21 Years Of Finasteride/ Dutasteride ( Since 1998, Duta Since 2002).


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Thanks for your reply ! I really appreciate it .
About progesterone first think is to tested. Like you said is a natural 5-alpha reductase Inhibitor but is also an aromatese Inhibitor .
In a male, when DHT goes up estrogen goes up and vice versa. When one goes down the others goes down, in part progesterone regulate this. Is like a ying/yang DHT and estrogen .

So, with Duta and finasteride DHT is reduced by a 70% estrogen increase at least a 20 % ! how the body can not be fucked by doing this ?

I use oral micronized progesterone cause here, in Argentina, the cream is not available. But if you have the cream, check your levels and then, if they are not in the top, give it the cream a try, it is easy to regulate the dose than the oral form. I will check my progesterone levels next week to see how the oral progesterone affected them.
I never knew progesterone is an aromatase inhibitor. Does that mean taking it will ruin your hair? People's responses to progesterone, both health wise and hair wise, have been quite mixed as far as I read. A theory (in female)is that if you have estrogen dominance progesterone will help your hair. If it is the other way around it will ruin it. A poster on the other forum take it in replacement of finasteride and got thickening. Some other people claim it burns their hair away. So I guess just like when messing with any other hormone anythung could happen.

I would be interested to know your response to progesterone, since our problems are somehow similar. Please keep us updated.

BTW I see that you are looking into some experimental treatments. My advise is to stay away from them at least until your body gets better. I have been there and those black market chemicals can do more damage than you think, even when used topically.


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Too bad there are no topicals nearly as effective as oral finasteride, and the topicals that do show promise go systemic anyways. If you forego oral finasteride in favor of a topical route, your topical route may soon be a hair piece.

RU58841, but if it does manage to go systemic you could possibly die from heart failure from blocking androgens in the heart.


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I never knew progesterone is an aromatase inhibitor. Does that mean taking it will ruin your hair? People's responses to progesterone, both health wise and hair wise, have been quite mixed as far as I read. A theory (in female)is that if you have estrogen dominance progesterone will help your hair. If it is the other way around it will ruin it. A poster on the other forum take it in replacement of finasteride and got thickening. Some other people claim it burns their hair away. So I guess just like when messing with any other hormone anythung could happen.

I would be interested to know your response to progesterone, since our problems are somehow similar. Please keep us updated.

BTW I see that you are looking into some experimental treatments. My advise is to stay away from them at least until your body gets better. I have been there and those black market chemicals can do more damage than you think, even when used topically.
I had zero progesterone levels, love test was not even available to Measure it so my idea is to simple get normal progesterone male levels, you can not use progesterone without test your before, as nobody should use anti aromatase or anti 5-alpha reductase without meassure each hormone you will increase or inhibit .


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lol, you will loose more than hair ;) . Go the damn topica route !!!!!!!!
I don't care about my libido, I don't even want children in the future. I just want my hair and topical solutions are not comfortable because it's hard to apply the lotion on hair longer than 2 cm and get wet hair for the next couple of hours.

The Baldy Man

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RU58841, but if it does manage to go systemic you could possibly die from heart failure from blocking androgens in the heart.

Yes there is that but I am assuming you do not recommend it since it is a sketchy grey market experimental chemical made who knows where in China and therefore potentially more dangerous than an FDA approved drug like Finasteride.


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How has your hair been all these years of f*****g your dht? At least one good thing came out of it right? Good hair?


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Just my two cents, but he is on so many medications it seems impossible to put together what may be happening.

Low T can be fixed through a doctor.
High cholesterol can be fixed by a doctor.

If i was in his shoes i would dump all the medications and go only on finasteride, trying to keep it simple. An increase in DHT might be OK and better for him.

Have a doctor do T and cholesterol improvement. I can't believe a doctor couldn't get a DHT level check in Argentina.

One other factor that nobody discusses enough is the body weight of the patient. Being overweight and going on some of these drugs is close to suicide. People read posts and assume many things, when not enough is known about the poster. I am not meaning him in particular but you have to admit that there are factors beyond just the medications themselves.

It's also possible a poster has a condition outside of the hairloss medication affecting his readings.

BTW if he truly has very low T he may not even need finasteride at all anymore. Unfortunately not getting DHT levels means not knowing the effect of going off of it. I assume it is extremely low now but had he initially got it done it would be easy to see what it falls back to by comparison.


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OP, i wonder how is your body weight? Did you notice significant fat gain?


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Just my two cents, but he is on so many medications it seems impossible to put together what may be happening.

Low T can be fixed through a doctor.
High cholesterol can be fixed by a doctor.

If i was in his shoes i would dump all the medications and go only on finasteride, trying to keep it simple. An increase in DHT might be OK and better for him.

Have a doctor do T and cholesterol improvement. I can't believe a doctor couldn't get a DHT level check in Argentina.

One other factor that nobody discusses enough is the body weight of the patient. Being overweight and going on some of these drugs is close to suicide. People read posts and assume many things, when not enough is known about the poster. I am not meaning him in particular but you have to admit that there are factors beyond just the medications themselves.

It's also possible a poster has a condition outside of the hairloss medication affecting his readings.

BTW if he truly has very low T he may not even need finasteride at all anymore. Unfortunately not getting DHT levels means not knowing the effect of going off of it. I assume it is extremely low now but had he initially got it done it would be easy to see what it falls back to by comparison.

