
Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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No, my dht is messed up since last year. It started to lower again in the last blood test but still on the male range


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what is the male range for dht in ngdl?
prior to hrt my dht after a year on dutasteride was 22 ng dl wich i think is low(?)


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what is the male range for dht in ngdl?
prior to hrt my dht after a year on dutasteride was 22 ng dl wich i think is low(?)
The male range of DHT on my lab is from 17.5 ng/dl to 91.3 ng/dl


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yeah...I would not trust chinese sellers and their powders if you don't have easy means of verifying those powders with the help of a lab. Also, enzalutamide doses are in the mg range i.e very very small. You would need to accurately measure each dose if you don't wanna die of liver failure
I mean, you could always test melting point by yourself, if really determined. But overall i agree.
Not if you supply your body with constant E levels between 250 pg/ml and 450 pg/ml. These doses will keep your T in castrate range, and would even have cytotoxic effects on your balls down the line since E is poisonous to male testicles in high doses.
Cytotoxicity usually reveals itself when cancer cell proliferation already started, which is not a common case with E and testies. In most cases E just changes protein synthesis a little bit, as well as fat and collagen in tissues, which are all pretty much reverisble.
If the whole purpos of suppressing LH is to suppress T, and you have no issues taking E, then go with E. Less medication, the better
Less medication ins't always better tho. For example, progesterone is recommended with E for some transfems, because progesterone can antagonise E by taking its receptor and induce proliferation made by it, which is pretty important if you have cardiovascular issues, or predisposition to cancer for example.
What i meant to say is that safety is by far the most important when managing your HRT, not the amount of medications, or their cost. Most of the peeps here just refuse to understand this, because they are dirt poor (JK). =)
Regarding GNRG agonists. Its simple, they are just the safest way to avoid messing with unhealthy E amounts of more than 250pg/ml (which are unnatural for human beings if they aren't pregnant).


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If one wants less medication the only path to follow is unironically surgical orchi, without balls you can use very low e2 levels just not to get menopause. This is not a choice everyone would pick but that is the one i choosed. It also saves a lot of money in the long term


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If one wants less medication the only path to follow is unironically surgical orchi, without balls you can use very low e2 levels just not to get menopause.
That, or you might as well consider hair transplant.=)
This is not a choice everyone would pick but that is the one i choosed. It also saves a lot of money in the long term
I honestly grew to respect that, and kinda consider myself tbh. Being a eunuch seems kinda cool =)


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That, or you might as well consider hair transplant.=)
Actually no money for it but even if i had it hair transplant only mask the issue. You need to first halt hair loss
I honestly grew to respect that, and kinda consider myself tbh. Being a eunuch seems kinda cool =)
Yeah being an eunuch is not bad


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Serum DHT does not matter as much as follicular DHT, which the latter is made inside the hair follicle and does not appear in blood tests

I guess the best thing someone can do to ensure complete DHT destruction is Dutasteride + Bicalutamide
Yeah that is why i take 1 mg dutasteride and bica 3 times per week. I want to keep the dht at bay