21 Years Of Finasteride/ Dutasteride ( Since 1998, Duta Since 2002).


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You're the longest finasteride/dutasteride user I've ever heard of. The problem with dutasteride is that it unnecessarily blocks 5AR type 1 when it has been established that 5AR type 2 is the biggest factor in male pattern baldness. That might be one of the reasons it wasn't approved in most countries. Also, I don't think there is really a significant difference in effectiveness especially if you are just trying to maintain. There are also people who live with 5AR type 2 deficiency (normal levels of type 1 and they don't go bald) so we know finasteride is most likely very safe in the long term especially with the many studies on long term safety and effectiveness.

If I was a betting man I would say you would have maintained your hair with finasteride just as well after all these years. Why did you change to dutasteride after only 4 years anyway? Maybe it is time to switch back to finasteride because your health should come first!

Thanks for your reply. Cause Paranoia, I was only 23/24 years old I use tons, tons of thing. Keep in mind on 2002 we thought that will even reverse baldness.
Yes, using a low dose ( lower than 1mg of finasteride daily ) is another alternive, but since I can not meassure my DHT levels is hard to find the right dose. Anyway, I think I will just go topical. I have many hopes on the CTHR2 recepetor antagonist , even use it as oral.


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We are talking 20 years here. Most men in their 40's exhibit low testosterone and a decreased sex drive. Im not so sure if it's the hairloss drugs affecting that. You have merely gotten older....it's happens man...

Now, in fact, most don't . Also, I test it when I was 30 and it was already low. Also, check the study I posted, there they compare to tamusoline and it actually shows that finasteride decrease testosterone in long term users, while tamusoline don't . It is obviously, you can not f*** your hormone levels and don't have consequences . Also, depression, anxiety and really hard to ejaculate was a side effects since the begining, even with finasteride back in 1998.


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When did the depression and anxiety kick in and have you done anything to address it?


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That's good but I would never use minoxidil. I would honestly rather get a hair transplant than use minoxidil. I have been using finasteride 1mg every day for a little over 3 years and I have a full head of thick hair, probably a Norwood 1.5. Maybe minoxidil isn't given as much credit but hair loss will definitely continue without finasteride/dutasteride so I think they are way more effective in the long term.

Congrats on your success man and remember to stay healthy.
" hair loss will definitely continue without finasteride/dutasteride" Sorry, but That could be just brocience, in fact may be Minoxidil works in the cascade of hairloss, closer than Finasteride or dutasteride, if all the prostaglandines and CTHR2 receptors are right.

Since there are not long term studies comparing both in long term use, nobody really knows . I really think will go just topical, at least till fevipripant became available on 2019 ( yes, will experiment on me again ) if the studies done by allergan on sepitiprant are right ( we will know it in a year or so )


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When did the depression and anxiety kick in and have you done anything to address it?

Yes, I did. But again, remember that that was not a know side effects on 1998. Nobody talked about neurohormones but that time. I get a shrink and use Prozac and xanax, wich actually made sexuality things even worst so I stopped around 2005 .

Now FDA tell to Merck to include depression as an possible side effects . There was a reason why Glaxo never tested phase 3 in USA and the only reason are side effects of the inhibition of DHT. Imagine that they had the magic bullet, a drug much more effective than Finasteride as showed on phase 2 , long half life so they can sell a pill that is only need to take one time per week ! with even better results than propecia ! It is the perfect business thing or not ? Even so, they decided to not do it. They are not idiots, by 2002 the side effects where already know it.


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" hair loss will definitely continue without finasteride/dutasteride" Sorry, but That could be just brocience, in fact may be Minoxidil works in the cascade of hairloss, closer than Finasteride or dutasteride, if all the prostaglandines and CTHR2 receptors are right.

Since there are not long term studies comparing both in long term use, nobody really knows . I really think will go just topical, at least till fevipripant became available on 2019 ( yes, will experiment on me again ) if the studies done by allergan on sepitiprant are right ( we will know it in a year or so )

Don't know if you saw this but here is the 10 year Propecia study: http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/downloads/Rossi_Finasteride_10Yr_ 2011.pdf

"Side effects were observed on 5.9% (7) patients, but these effects were not age related (12–14). Some of the patients who experienced side effects did not drop out of the treatment because of perceived good results"

I feel like dutasteride sides would be way higher since 5AR type 1 is found in the brain and it is probably not too healthy for men to eliminate all DHT.

Overall, I think Propecia is safe and very effective for most (about 95% maintained or improved their hair after 10 years). So if you are planning on stopping dutasteride for health reasons give it a try.


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That's good but I would never use minoxidil. I would honestly rather get a hair transplant than use minoxidil. I have been using finasteride 1mg every day for a little over 3 years and I have a full head of thick hair, probably a Norwood 1.5. Maybe minoxidil isn't given as much credit but hair loss will definitely continue without finasteride/dutasteride so I think they are way more effective in the long term.

Congrats on your success man and remember to stay healthy.
Any side effects after using finasteride for 3 years?


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Don't know if you saw this but here is the 10 year Propecia study: http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/downloads/Rossi_Finasteride_10Yr_ 2011.pdf

"Side effects were observed on 5.9% (7) patients, but these effects were not age related (12–14). Some of the patients who experienced side effects did not drop out of the treatment because of perceived good results"

I feel like dutasteride sides would be way higher since 5AR type 1 is found in the brain and it is probably not too healthy for men to eliminate all DHT.

Overall, I think Propecia is safe and very effective for most (about 95% maintained or improved their hair after 10 years). So if you are planning on stopping dutasteride for health reasons give it a try.