Labs here don't test DHT, is not a doctor thing. I have no idea why, they simple don't considering it something important, guess they follow the Merks theories.

About Testosterone is not that easy, if you supplement testosterone you will loose fertility and I still want another child. Plus is not a testicle problem, since when I used clomid my testosterone goes more than double. My cholesterol after I changed Dutasteride every day for 2 per week and since I was available to up my testosterone with aromasin is in normal range now. But, again, I have no family history of high cholesterol and My training diet is a one that will not give high cholesterol, plus it dramatically change just a month after I started dutasteride in 2002.


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How has your hair been all these years of f*****g your dht? At least one good thing came out of it right? Good hair?

Yes, like I tell, if it don't matter to you f*** your whole body, dutasteride is the "cure ". By the way it was receding and cause family history, I should be a norwood 7 before 23-25 . I am still a big norwood 2 and I am 39 . If some med can do the same than dutasteride does in a topical way, that will be the "cure" .


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Yes, like I tell, if it don't matter to you f*** your whole body, dutasteride is the "cure ". By the way it was receding and cause family history, I should be a norwood 7 before 23-25 . I am still a big norwood 2 and I am 39 . If some med can do the same than dutasteride does in a topical way, that will be the "cure" .

Obviously no way of knowing but do you think finasteride would have kept your hair just as well after all these years? Also did you notice more growth when you switched to dutasteride or did it remain the same?


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Obviously no way of knowing but do you think finasteride would have kept your hair just as well after all these years? Also did you notice more growth when you switched to dutasteride or did it remain the same?

1) Impossible to say . I don't know .
2) No, not really . But again, my problem was, and it is, the hairline, on the "dead zone" it is really hard ( if not imposible ) to growth hair, even if you cut your balls. Also, I never used finasteride alone ( well, only 3 month on 1997 but I left minoxidil but that time, before the internet era :) ) so I can tell how much I keep for minxodil and how much for dutasteride or finasteride. I used tons of things ( like topical flutamide ) but since 1998 the basemen of my treatment was minoxidil and finasteride/dutasteride that combination frozen my hairline. I must also say that minoxidil, the first thing I use on 1996 for 8 month showed to me that it worked, but I was so young to understand it . I think that minoxidil is better than most people think, if you don't respond you should try minoxidil sulphate ( since is the "active" minoxidil ). There are a lot of wrong theories of minoxidil, than with time it not longer work or that it do not work for the hairline, etc.


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Some, but like I told, I train 5 times per week, like 7 or 8 hours per week of intense training. I am in best shape than most people at my age ( 39 )

I'm wondering if your low t scores and other might be a result of overtraining. I bet they would be better if you would take 2 - 3 weeks off (no hard traning, just make a 20 minute walk a few times per week if you absoutely must).

I'm your age and noticed that the recovery times are much longer than when I was 20 or 25. It would be an interesting experiment to see if your testosterone, dht and others improve.


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I'm wondering if your low t scores and other might be a result of overtraining. I bet they would be better if you would take 2 - 3 weeks off (no hard traning, just make a 20 minute walk a few times per week if you absoutely must).

I'm your age and noticed that the recovery times are much longer than when I was 20 or 25. It would be an interesting experiment to see if your testosterone, dht and others improve.

Thanks for your time.
I sleep 8 hours per day or so. And it is not professional training, I mean, to real low your test you must train a lot, a lot more, we are talking about several hours per day. We are talking about professional Athletes.

I posted a new study from 2015 double blind placebo ( actually finasteride vs tamusoline, but you can count tamusoline as a "placebo" ) showing that Finasteride as long time users, reduce testosterone . That is the problem, Merck always show side effects of short time users, 6 month, 12 monht 24 months. What about 10 years ? 15 years users ? With Finasteride you are messing all the hormone balance.


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Weird question....but has your semen consistency been affected? Ever since I've been on finasteride my semen has been more watery.


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1) Impossible to say . I don't know .
2) No, not really . But again, my problem was, and it is, the hairline, on the "dead zone" it is really hard ( if not imposible ) to growth hair, even if you cut your balls. Also, I never used finasteride alone ( well, only 3 month on 1997 but I left minoxidil but that time, before the internet era :) ) so I can tell how much I keep for minxodil and how much for dutasteride or finasteride. I used tons of things ( like topical flutamide ) but since 1998 the basemen of my treatment was minoxidil and finasteride/dutasteride that combination frozen my hairline. I must also say that minoxidil, the first thing I use on 1996 for 8 month showed to me that it worked, but I was so young to understand it . I think that minoxidil is better than most people think, if you don't respond you should try minoxidil sulphate ( since is the "active" minoxidil ). There are a lot of wrong theories of minoxidil, than with time it not longer work or that it do not work for the hairline, etc.

That's good but I would never use minoxidil. I would honestly rather get a hair transplant than use minoxidil. I have been using finasteride 1mg every day for a little over 3 years and I have a full head of thick hair, probably a Norwood 1.5. Maybe minoxidil isn't given as much credit but hair loss will definitely continue without finasteride/dutasteride so I think they are way more effective in the long term.

Congrats on your success man and remember to stay healthy.


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We are talking 20 years here. Most men in their 40's exhibit low testosterone and a decreased sex drive. Im not so sure if it's the hairloss drugs affecting that. You have merely gotten older....it's happens man...