Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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unrelated but still


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Panthers win and McCaffrey scores a touchdown!

It also looks like you guys have found another tight-end; #84 E. DICKSON.
Yep and his one handed catch was quite good too. Again so good match to watch. Carolinas offense is finally starting to look good.
However I must admit, that Packers against Cowboys was definitely match of a day. Aaron is a beast.


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Yep and his one handed catch was quite good too. Again so good match to watch. Carolinas offense is finally starting to look good.
However I must admit, that Packers against Cowboys was definitely match of a day. Aaron is a beast.
Yes, actually that is the match I got to see down here; Packers v Cows.
What can you say about Rodgers and Davante Adams?


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My bones and hair aren't good enough to even LOOK at creatures like this




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of course, she didn't, just look at him


Yeah I know, I was just goofing off.

One of the benefits of being on this forum is that I've lost the false belief that women are attracted to money. I think that women are willing to compromise due to money, or that it can open doors, but I no longer buy the claim, intrinsic to our popular culture, that a wallet alone turns women on. I see a woman like Georgina Chapman, or Melania Trump now, and I instantly think that she compromised for money.

Of course this is obvious once it's understood, but the fact is that it's not widely understood, not by most people. The general perception is that looks turn on men, and money/power turn on women. Even many women believe it.

I think that it would be helpful if this reality were more widely communicated. For example, Weinstein has probably bragged about banging hundreds of beautiful women for years, and other men in Hollywood probably understood that as "damn, he has power so girls chase him", that's not what happened. He was one of the most powerful men in one of the most narcissistic industries in the world, and in spite of that for the most part, when he wanted to be with beautiful women, he had to corner them, to trap them, and usually they didn't want him.


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But but, what about hairblues' claim that he was incredibly attractive because of reasons that went beyond his poor looks and we couldn't understand it because we were not female?!

The way he talks, his voice and his charisma and everything?!

So it was all a lie.



Seriously though, I thought it was quite funny that this guy was outed as a chronic sexual harasser in the press after hairblues praised him so much for having been able to get women with his personality rather than with his looks.

Oh he got them good with his imposing personality, so imposing that he was actually forcing women to give him sexual favors.

Low-inhibition slayer confirmed.

Caveman game works.

Wait, did hairblues ever praise him? I missed that, or I don't remember it.

I did have arguments with her about a related issue, sexism in Hollywood. She denied that there was a problem. Based on what I'm seeing though, and the stats I've read, Hollywood might be one of the worst industries for women.

An issue that may be contributing is that they're a bunch of left-wing narcissists. Due to that, they believe they're perfect and thus they're not aware of their own failings. To the extent that might be 10% aware, they project them onto others.


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Just commenting on something, hairblues wrote that Chapman could not possibly be a prostitute as she was independently wealthy prior to being with Weinstein, due to her "Marchesa" brand of fancy dresses.

That statement is misleading. Yes she was successful, but a lot of people with money are only motivated by one thing: having even more money. Weinstein definitely helped Chapman further her brand, as a lot of Hollywood stars would wear her dresses to the oscars, etc.

Here's Sienna Miller in a Marchesa dress, photo taken the same year that Chapman and Weinstein married:

More at this article:

Let's be real, a lot of Hollywood women wore those dresses partly as a favor to a powerful man. Yes, those are nice dresses, but all of those women have hundreds of options to choose from when it comes to what to wear.


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But but, what about hairblues' claim that he was incredibly attractive because of reasons that went beyond his poor looks and we couldn't understand it because we were not female?!

The way he talks, his voice and his charisma and everything?!

So it was all a lie.



Seriously though, I thought it was quite funny that this guy was outed as a chronic sexual harasser in the press after hairblues praised him so much for having been able to get women with his personality rather than with his looks.

Oh he got them good with his imposing personality, so imposing that he was actually forcing women to give him sexual favors.

Low-inhibition slayer confirmed.

Caveman game works.

