"A woman can't be in a relationship with a guy she doesn't find physically attractive


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There's Danny Devito again;View attachment 39000

He touched that woman on a dance floor, she looks incredulous, and maybe he's never seen her again afterwards. For all we know she is a paid party bunny. Your point is moot.

I put up a picture of his wife.

ETA: I believe that you saw a 5'6 fat nerdy bald guy pick up a woman. But how long did he keep her?
Further, it doesn't prove much, as you've seen vastly more instances of athletic guys picking up girls.

You keep talking about "logic", but your points rely on the argument by exception.


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I got a lap dance from a hot chick at a party once. She was smoking hot. Every guy told me to make a move. I did. She said I misinterpreted her and she was only having fun. Unless she's moaning from pleasure when you're having sex with her, you can't really tell if a woman likes up. She might just be teasing you or "giving you a chance" to prove a point (to herself or to others that she doesn't cares about looks) and then not calling you or something.

Basically are humans just like us. There is nothing a fat ugly woman can do to make me like her. Nothing. So why do you guys think women can be fooled with your "game"?


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There's Danny Devito again;View attachment 39000

Isn't that a confirmation bias?

You provide no citations but merely anecdotal evidence. Seduction is far more complex that 'looks' when it comes to women. Keep in mind that their copulation strategies evolved around long term survival. Even if you do not have good genes then there is little that you can do to change that. In the end it comes to behavioral cues.


Either way, you are not going to change your belief system unless cognitive dissonance occurs. The human mind is not driven by the tenets of logic and reason after all.

Like I said, looks do matter but they are not the be all and end all when it come to women. I too thought that looks were immensely important but I have seen a 5'6 balding fat nerdy guy pick up women. So game > looks. That is how I see it.

Rockin, you havent had a lot of female friends have you?
There are SO many variables to this one conversation that there will never be an agreement anyway.
age make a huge difference. I had a ton of girl/friends in my late teens to mid twenties. I can tell you girls are the same if NOT WORSE today than guys. Why do you think there are SO MANY girls with kids today. My best friend is dating a girl with 2 kids. I want to slap him but he said it. "Dude its IMPOSSIBLE to meet a girl my age (mid 30's) with no kids".
Girls want that hot attractive guy to have as arm candy, mainly to make THEMSELVES more desirable and feel deserving. The older they get the less important that might be as they look to settle down BUT that average balding/bald guy they settle down with will NEVER get that physical carnal sexual attention the good looking guy does. You think devito and perlman are having interesting, gross, fun sex like Sophia V and her hubby????? You may say sexual interest dwindles as you age anyway but thats because couples usually get sick of looking at each other and begin to let themselves go. Attractive people usually still maintain a helathy sex life.
When a women hits that "settle down" age she is basically looking for a care giver, who will provide her with a stable life where she can raise a child and the man has a good income where he MIGHT get sex on his birthday and x-mas that consists of 45 seconds of near necrophilia as she lays there like a log while his months of pent up sexual frustration are unloaded in an uncontrollable fashion.
As for your game = looks..... nope.
Im sorry but I have said it 100 times here. Im literally a walking example. Im "king shmoozer" and my younger brother is "doof mcgoof" most of the time yet because he still has perfect hair I might as well be invisible when we're together. Game means nothing if you cant corner the girl to use that game.

also NO WHERE in that article does the word bald come up


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The woman seen dancing with Danny Devito is Stacy Kiebler, I figured it out afterwards. Rockinlove posted that photo as proof that game trumps looks (it wouldn't prove that), but it proves nothing. Kiebler has been linked to many better-looking men, and never to Devito. That was just a cute Kodak moment on the dance floor.

Incidentally she ended up with a short, young, otherwise good-looking tech millionaire (not as short as Devito). She had previously dated men like George Clooney, but he decided to go for a human rights lawyer.


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It would be fairer to say that I have not had 'enough' experience dealing with men. I was brought up with women and the few friends that I have are women.

It's true that while younger, I never quite had a problem with women. I didn't even need 'game' back then. It was easy. Older, I was more obsessed with my hair being see through than the girl who was interested. I always thought that I was not 'enough'.

Everytime I looked at myself in the mirror it made me feel like ****. I couldn't focus on my work, video games or anything that granted me the slightest measure of solace. So obsessed was I with my hair. I even thought that the girls who were being 'nice' to had ulterior motives.

So age 24 to 26 was a ****hole until I joined my pg course in Journalism. I avoided people. Especially since a majority of them were women. But sometimes **** happens and I got asked out by the hottest girl in class. She just got her glass of juice one day, came over to my desk, my teacher and a few students seated beside me. She asked me a few things and then told me straight off the bat that she liked me. Here was a woman who had more cojones than I did.

And my first pua coach was a short fat balding bloke. He was a mess but he got the girl's number 8 times out of 10.

It is true that 15 of those 20 something numbers would be flakes. He would get 5 dates and maybe 2 lays. Which isn't so bad. And he was below average looking.

Inspired, I started going out and meeting people. And I did better than most of my friends.

I also 'realised' that the openers and routines were all BS. There is this misconception that you are manipulating or tricking a woman to get into bed with you. You are not. The fact is that if a woman doesn't want to sleep with you then she won't. There is nothing you can do about it. Even with my hair I would not be able to seduce every girl that I come across. It is simply not possible or realistic. Sure, I got laid a lot but I also got tons of rejections and blowouts before it no longer started affecting me.

Even at work, there were women who did pass some caustic remarks but I knew exactly how to respond without getting angry.

The game is not a magic bullet. If it were then everyone would be doing it. The methods and routines are just marketing. It is not easy either because some rejections can hit your ego big time. Although you get used to it. Because I understand fully well that none of it matters. On a long enough timeline everyone's survivability drops down to zero. Everyone and everything you know and love will eventually cease to exist. Hair is just a part of it. What matters to me is being cormfortable with my self image and I am not at the moment. I don't like being a bald guy.

I don't respect women or even men. Neither of them are good or evil though. They just are. From experience, I can tell you that women can never be trusted. Neither can men. However, the problem with women is that they have no innate sense of honour or loyalty. Soliphism is inherent to their worldview. They are driven entirely by their emotions. And it doesn't matter how 'perfect' her boyfriend or husband or lover is for she can cheat on him on the slightest pretext. They are more attracted to situations rather than people. That is what makes them dangerous and keeps me away from relationships.

It is the allure of the forbidden. It is a long post and I have only been trying to help.I have nothing to prove to you because at the end of the day we are but faceless entities on the internet. I'll just tell you this much that before you dismiss anything entirely, test it out like a scientist would without pre-conceived notions. Do not believe in anything. Since 'believing' in something until it has established itself as being tenable is to lend credence to a pre-conceived notion.


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Game/seduction doesn't exist. Believing in it is like believing in god.

There's absolutely no proof that there is such thing as seduction.

On the other hand, we have extensive evidence (thanks to the recent dating apps) that looks are king.

Status comes second, then maybe money that is tied to status, and finally, personality plays a very minor role only in long-term relationships.

Think about it, how many women are stuck with an abusive boyfriend yet they stick with him for some reason. That reason is looks.

Why is it that women just dont own up and admit to this? Just come out and say it already... if you're going to be shallow, at least be honest about it.


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Everything is seduction. Look around you. Advertisements seduce, ideas seduce, religion seduces and your job turns you into a goddamned zombie. We are all slaves to a system. Welcome to the matrix.

You'll just have to take my word for it. I am too lazy to dig up photos. I don't care about convincing you or anyone. It is not a religion. I am not subverting you to my cause. We 'choose' our own hell to live in.

Game/seduction doesn't exist. Believing in it is like believing in god.

There's absolutely no proof that there is such thing as seduction.

On the other hand, we have extensive evidence (thanks to the recent dating apps) that looks are king.

Status comes second, then maybe money that is tied to status, and finally, personality plays a very minor role only in long-term relationships.

Think about it, how many women are stuck with an abusive boyfriend yet they stick with him for some reason. That reason is looks.

What have you seen Rockinlove? You've seen a short incongruous bald guy getting some pity laughs from women. You have no proof that he f-cked those women.


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Everything is seduction. Look around you. Advertisements seduce, ideas seduce, religion seduces and your job turns you into a goddamned zombie. We are all slaves to a system. Welcome to the matrix.

Advertising doesn't translate into reality. Right now you've got a left-wing feminist movement that's telling everyone FAT IS BEAUTIFUL. How many men do you know that are rushing towards a woman that weighs as much as her refrigerator?


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Depends on how convincing the ad is and how gullible the target audience is. In the 70s we had these men sporting Afros and chest hair with a meddalion; these were considered as being the epitome of sexiness.

Until recently, sparkling ***got looking feminine men were what women chased after. Never ever discount the power of human stupidity.

Interestingly, during a certain period of the reinaissance fat women were considered attractive. It might just be propoganda to get more obsese women around.


Then again, with men, it is entirely about looks. Since a good looking woman has splendid genes. For men, it is mostly about reproductive value.

Mayhap there are those rare few who might be sapiosexuals but when it comes to me I'd be more than happy to bang a dumb bimbo with a round behind and a nice full bosom. Although, a certain niche population has a penchant for BBWs.

I suppose boobies might just be the key to happiness.

Advertising doesn't translate into reality. Right now you've got a left-wing feminist movement that's telling everyone FAT IS BEAUTIFUL. How many men do you know that are rushing towards a woman that weighs as much as her refrigerator?


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Game/seduction is a joke.

Why is it always the social out casts who read into this ****, and believe it. I guess ignorance is bliss when you''re handsome and blue pill when meeting women. 'Well, I just go up to her and casually talk, then we escalate from there'

Where as the game scientists seem to think their is a code between their succsss in getting in a womens pants, and what they say.

Has the world gone that stupid since the cave man age to actually think saying clingy lines, and suave remarks gets you laid? it doesn't matter.

Sometimes ignorance can be a blessing when you're genetically handsome, and how they all just become friends with a women and get laid. That's all it takes brah!

Your success is 100% correlated to your looks threshold. Chemistry, and compatibility is almost all related to your looks initially then being socially competent will come into the picture.

Norwood One

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Everytime Meghan Trainor speaks or sings, I am repulsed


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Game/seduction is a joke.

Why is it always the social out casts who read into this ****, and believe it. I guess ignorance is bliss when you''re handsome and blue pill when meeting women. 'Well, I just go up to her and casually talk, then we escalate from there'

Where as the game scientists seem to think their is a code between their succsss in getting in a womens pants, and what they say.

Has the world gone that stupid since the cave man age to actually think saying clingy lines, and suave remarks gets you laid? it doesn't matter.

Sometimes ignorance can be a blessing when you're genetically handsome, and how they all just become friends with a women and get laid. That's all it takes brah!

Your success is 100% correlated to your looks threshold. Chemistry, and compatibility is almost all related to your looks initially then being socially competent will come into the picture.

Respect to you, for acknowledging that, even though, afaik you are one of those very good looking guys who dont have to put almost any effort. Most good looking people (and 99 % of young people nowadays) think they are so special and they are worth some much. I guess hairloss gave you this perspective, you wouldnt have otherwise.


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I think the key value to take away from this thread - learn to not need women and you will be happy. It's definitely possible and I am going to try it. Congratulate me on building my new, happy, stress free life.


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Interestingly, during a certain period of the reinaissance fat women were considered attractive. It might just be propoganda to get more obsese women around.


Actually what you are reading is slightly off. Fat women were not considered "attractive". fuller figured women were considered "good birthers" and "well fed". A larger woman usually meant her family was more well off, which is why kings were always depicted as food gorging tubbos. The more food you had the wealthier you were.
As for style you are confusing advertising as the initiator. No one advertised the sparkling gold chain and chest hair, the media just picked up on things the populace were already doing and ran with that. In the same fashion of wealth people just always want to appear on the cutting edge with dispensable income.
The media and advertisers dont create the looks, they just push the style some other high socialite is doing to make money.
Do I believe the populace at large is stupid? Oh hell yes! Do I believe any bald guy has the same shot as an equally attractive guy with hair? OH HELL NO!
I agree women are situational, but so are men. People are in general, and especially today with the more world wide culture we have. The social media and other ways to make your tiny little bubble all about yourself.
But the fact that you state you are a PUA makes me ultimately throw anything out the window you say as complete BS.


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I would never think about lecturing Fred on how he should react to teenage baldness nor would I dare to lecture Evillocks or Joan (one of the nicest people on here!) about female hair loss, because I've never lived through it and therefore cannot accurately assess how it affects a person.

Thank you, F2005. I find your posts to be middle ground (like Notcool's), especially since you've said you didn't have major issues with your appearance before hair loss and even now, except for hair loss. It would be hard to argue with the things you say here. As far as female hair loss, before I came here, I thought it was easier for men, but now I know how untrue that is. It's only easier because you guys have the option (and not a desirable one) to buzz what's left of your hair and walk around in society without looking like an outcast (even though some of you may feel otherwise). Women will need wigs to blend in with the "normal" people, which are expensive if they look realistic, uncomfortable and a hindrance to certain activities. But unfairly, people will feel sorry for us if they know we need to wear them and even if they somehow came off, whereas people will ridicule men. Still, we will look just the same to everyone when we're wearing hair, whereas guys will take a hit once they're bald. I think I would rather be a woman with hair loss than a man who doesn't have the facial structure to pull it off, and I never thought I'd be saying this.


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I'd tear it up. She objectively has a ugly face in my opinion


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swingline747;1308435You think devito and perlman are having interesting said:
As long as two people are attracted to each other, whether they're both drop-dead gorgeous, average looking or homely, you have no idea how satisfying their sex lives are. You just assume sex is better between hot-looking couples, which isn't always true. An ex lover of mine, with whom I kept in contact for years, was a prime example. He was a cross between Sylvester Stallone and Al Pacino, competitive bodybuilder and slept with a lot of women. Women almost always flirted with him when we were out together. He finally got married in his 40s to a pretty woman (I never saw her but my sister did), and then the sex life went downhill. They had a kid and later divorced. Here's a guy who kept himself in top shape, was a little kinky and fun in bed, worked two jobs and made good money--and was a NW0--whose wife left him.

And I'll just say that not all of us become corpses in bed. I don't know who you're talking to, but I doubt I'm the only older woman who can say things are better now than ever, and that's no lie. The mind can be a very powerful aphrodisiac for women.


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I don't think so..
When you make a view that this is the only thing...
Our eyes establishes connections and similarities between couple facial definitions and we come with result that they are looks match...

If women has similar looking face like my face definitions..
She will surely be above 8/9 plus .

I saw many matrimony site here in India..
And I look at many women's matching my facial definitions..all gorgeous

That doesn't make her select me if I approached her..

Women's want a boy that has no flaws or less flaws or flaws that can be covered by other attributes like being high level officer,higly educated person,rich,awesome reputation,etc.
hairloss(not all but many..low earner,poor family background,bad family history like alcoholic father,broken up family..,etc) are flaws one should not be suffering from..