Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)
Clearly a NW7 wouldn't get a full, thick head of hair from a hair transplant. But they could be helped by the creation of a hair line and *something* in the frontal third. Likely it would be thin and they'd never have enough to fill their crown...
Re: 21 - MODEL GETTING hair transplant. YOUR THOUGHTS! (PICS)
The point of waiting until your older is to determine where your hair loss is going. This guy has lost nearly all of his hair. There's no mystery about how advanced his loss is going to be, so there's no point in waiting. They can give him a...
lol /\
Firstly, I have no issues with hair transplants in general. In fact, I'm a good candidate for one and very near taking the plunge myself. Nor do I think this guy recieved a bad result or made a poor decision. My comments are soley about your god-awful advice, not this case. So please...
So, I've been considering a hair transplant for a few years. I keep convincing myself to wait another 6 months, get a better idea of where my hair loss is going, maybe something new will come out, etc. I've seen a lot of pictures of young guys who have knee-jerk reactions to "omg fix it now."...
Those short, pale, weak hairs in your thinning areas become cosmetically useful when ALL your hair is that length. I love my buzz cut. Also, super easy to take care of.
We don't have to proof there ISN'T a correlation, you have to prove there IS one. Jesus, it's like people who think jerking off is the cause of male pattern baldness insist on arguing backwards. Something isn't true unless it's proven false, it's false until you prove it true.
No, what we have is an absolute...