The actual question was how did he get a 9.5/10 ultra milf self-made multi-millionaire? Or possibly not self-made, as her success came not long after meeting him. But she had children with the man, she could've fucked off to any millionaire superstar Chad she wanted years ago.

Anyway, he could be a sociopath abusing his power to force women to sleep with him, he can also be a charming loving husband who kept his out-of-his-league partner seemingly happy for years. One is not mutually exclusive to the other.

That's the thing with borderline personality disorder, he could even have his happy wife life and way less risky encounters with fame hungry w****s (or even just, w****s) but that's not enough, some guys have to feel their own power and put others in uncomfortable situations to feel challenged in life.

Edit: I left this post for a while before finishing it, but I had just googled how Chapman met Weinstein and noticed it was not long before Marchesa went global, regardless of when she founded it. But I hadn't seen that article David posted which I'm reading now.
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Wait, did hairblues ever praise him? I missed that, or I don't remember it.

I was/am also on Hairblue's side in this issue. Dude had sex appeal, in a masculine, brutish kind of way. Power and wealth also contributed to his slay count, but I can definitely see his masculine appeal.

But that audio of him begging that girl in the hotel to come with himl. Dear God. One of the most pathetic things I've heard. As sad a bunch as some of us here are, I don't think even we are that groveling.


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Jolie and Paltrow came from famous acting familes, new york and LA

They didnt "need" a boost from Weinstein

Yeah I know, I was just goofing off.

One of the benefits of being on this forum is that I've lost the false belief that women are attracted to money. I think that women are willing to compromise due to money, or that it can open doors, but I no longer buy the claim, intrinsic to our popular culture, that a wallet alone turns women on. I see a woman like Georgina Chapman, or Melania Trump now, and I instantly think that she compromised for money.

Of course this is obvious once it's understood, but the fact is that it's not widely understood, not by most people. The general perception is that looks turn on men, and money/power turn on women. Even many women believe it.

I think that it would be helpful if this reality were more widely communicated. For example, Weinstein has probably bragged about banging hundreds of beautiful women for years, and other men in Hollywood probably understood that as "damn, he has power so girls chase him", that's not what happened. He was one of the most powerful men in one of the most narcissistic industries in the world, and in spite of that for the most part, when he wanted to be with beautiful women, he had to corner them, to trap them, and usually they didn't want him.


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Money and power may not make you more "attractive" to women physically, however, since they are
attracted to the idea of social climbing and gold digging, it makes no difference

I think status (and wealth since it usually goes with it) is a great complement to average to above average looks.

As I explained yesterday, I get fluctuation in the quality of my relationship and how "invested" my girlfriend is in bed based on my status.

Status is an aphrodisiac as long as the initial sexual attraction (or sexual compatibility) is there. It's a prerequisite.

But once it's there, it can improve the quality of your relationship a lot.

With my ex, first, I was roughly a nobody, just an intern in a political party, and I barely had a bachelor's degree.

But still she was already very attracted to me. Then the day she learned I got selected for a prestigious internship, man, that night, the sex was something. And then again, when she realized I was going to make 5 times more money than she previously thought, even better, I got a first "I love you" out of her that night. Weird coincidence.

So yeah, I believe status helps with sexual attraction if and only if purely physical sexual attraction was present beforehand, but it's worth nothing on its own. Money and status don't directly make you more attractive to women.


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I was/am also on Hairblue's side in this issue. Dude had sex appeal, in a masculine, brutish kind of way. Power and wealth also contributed to his slay count, but I can definitely see his masculine appeal.

But that audio of him begging that girl in the hotel to come with himl. Dear God. One of the most pathetic things I've heard. As sad a bunch as some of us here are, I don't think even we are that groveling.

If he's so masculine and brutish, why does he need to corner women? To trick women? Why does he masturbate into potted plants?

Here's a looks-matched Hollywood power couple:



And another:

The looks-matchedness makes them look normal. If you see them together you're not going to think "WTF?", which is preferable for reputations and first impressions.