makes perfect sense, we are fucked.

you'd feel totalyl fucked all the time if you have a pretty girflreidna dn your not a NW1 yourself.

being a NW1 is everything.


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also my brother married a 4/10 woman in his mid 20s, he is balding.

most people ijn society assume if your balding your going to have to go for unnatractive women, not exaclty WARPIGS, but they at least assume it, it would be outwith normality for a balding man to be with a 6+ woman, im not saying it doesnt happen, but you have to aknolwdge that we are VERY disadvantaged in the dating scene, as proven with scitifically studies on dating sites and such, your just much less attractive balding tbh.

almost everyone knows it, but no one says anything.


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You guys know there are other ways of meeting women then going to a bar, right? And when I say other I mean BETTER.

Not directed at anyone in particular, I just see bar scenario come up more than any other, and quite frankly I never had much luck meeting interesting women at bars even with a full hairline. Maybe that's just me, though.


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AoR said:
You guys know there are other ways of meeting women then going to a bar, right? And when I say other I mean BETTER.

Not directed at anyone in particular, I just see bar scenario come up more than any other, and quite frankly I never had much luck meeting interesting women at bars even with a full hairline. Maybe that's just me, though.

No, you're absolutely correct, any man whether they be a NW6 or a NW1 should not bother going to bars or nightclubs with the sole intention of meeting women, unless they have 100% confidence in themselves and an infallible belief in their ability to attract the opposite sex.

It is by far most ruthless, cut-throat environment to meet women in. If your ego can't take a few harsh insults and female rejections, then stay at home and go to salsa or drama club instead (imo much better, non-threatening environments to meet new women)

Not directing this at anyone either, just making the point that you have to be incredibly thick-skinned for that stuff because in a loud, drunken environment, people can be very cruel.

Some other guys will pick on whatever your physical defect is and gladly humiliate you in public if it means amusing a girl or getting her attention. You have to be ready and prepared to out-alpha these pricks, then and only then, you will reap the rewards.


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you're acting like the ONLY peeople that go out to a bar are the attractive ones.

i wonder what fat girls do, or girls that only look "ok", they must never go out then.

just becuase your a guy and you looka little off due to balding you make the assumption we are totally fucked, this id not true, since fat girls still go out in public gatherings including that of a bar or nightclub, i have seen large girls in bars/club, they look 10x worse than bald guys.

you need to man up!

at least unnatrac tive girls dont have a "man up" strategy, they are just at the bottom becuase of their looks.