45 months on the big 3 and counting... (45month pics update)


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Yea we need to see stuff like this. So many people have negative results, Many only slow the progression. This however is some serious success. No need to hate on that, and I've yet to see any boasting or any such nonsense.

Nice to see mate your hair looks good.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Dude... Those are some serious results... Glad I convinced you to get on the finasteride' and minoxidil' back 32 months ago or so!!



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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

probably one of the best, if not the best, results i have seem so far....


if i can get my hair back, i will defo be growing them out long like you have done...


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

mj9 said:
probably one of the best, if not the best, results i have seem so far....


if i can get my hair back, i will defo be growing them out long like you have done...

:) I was thinking the same. I'd like to keep my hair a bit long for one last time. I had proper heavy metal style hair when I was 18-19, but I don't think I can put up with it now.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Haha I am the only one who is tired of rocking long hair as it is really a hinderance in getting ladies.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

I prefer my hair short, I just wish there was more of it. lol


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

ali777 said:
mj9 said:
probably one of the best, if not the best, results i have seem so far....


if i can get my hair back, i will defo be growing them out long like you have done...

:) I was thinking the same. I'd like to keep my hair a bit long for one last time. I had proper heavy metal style hair when I was 18-19, but I don't think I can put up with it now.

i would love to have hair like john travolta in pulp fiction...

i know i wont suit it and my girl friend hates guys with long hair but i dont care! :)



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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Def said:
Glad I convinced you to get on the finasteride' and minoxidil' back 32 months ago or so!!

True... true...
Nice to see you around mate. :salut: :salut: :salut:


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Whoa! You are a freak. Those results are stellar!
Thankyou for coming here to share.....congrats


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

SE-freak said:
Yes, it is! Sometimes I use minoxidil once daily but i still use Big 3 (nizoral,finasteride,ketoconazole shampoo) and pump a head muscle once a day x)

just wanna confirm, you are NOT using minoxidil regularly at all? and what is this keto shampoo and how is it different from nizoral?


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

big props to the thread starter for coming back and keeping everyone posted. you definitely have incredible results, and its posts like yours that keep everyone motivated. i started rogaine 2 years ago, and its done great things for me. i wish i had my baseline pics, but they were on my old laptop which crashed. at any rate, i'm starting finasteride any day now, so i can hammer the final nail into this receding hairline coffin..... for the time being at least lol.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

goata007 said:
SE-freak said:
Yes, it is! Sometimes I use minoxidil once daily but i still use Big 3 (nizoral,finasteride,ketoconazole shampoo) and pump a head muscle once a day x)

just wanna confirm, you are NOT using minoxidil regularly at all? and what is this keto shampoo and how is it different from nizoral?

My bad. I meant I sometimes use minoxidil once instead of twice daily but that is rare. Nizoral shampoo's active ingredient is an antifungal agent with probable topical dht inhibition properties ketoconazole.

It is Nizoral's color though that makes scalp dht turn gay :p


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Would you recommend I use rogaine or regaine and what is preregaine. Plus which is better nizoral or revivogen.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Iml0singhair said:
Would you recommend I use rogaine or regaine and what is preregaine. Plus which is better nizoral or revivogen.

Regaine=Rogaine in Europe. Pregaine is a shampoo by pfizer, I think its "Pregaine Clear Gel". It's a decent shampoo imo no useless "herbal-vitamin" irritants.
Nizoral and Revivogen are totally different. I do not use revivogen so I have no personal experience.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

More luck with girls with this hair?


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

always had my share.

But when hair is not an obsession, you can think about boobs more often. :youbet: :innocent:


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Listen to that man. :bravo:


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Just out of curiosity, where do you get your Proscar from?


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Amazing results! Your hair looks even better then mine before I started balding.


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Re: 32 months on the big 3 and counting... (32month pics update)

Britannia said:
Listen to that man. :bravo:

Hi Britannia. Nice to see people stick around. How are things?