Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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And you still think the main explanation to why life isn't treating you well is "it's because I'm ugly!".

I'm worried about you Dante. I hope you're going to sort yourself out, some of us thought you were dead a few days ago.

I can't find the original post by Dante so I'm quoting your reply -
Please, you are on the verge of a mental breakdown and sleep less than 6 hours at night, very dangerous combination. @Dante92 our issues are different apart from hair loss but please, take it from me - I was in a similar state of mind a few months ago where I was dangerously depressed and ran on 5 hours of sleep or less for like a month. When this happens you are bound to break down, even the strongest and healthiest man on earth would have a breakdown under these conditions. You need to go see your doctor and get some help with your sleep, because it's absolutely vital for your mental and physical health.
I know you say nobody here cares etc. and you are partially right, us humans are programmed to care about ourselves and those closest to us before everyone else. But I think I can speak for most of the forum (if not all) when I say we all want you to get better. Put yourself first and take a break.


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Fred's right. I've been there too my friend, n not for this whole silly hair nonsense. Still a bit of a struggle, but one you feel like you can be on top of, instead of being crushed by.


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I'm seeing a therapist twice a week right now, I think it's very helpful and that she's very astute. It's good to be able to talk to someone in a safe space ... everything I say there stays in the room.

In principle this forum could be kind of similar, but in practice if you open your mouth here you risk getting either flames or advice from ignorant/hostile people. Therapists in contrast are required by law to maintain confidentiality, and it's their job to listen and to provide help. If you don't like them, you find another one. Most of them are in there out of compassion, and it's their job to listen rather than to talk, so it's a safer space. Finally, there is nothing to lose in going.


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I'm seeing a therapist twice a week right now, I think it's very helpful and that she's very astute. It's good to be able to talk to someone in a safe space ... everything I say there stays in the room.

In principle this forum could be kind of similar, but in practice if you open your mouth here you risk getting either flames or advice from ignorant/hostile people. Therapists in contrast are required by law to maintain confidentiality, and it's their job to listen and to provide help. If you don't like them, you find another one. Most of them are in there out of compassion, and it's their job to listen rather than to talk, so it's a safer space. Finally, there is nothing to lose in going.
I agree. I see a therapist once a week too and it's helped me. That said, I had to go through a few therapists that I didn't really connect with before I found my current one. It is very important to find a therapist you connect with and that's not only there because they're getting paid. She listens and gives advice and sometimes we just small talk, too.


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You guys genuinely think that seeing a shrink a few times a week is going to change anything for @Dante92 ? What does talking about problems with no solution solve?

Psychology isn't even a real science. It's all bullshit. A degree for females trying to act smart and wanting to feel good about themselves by "helping" the unfortunate. At absolute best Dante will be force fed pills and turned into a walking pharmacy to keep him going to work every day. There's nothing wrong with him mentally, he's just ostracized from society. It's no wonder he's not happy. Giving his hard earned money to a stuck up shrink wouldn't help him.


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You guys genuinely think that seeing a shrink a few times a week is going to change anything for @Dante92 ? What does talking about problems with no solution solve?
Then what do you suggest he do? At the very least he needs to see a doctor about his sleep and consider taking a break off work. Talking to a therapist will not magically turn your life around nobody said that, but it could be a helpful tool in trying to sort your head out so you can tackle the issues you face better.


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You guys genuinely think that seeing a shrink a few times a week is going to change anything for @Dante92 ? What does talking about problems with no solution solve?

Psychology isn't even a real science. It's all bullshit. A degree for females trying to act smart and wanting to feel good about themselves by "helping" the unfortunate. At absolute best Dante will be force fed pills and turned into a walking pharmacy to keep him going to work every day. There's nothing wrong with him mentally, he's just ostracized from society. It's no wonder he's not happy. Giving his hard earned money to a stuck up shrink wouldn't help him.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

I agree. I see a therapist once a week too and it's helped me. That said, I had to go through a few therapists that I didn't really connect with before I found my current one. It is very important to find a therapist you connect with and that's not only there because they're getting paid. She listens and gives advice and sometimes we just small talk, too.
Yes I agree it's important to try a few ones. Therapy is like any other profession, some people suck at it, some are average, and some are very good.

Similarly, people have no problem trying a few restaurants until they find one with a good cook. We all understand that this is how the world works. We know that if we end up trying a bad restaurant, it doesn't matter and we can just try some better place afterwards.

