Yesterday I saw this guy while sitting in the train....



Yesterday while driving home, listening to my ipod and Norwood spotting I saw him.

Damn, he was a still a teenager, maybe 17 years old or even younger and he was already a NW4. Life can be so brutal.....Apart from that he was short, fat and not good looking. This rarely happens but I really felt superior to him!


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This feeling of superiority is not uncommon. There should be a scientific name for this. Maybe we can call it the 'Taugen Effect'.

It is often the same feeling that someone else has with a full head of hair when they notice your recession/thinning.

For the sake of your well being you should stop the Norwood spotting.


powersam said:
taug dont be an ***


feeling superior to some random person that you saw on a train because of thier appearance is pathetic.


Why I shouldn´t feel superior him? I am taller, have more hair and a better body. I am definetly better off. This doesn´t mean that I wish him anything bad or was glad to be superior to him. I felt sorry for him.


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ok i guess i'll have to put this very plainly. YOU ARE NOT SUPERIOR TO HIM.

the traits one is born with, including both physical and mental, simply add up to ones abilities not ones worth. what you are saying is akin to racism but directed at a different attribute. if you do not think its right to think yourself better than someone because you are white rather than black, why would you think it is right to think you are better than someone because you are taller or have more hair than someone.

actually i find this attitude disgusting. have tried to help you in other threads but this kind of thinking is simply appalling. you don't want girls to want you less because you have less hair but your happy to look down on others who have less than you?

and that is just based on what you observed about somone on a train for whatever miniscule amount of time you observed him for. he may have just solved remonts equation while sitting there on that train but your superior to him because you may 'in your opinion' look better physically?

you dont need to work on your appearance, its your attitude that needs more help than i could ever possibly give.


Taugenichts said:
Why I shouldn´t feel superior him? I am taller, have more hair and a better body. I am definetly better off. This doesn´t mean that I wish him anything bad or was glad to be superior to him. I felt sorry for him.

taller so what

better body- aren't you anorexic like ibm?

and i bet that guy isn't a virgin. or if he is he will lose it before your age.

i wouldn't trade places with you any day. just giving you the same stuff you gave that guy.

the sick thing is that guy probably has more confidence than you do even with all the physical flaws that you perceive he has. you are incredibly insecure so you project to feel better about yourself.


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lets say tauge looks better then that guy so wouldnt that make him superior to him in that aspect?
its not like he ment anything bad or made a bad comment or was acting like an *** to him he was just using that fact to make himself feel better about himself and that my freinds is something WE ALL do maybe many times not in purpose and without any bad intetions
so stop being so self rigthous

and tauge- NO you are not superior to that guy in general but yes some people are much uglier then you


roki, there's nothing wrong with using that to feel better about yourself. but making a post saying that he felt superior to him is kinda ridiculous.


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JayMan said:
roki, there's nothing wrong with using that to feel better about yourself. but making a post saying that he felt superior to him is kinda ridiculous.
i find it a nice thing that he is sharing with us and i dont think its anything not normal and im sure that we would get alot of fuckd up stuff if everybody shared here everything they,no reason to attack him for being honest especially when he didnt hurt anybody


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yeh leave the guy alone

He was feeling insecure and feels better about himself after seeing some poor soul

As long as taug didnt hurt the doods feelings, no harm done, and everyone is happy


So, it looks as if I am the only one comparing himself to other people and feeling superior to some of them..... :roll:


maybe , maybe not, i dunno. but i do know that you're the only one to post about it that i remember.


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I'm superior to you because I'm not posting how I feel superior to somebody on the internet.

Er, actually. Damn.


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yeah, leave the guy alone. You guys just don't like the idea of a guy like Tuag feeling all smug and superior when he looks at your hairlines. :lol:
If that makes his day, God bless him.


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Taugenichts said:
So, it looks as if I am the only one comparing himself to other people and feeling superior to some of them..... :roll:

Feel SORRY for the other guy because you can empathise with his problems. Feel more POSITIVE about your own situation compared to what he is going through at his young age.
Use him to see that your own situation is not as bad as it perhaps could be and use this to give you a happier outlook about things.

just my point of view.

Do you feel that those with more hair than yourself are justified to feel a sense of superiority over you?!


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Taugenichts said:
Why I shouldn´t feel superior him? I am taller, have more hair and a better body. I am definetly better off. This doesn´t mean that I wish him anything bad or was glad to be superior to him. I felt sorry for him.

I've learned never to feel bad for anyone, because they cannot possibly get laid less than I do. I bet that guy gets laid on a regular basis, thus I wouldn't feel bad for him at all.


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Man, there's loads of girls out there for you!
get a smile on your face and a spring in your step (fake happiness if you have to) and hit the bars.