It's easy to take a quick glance at a couple holding hands, kissing or what have you and assume that everything is fine. We can assume all day I suppose. Sex and attraction gets stale over time, all at different rates. An average, below average or what have you will usually sexually urge those Chads, can even be a normie just someone different.
In my experience married women don't necessarily want to leave their husbands, the men are great towards them, simply the sex/attraction has taken a natural decline and they'd like something different that's all. No harm no foul. They f*** and move on with their lives behind that white picket fence.
Well we're back to square one, it's even easier to assume that from a quick glance at a couple holding hands, that she's desperately looking rid of him and wants a Chad instead. Even at the risk of a one night stand.
To me that's even more of a jump in logic, wanting to believe from an image, what you want to take from it.
This is what red pill or MGTOW sh*t is for me, and why I've never truly engaged with the vast majority of ideas involved, it's all about trying to crush any hope of happiness for people because of the emptiness of the opines life.
And normally this is all based on absolutely nothing, the anecdotal evidence that in some cases women will cheat, and end up divorcing their man for his money, his house, his kids, and while that's a hard pill to swallow that it could happen to anyone, red pill applies this logic to absolutely everything.
It's like this rule of 80% of women only wanting 20% of men, I've never looked into it but I know of the Pareto principle, I would guess this is probably where the idea was based on, and to me that tells me the idea is total bullshit. Applying a principle to relationships because it's scientifically "sound".
Yet that same idea is something we see all the time, red pillers think this is actually science,
@Patrick_Bateman referenced it in the OP, but nobody knows where it came from or what it means.