Is that so unbearable? I've been flamed so many times that I've lost count, and many times the people who disagreed with me had fairly good points, and I've actually integrated some of them.

I agree with the rest of your post, finding the good therapist is invaluable to discuss things that you just can't disclose to anyone in real life.
I think that this forum (and others like it) can get unbearable at times, there are people who needle endlessly, who perseverate, who hold grudges for years at a time and then strategically wait for the right moment to go for the jugular. Recently, a moron here spent several months biding his time until he had the right moment to attack. I was flabbergasted, this guy had a lot of pent up steam to deal with, he needed to attack me, but he just waited for months until he saw that one or two other people attacked me first. Fortunately, I was in a strong-enough state to dispatch him, and then he ran away.

However, the flames are only one issue, the bad advice is another. No matter what you discuss on here, people here will have opinions and they'll give advice, and sometimes that advice is really bad. There are more sensible posters like @Wolf Pack and @pjhair (when he was still posting here), but there's a few people who have absolutely no clue and would be better off shutting the f*** up.


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All I'm considering now is getting talking therapy. I doubt it'd serve much purpose, if not delaying my inevitable premature death of a few months.


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I really don't think there's only a single causality at play here.

Thank you for posting something so mature.

The truth is that most people can handle individual problems;ems quite well, when somebody is hurting it is likely that they are dealing with several independent problems, and that it's the combination that's too big a burden rather than the specific straw that broke the camel's back.


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Medication could also help him.

Talking solves many problems.

A combination of talking on this forum and to a therapist is what saved my sanity.

He's ostracized from society partly because he's doing something wrong, not because the whole world is set up against him.

He thinks you just need to be "good" (whatever that means) and kind to people to get treated well by others.

This is extremely naive, of course being kind and harmless is not sufficient to get respect from others.

I disagree on your view on psychology. My psychologist is female and she's professional as f***, she knows what she's doing, bases herself on solid scientific research and helped me sort my life out.

There are always ways to make your life better and to lessen the amount of suffering you have to endure.

@Dante92 has toxic (and most importantly wrong) beliefs about the world, and judging by your recent posts, so do you.

I see your reply as the blind leading the blind.

Encouraging someone who's obviously at the end of their tether not to seek help is irresponsible to say the least.
Dante isn't happy because his needs aren't being met. It's that f*****g simple. Spending an hour a week and his paycheck talking to a stupid shrink isn't going to change that fact. No matter how many meaningless diplomas she has on the wall.

Since I'm apparently so clueless about psychology. Name one thing your shrink said that was clever and made you change into a better/happier man/woman?? @WhitePolarBear , @Afro_Vacancy , @EvilLocks


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Dante isn't happy because his needs aren't being met. It's that f*****g simple. Spending an hour a week and his paycheck talking to a stupid shrink isn't going to change that fact. No matter how many meaningless diplomas she has on the wall.
What are his needs?
Which are the more important ones?
Why are they not being met?
Not simple at all.

It's also not very expensive. I spend $15/session on therapy, the rest is covered by insurance.

Since I'm apparently so clueless about psychology. Name one thing your shrink said that was clever and made you change into a better/happier man/woman?? @WhitePolarBear , @Afro_Vacancy , @EvilLocks
I'm open to discussing that privately with @Dante92 if he expresses interest. However, I won't go into great detail on this forum due to the excess of irrational nitpickers.

Suffice it to say, they've been tremendously helpful.


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All I'm considering now is getting talking therapy. I doubt it'd serve much purpose, if not delaying my inevitable premature death of a few months.

I share your concerns with the world but I definitely think direct self improvement systems like gym and hair transplants are the long term solution.

Reversing the physical feeling of decay makes a big difference to ones mental state and gives a feeling of some control back. I'm sure you'd have success with gym if you gave it a legitimate shot, and it's something very easy to see rapid progress with especially in the first year.

Personally from those I know with experience I don't think the majority benefited from therapy long term especially if they have legitimate personal issues to deal with that a therapist can't change, you'd know best whether you needed it but I tend to agree with Bateman that you should spend your money on yourself rather than paying someone else's salary. Most people I know who had success with therapy had a lot of mental strength to begin with and probably could have got through their issues without.


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Dante isn't happy because his needs aren't being met. It's that f*****g simple. Spending an hour a week and his paycheck talking to a stupid shrink isn't going to change that fact. No matter how many meaningless diplomas she has on the wall.

