Instead of talking and debating, you call people retards, post pictures of childrens cartoons and say "Just destroyed all of h.l and tellersqueal bullshit posts" like little kids and then wonder why you can't get girls. Yeeeeeeeeah clearly it has nothing to do with personality, you're right. Never mind. Cool.
I'm putting 0 effort in my post directed at you because you don't seem to read them anyways. I've already explained this to you in this thread and others. Yet you show up with the same stupid bluepill mentality. Why would I waste time writing coherent posts?
Do you really think that I talk about these subjects in this way in real life? And to girls even? I made a long post in another thread in a reply to you, you didn't respond if I remember correct. That's why I'm not spending any time on these posts. It's kind of talking to a wall at this point.
The way you talk right now is exactly what I hate. Now you blame my failures on my personality, so now I'm ugly AND have a shitty personality.
I guess I just need to focus on improving my personality??? That's a nice carrot on a stick. Too bad there's no finish line, maybe I'll spend a few years on this, wasting time being miserable. Then maybe at the end wherever that is there's a girl for me? Spoiler: There isn't, because personality doesn't matter.
Just stop giving advices to people who's problems you can't even comprehend. You're not able to put yourself in their shoes. It's like
@Afro_Vacancy said in another post. You are meeting open doors and think you did something special to unlock them. While others are facing locked doors with spikes and mines around them. You're really not able to give advices to these people.
Did you even read the study on my OP? Personality doesn't matter, it's there in black and white. Have you seen the countless tinder experiments? Have you seen this legendary study from OkCupid? I don't know what else to say. This is the last time I'll respond to your bullshit.
Further proof that personality means f*** all: