Accutane a cure


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raj47 said:
can you tell me which tablets are having conzyme a of a indian version.

Yah Squeegee is right but... you could always get it on ebay through worldwide shipping, which may work out cheaper than getting it through the proper site shipped to you. Or you could look for more local stockists.

I mean, Brewer's Yeast is cheap and would proooobably cut down the sebum but... I would trust CoA more.

I dunno, they're just both healthy options that's all and you'll be doing your whole body good. It's all your call though :)


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So anyone notice anything with low-dose accutane. I've always been interested in this, as when my hair-loss starting kicking in it came with a huge amount of oily scalp. I literally washed my forehead three times or more per day so my temples weren't so shiny. One of the best side effects finasteride gave me was a major reduction of oily skin. Hair is thickening up a little, and am having some regrowth, so it does make me wonder how relevant it is.


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squeegee said:
ajax said:
Is CoEnzyme Q10 similar to CoEnzyme A or a completely different thing?

Its just I can get Q10 from a health food shop where I live.

Totally different.

Thats a shame as A is very expensive compared to Q10 :-(

Thanks for the info!


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Mopless said:
So anyone notice anything with low-dose accutane. I've always been interested in this, as when my hair-loss starting kicking in it came with a huge amount of oily scalp. I literally washed my forehead three times or more per day so my temples weren't so shiny. One of the best side effects finasteride gave me was a major reduction of oily skin. Hair is thickening up a little, and am having some regrowth, so it does make me wonder how relevant it is.

I find that really interesting actually - I wonder what is triggering what.

I mean either the follicle's death is triggering more sebum release, so by saving follicles by reducing 5ar using finasteride you are therefore going to be lowering sebum, or something connected to male pattern baldness is releasing sebum anyway... god knows. 5ar/DHT/bacteria build up in sebaceous glands?

I shoved Ecklonia Cava in my regimen from IH as it's supposed to be a strong antimicrobial so serves to reduce bacteria.

I didn't realize that male pattern baldness actually triggered an INCREASE in oil on the scalp... although now I think about it you do notice it a little in people who have male pattern baldness, or at least I'm sure I have.

I believe that all sebum on the scalp is released from the sebaceous glands on follicles, is that true? So... I guess yeah it would be a reasonable bet to say 5ar/DHT/bacteria build up o_O


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I wouldn't go so far as to say male pattern baldness triggers sebaceous to produce more oil... but it does seem to be common enough to make you think about it. I just remember looking at my nasty oily scalp and my hair falling out and I cannot help but think there may be some connection. At least for me, anyway.

That's why this accutane stuff is SUPER appealing to me. All I have been waiting for is just a few people to claim some type of success with it, and I will try it.

If I did do it though, I would do it at a super low-dose. Somewhere around 5mg twice a week. This medicine is not prescribed for long term, only 3-6 months max, I think. So taking this year round may or may not be safe.

Ugh, so many questions, and no answers. *sigh*


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But why not just use Coenzyme A?

Additionally, I found this thread fascinating (I put it in my other thread, but damn it's so good it deserves to be said MANY times! lol)

"I'll make this really easy, but with some explanation:


I should break this down to the lowest common denominator. Insulin excess causes all of the above to occur. More DHT, estrogen increase, testosterone decrease, fibrosis, micro-inflammation, and excess sebum.

What the IH-6 program targets primarily is optimal glucose/insulin regulation, and prevention of inflammation"

- Mr Simonis, ofc! lol



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But why not just use Coenzyme A?

I may consider it, but I'm not in favor of it as it's a supplement and not a drug. I've been down the road of taking multi-able supplements that was suppose to do this, or that. All I ended up doing was throwing away my $$.


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Mopless said:
But why not just use Coenzyme A?

I may consider it, but I'm not in favor of it as it's a supplement and not a drug. I've been down the road of taking multi-able supplements that was suppose to do this, or that. All I ended up doing was throwing away my $$.

erm... that may be one of the most random reasons for not choosing something I've ever heard lol

You may as well start taking magnesium and then get shocked because it didn't help your hair loss lol

Technically beta-sitosterol is a supplement, but it still reduces 5ar. Curcumin and resveratrol are "supplements", but they still reduce inflammation and a whole ton of other things!

It's not about what it's called, it's about what it DOES! :)


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erm... that may be one of the most random reasons for not choosing something I've ever heard lol

Not random at all. I've tried beta sis, saw palmetto, L-lysine, biotin, zinc, topically and orally, and a billion other things. I've tried roughly at least HALF of the stuff in your regime. Simply put, they do not work. Or some do, they are not strong enough for your average male pattern baldness case. I've been checking hairloss forums two to three times a day for YEARS and have NEVER seen a single case of someone improving from supplements that can back it up with photo's. It's always hearsay, always some wacky private study from Japan, or China, that promises the world, but is nothing but crap. Trust me.

Hoppi. I was you, 6 years ago. If you really do have male pattern baldness, then I am not looking forward to watching reality sit in in a few years from now. Not that I wish you ill, I don't. I just think you have a rude awaking coming. *sigh*

Anyhow, so if I were to do this, I would use Accutane as it's possibly potent enough to do something.


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I will be starting Accutane 20mg ED in about two week. Will be running a 6 month cycle. Ill let you know how it goes.


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Mopless said:
erm... that may be one of the most random reasons for not choosing something I've ever heard lol

Not random at all. I've tried beta sis, saw palmetto, L-lysine, biotin, zinc, topically and orally, and a billion other things. I've tried roughly at least HALF of the stuff in your regime. Simply put, they do not work. Or some do, they are not strong enough for your average male pattern baldness case. I've been checking hairloss forums two to three times a day for YEARS and have NEVER seen a single case of someone improving from supplements that can back it up with photo's. It's always hearsay, always some wacky private study from Japan, or China, that promises the world, but is nothing but crap. Trust me.

Hoppi. I was you, 6 years ago. If you really do have male pattern baldness, then I am not looking forward to watching reality sit in in a few years from now. Not that I wish you ill, I don't. I just think you have a rude awaking coming. *sigh*

Anyhow, so if I were to do this, I would use Accutane as it's possibly potent enough to do something.

lol well I don't really have a few years, I need to sort it SOON before it becomes noticeable! And I have noticed considerable regrowth (this may have been the Nizoral from before though so I can't be totally confident there) and I believe also a reduction in shedding (very recently, so again we'll see), so we'll see what happens over the coming weeks :)


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I will be starting Accutane 20mg ED in about two week. Will be running a 6 month cycle. Ill let you know how it goes.

I would very much like to see how that goes. Do you have oily scalp probems? Do keep us updated.


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Mopless said:
I will be starting Accutane 20mg ED in about two week. Will be running a 6 month cycle. Ill let you know how it goes.

I would very much like to see how that goes. Do you have oily scalp probems? Do keep us updated.

erm, to be honest I find that very hard to gauge, I was losing some hair for a fairly long time (about 5 months probably) before I noticed (long hair hides it well, even from me!!).. I can't really remember how oily my scalp was normally! :)

Also always remember that triggers are different for different people. Brains Expel Hair stopped his male pattern baldness by giving up gluten, JDP stopped his by cutting all inflammatory foods, many people stopped their hair loss (and I do mean stopped/reversed, not slowed) by stopping (very) regular sexual activity, etc etc.

So while I do agree that the battle is harder for some than others, the evidence that male pattern baldness has different triggers is... well, if it's not proven, then a LOT of people are lying :)


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Also always remember that triggers are different for different people. Brains Expel Hair stopped his male pattern baldness by giving up gluten, JDP stopped his by cutting all inflammatory foods, many people stopped their hair loss (and I do mean stopped/reversed, not slowed) by stopping (very) regular sexual activity, etc etc.

I remember a guy a few years back from the Regrowth forums that swore up and down and claimed to have not only stopped, but attained regrowth through meditation. If I recall correctly, he came back a few years later with a lot less hair and asking questions about the big three.

Stopped is a too potent word for a few random forum users unique claims. Assuming they did "halt" their male pattern baldness, how long will it last? :dunno:


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Mopless said:
I will be starting Accutane 20mg ED in about two week. Will be running a 6 month cycle. Ill let you know how it goes.

I would very much like to see how that goes. Do you have oily scalp probems? Do keep us updated.

I used to have a SUPER oily scalp, I couldn't go more than a day without showering. But after starting 2% keto shampoo, it's really not a problem anymore.


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Mopless said:
Also always remember that triggers are different for different people. Brains Expel Hair stopped his male pattern baldness by giving up gluten, JDP stopped his by cutting all inflammatory foods, many people stopped their hair loss (and I do mean stopped/reversed, not slowed) by stopping (very) regular sexual activity, etc etc.

I remember a guy a few years back from the Regrowth forums that swore up and down and claimed to have not only stopped, but attained regrowth through meditation. If I recall correctly, he came back a few years later with a lot less hair and asking questions about the big three.

Stopped is a too potent word for a few random forum users unique claims. Assuming they did "halt" their male pattern baldness, how long will it last? :dunno:

lol I think that's a slightly different case though :)

In theory yes of course you can cure most male pattern baldness through meditation, but you would need to be incredibly, INCREDIBLY good at it! lol

I also have my doubts about whether it would be the most intelligent or healthy way to do it even if you succeeded!


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Nuli > Keto did help with my oily scalp, but it did not cure it. I am really looking forward to seeing how this goes for you. I'm actually considering saying screw it and buy some accutane to try anyway. *ponders*

Hoppi > I too believe it is possible for extreme meditation to have an impact on hairloss. The mind is a terribly powerful thing. However, I think we can both agree it's not very practical, and most people do not have the patience, or mental fortitude for such a arduous task.


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I'm trying the low dose thing.

Only one once a week to start, then increasing to two a week after a month if I don't see a reduction in my oiliness and inflammation.


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kenneth, sorry I know I keep saying this to people but be careful ok? That stuff is pretty rough.

Coenzyme A is as we were saying probably a much smoother ride, great for the body, and will probably have similar effects in terms of scalp sebum if used at a good dose, I would imagine. Brewer's Yeast is also apparently good for sebum reduction, and I could find out about more.

Anyway though just.. be careful! :)