Since I'm apparently so clueless about psychology. Name one thing your shrink said that was clever and made you change into a better/happier man/woman?? @WhitePolarBear , @Afro_Vacancy , @EvilLocks

You didn't answer my question (what do you suggest he do?)
Anyway, since you asked, I'll tell you the most valuable lesson I learned from my therapist (I'll put it simply) -
A lot of crap can happen to you, but it's how you react to them that decides whether or not you will become a happier person. Yes, you can train your brain to think differently about things, it's not easy but it can be done, I'm in that process myself.
It does not mean bad things won't keep happening to you or that the bad things that has happened in the past will be undone, it just means that you alone work on your own perception of the world and your own problems.
Going to a therapist is one thing, they alone can do little to help, other than making you see that you are the key to your own life. People will keep being douchebags, the world will not change, but your thought process can.
Anyway, if you have a better suggestion for what one should do in such a situation, please explain.


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I enjoyed a f*****g area, mate.

I made a lot of connections even had a FACEBOOK with dozens of "friends"

Anyway I went to my guesthouse/room alone always


Traveling isn't merely seeing buildings and visiting squares

Not sure how to explain this, it isn't the same as walking through blocks, lol
If travelling isn't with some hot woman and banging her everyday in a different place, then it's pointless. I would rather LDAR.


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You didn't answer my question (what do you suggest he do?)
Anyway, since you asked, I'll tell you the most valuable lesson I learned from my therapist (I'll put it simply) -
A lot of crap can happen to you, but it's how you react to them that decides whether or not you will become a happier person. Yes, you can train your brain to think differently about things, it's not easy but it can be done, I'm in that process myself.
It does not mean bad things won't keep happening to you or that the bad things that has happened in the past will be undone, it just means that you alone work on your own perception of the world and your own problems.
Going to a therapist is one thing, they alone can do little to help, other than making you see that you are the key to your own life. People will keep being douchebags, the world will not change, but your thought process can.
Anyway, if you have a better suggestion for what one should do in such a situation, please explain.
You want there to be a simple solution to his problems in order to feel better about yourself. "Just see a therapist, it's that easy! That'll do it!!" The harsh reality is that no matter what @Dante92 does he'll still be ugly. He might never find genuine contentment and happiness. It's not a Disney story you read as a kid. The only thing he could do is looksmax to the best of his abilities. He already plays the piano and is into poetry and sh*t. if he looked better he would be slaying mad artsy poon, I guarantee it. Apart from that all he could do is cope with hobbies and do his best in his work. Seeing a shrink isn't going to change that fact.

I think I read that advice on a Facebook picture with a beach in the background. Highly insightful XD
What did you think? That they have a collection of inspirational Facebook quotes that they'll drop on you to help you fix your problems?
Pretty much.


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Therapy doesn't change anything, i tried it before. I can understand Dante and his bitterness, hatred. When people reject you, deny you social life, mock and laugh at you everyday, treat you as a lower human or subhuman, ignore your hard work and only focus on things you can't change to kick you down more. Then, i don't think anyone wouldn't feel hatred and bitterness. They do all of this without a reason, for something he can't change. All of us would be Dante if we were in his shoes. Dante's only solution is to get love and validation. I don't think the therapist would care about him, because he only does it for money. Dante needs validation and love from friends, a gf, family. They are the only ones that could give you validation and expect nothing back. Dante has a war going in his head right now, because he can't figure out how to get those things, he's slowly going insane. At least let him vent here, and validate, appreciate him and his good posts, instead of giving him useless advice to shut him down and feel better about yourselves.


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You want there to be a simple solution to his problems in order to feel better about yourself. "Just see a therapist, it's that easy! That'll do it!!"
Predictable Patrick Bateman response. If you actually read my post(s) instead of putting words in my mouth as usual you'd see that if anything, I outlined that it was not easy, nor a quick fix that would magically make his life great.
Why would I need to give him advice in order to feel better about myself, though? LMAO. The only reason I give him my two scents is because I was in a similar state of mind (emphasize on ''state of mind'', in no way shape or form am I comparing my problems to his before you accuse me of it) not too long ago. Maybe therapy is not right for him, but he'll never know until he gives it a try, and a good try that is.
First though, he has to think about his physical health. Not enough sleep will send you over the edge quicker than you think.