Hey everyone,
I used to post here years ago and I had some moderate success but for one reason or another fell off the wagon and stopped my regimen, except for Nizoral.
So now I am back and I am using Rogaine foam twice a day, 5mg Finasteride Rx'd by my doctor, and Progaine shampoo 5 times a...
Eating grapefruit or drinking its juice is a bad idea generally with taking meds.
Even hairloss gurus suggest it is not safe...
Can grapefruit/grapefruit juice be harmful when taking Propecia?
Strangely enough, yes, it can. Drinking grapefruit juice to wash down the oral doses of...
I have kept quiet about my opinions of your posts for some time, but to post as though you are an authority, especially with a username that sends some message of alleged knowledge you should really be more careful.
A quick search on the net will tell you that...
I have seen reports of a "metallic" taste in the mouth. Be sure you do not apply it after a shower. The scalp is too raw and you may absorb it too much.
If your avatar is any indication jimothy, I would ask the girlfriend to take a cosmotology course or two before she comes at you with the scissors again. :lol:
I think back hair proves there is no such thing as intelligent design...
But you should just go get a back wax.
It might hurt, if you are sensitive, but over time it will make the hair shaft weaker, hair thinner etc.
Good luck.
What I have heard----
Urinary dribbling is commonly a condition that occurs in men that are experiencing changes in the size of their prostates as they age.
Some of these changes can be harmless, but it can be a sign of a more serious problem. If it is just incidental, it can still be...