Thanks, nice paper. Problem is, they do not meassure the androgens and estrogen levels and that is something that reduce the veracity of the study. The "sexual side effect " it all depend on how the question is done. For example, on the clinical trials of prozac they said that it did not caused sexual side effects, now everybody knwo that SSRI have sexual side effect as a main problem.

Let me put you an example , different question you can ask and all will have different answers
One think is to ask : " do you suffer any side effect " other is " do you suffer any sexual side effect " and other is " how many Spontaneous erections do you have and how many did you have it ? " " did you notice a change in the amount of semen on each ejaculation " " it became harder to ejaculate " " what about morning woods ? " It is really important how it is asked, again, the Prozac clinical trial were the main example on this .

Question is, why the hell they did not check the hormone levels before and after 10 years?


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Absolutely zero side effects. I went through a shed at the hairline in the beginning so that might count as one but it ended up all coming back thicker.
That's encouraging, do you think 0.5mg is good enough everyday?


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Yes, I did. But again, remember that that was not a know side effects on 1998. Nobody talked about neurohormones but that time. I get a shrink and use Prozac and xanax, wich actually made sexuality things even worst so I stopped around 2005 .

Now FDA tell to Merck to include depression as an possible side effects . There was a reason why Glaxo never tested phase 3 in USA and the only reason are side effects of the inhibition of DHT. Imagine that they had the magic bullet, a drug much more effective than Finasteride as showed on phase 2 , long half life so they can sell a pill that is only need to take one time per week ! with even better results than propecia ! It is the perfect business thing or not ? Even so, they decided to not do it. They are not idiots, by 2002 the side effects where already know it.

Are you doing anything now to address the anxiety and depression?


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Right now, not. From time to time ( may be one or two times per month, 1 mg of alprazolam, sometimes some zolpidem to could sleep, but nothing on daily ) .

Thanks for the response. I have kind of an off topic question but since you are a pharmacist I will ask. What do u think about the occasional use of trazodone for anxiety related insomnia?

Do any of these meds that u use (alprazolam, zolpidem, or trazodone) cause hair loss or shedding?


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Thanks for the response. I have kind of an off topic question but since you are a pharmacist I will ask. What do u think about the occasional use of trazodone for anxiety related insomnia?

Do any of these meds that u use (alprazolam, zolpidem, or trazodone) cause hair loss or shedding?

Not of the drugs you mention cause Hairloss. Trazodone is great, I did try it instead of zolpidem. The only problem I got after daily night use ( 100mg per night ) was impossible to get an ejaculation, was even hard with masturbation. It is really weird and if you google you will see that it is use it for premature ejaculation and is a common side effect. You are horny as hell, but you can not reach the orgasm .
Besides this, it is really good, is one of the few sleep medicines that actually increase REM and have a half life of 10-12 hours.

Give it a try, it increase libido on many people. If you don't ejaculate easily, trazodone could not be the right med for you. For all the 3 meds you mention, the one that gives better sleep ( REM sleep ) is Trazodone, then zolpidem and then alprazolam . For some people, even a low dosage as 25mg could help you with insomnia, for less than 100mg made nothing.


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Not of the drugs you mention cause Hairloss. Trazodone is great, I did try it instead of zolpidem. The only problem I got after daily night use ( 100mg per night ) was impossible to get an ejaculation, was even hard with masturbation. It is really weird and if you google you will see that it is use it for premature ejaculation and is a common side effect. You are horny as hell, but you can not reach the orgasm .
Besides this, it is really good, is one of the few sleep medicines that actually increase REM and have a half life of 10-12 hours.

Give it a try, it increase libido on many people. If you don't ejaculate easily, trazodone could not be the right med for you. For all the 3 meds you mention, the one that gives better sleep ( REM sleep ) is Trazodone, then zolpidem and then alprazolam . For some people, even a low dosage as 25mg could help you with insomnia, for less than 100mg made nothing.

Great information thank you. Can trazadone be used as needed (few times a month) or does it continuously have to be taken and loaded in ur system?


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Great information thank you. Can trazadone be used as needed (few times a month) or does it continuously have to be taken and loaded in ur system?
You are Welcome :) .
For sleep, Trazodone, can be use it as need it. As an antidepressant must be use it daily and at higher dosages. IN fact, going to try it today for sleep to check it If I use it once in a while can avoid the damn very very delay ejaculation .

If you try it , tell me if you feel a change in libido, that effect I started to note it with after the first night on Trazodone. The delay just after a couple of weeks of daily night use.


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You are Welcome :) .
For sleep, Trazodone, can be use it as need it. As an antidepressant must be use it daily and at higher dosages. IN fact, going to try it today for sleep to check it If I use it once in a while can avoid the damn very very delay ejaculation .

If you try it , tell me if you feel a change in libido, that effect I started to note it with after the first night on Trazodone. The delay just after a couple of weeks of daily night use.

I have a prescription from my doctor for trazodone. I'll let you know what happens if I try it. The only reason I haven't tried it is because I saw this dermatologists site that lists trazodone as a drug that can cause hair loss (http://www.hairdoc.com/appendix-2/).


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I have a prescription from my doctor for trazodone. I'll let you know what happens if I try it. The only reason I haven't tried it is because I saw this dermatologists site that lists trazodone as a drug that can cause hair loss (http://www.hairdoc.com/appendix-2/).
Well, seeing that he even put as acetaminophen , I really don't think it is serios list, basically, he mention almost any drug even fluoxetine ! that is a well know safe drug and there are theories that the high sexual side effects is because it lower DHT levels. And even cetirizine ! that is a big LOL : A preliminary study on topical cetirizine in the therapeutic management of androgenetic alopecia. :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28604133

Anyway even if we believe this list where is almost is telling you that water can cause hair loss, it will be telogen effluvium, not androgenetic alopecia.

But don't worry, trazodone will not cause you hair loss.