Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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Hypergamy will soon be the norm, I rarely see looksmatched young couples these days, and more and more attractive, athletic fullheads with uglier, chubby b****s. If I could I'd take a more powerful anti-DHT to permanently destroy my libido.
Those attractive, athletic fullheads are pathetic and they don't deserve their looks. Women are at fault for their hypergamy, but also men fucked things up way too much with their stupidity and lack of self-control, horniness.


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You and @Dante92 don't deserve your intelligence.

I'm jealous of Dante's ability to play the piano and to be able to speak what? 5 languages? What's with his high IQ, it's not like he deserves it, he was born with it! And look at that, he has a great job while less intelligent people are struggling to even get a job as a security agent.

See what I did here?
What i'm trying to say is that those attractive men use their attractiveness in a wrong way. They have the potential to do a lot better, but instead they choose to be content with what they have. Also by doing this they're not harming only themselves, but they're harming the less attractive men who now can't date women because their looksmatch is with a man out of her league, so she would never consider any of them.


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When a man who is 8 takes a woman who is 6, the man who is 6 would take a woman who is 4, the man who is 4 would take the woman who is 2, the man who is 2 would have to f*** himself.

When the man who is 8 takes a woman who is 8, the man who is 6 would take a woman who is 6 ,,,, then a man who is 2 would have higher chances of finding a woman who is 2.

If men want to end hypergamy, they also have to do something about it.


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I dislike the fact that so many women use the man and now that other women speak out they join the bandwagon because it's the thing to do. Where was their morals when they accepted the parts and received millions of dollars?

It's hard not to think of this when looking at the situation as a whole. I think only the blackest pill Roosh V fanboi would respect anything Weinstein's been doing but on the other hand, I'm seeing incredible hypocrisy in every account of what these actresses explain happening, the worst? (well marginally, they're mainly all totally deplorable)

Lea Seydoux wrote an actual "article" as a featured guest journalist for the Guardian, which is a glorified FB post to be honest, but every single woman who talked about it has the same consistent story with the same themes, and it always starts out like this:

He was charming, funny, smart – but very domineering. He wanted to meet me for drinks and insisted we had to make an appointment that very night. This was never going to be about work. He had other intentions – I could see that very clearly.

We met in the lobby of his hotel...

You did what?! And it just moves on without a second thought. No explanation needed for some reason, no thought process, as an adult she could tell he was lecherous, domineering, possibly dangerous, and without explaining a second thought she's meeting him alone.

No wait she wasn't alone at this point, there was at least his assistant:

His assistant, a young woman, was there. All throughout the evening, he flirted and stared at me as if I was a piece of meat. He acted as if he were considering me for a role. But I knew that was bullshit. I knew it, because I could see it in his eyes. He had a lecherous look. He was using his power to get sex.

He invited me to come to his hotel room for a drink. We went up together. It was hard to say no because he’s so powerful. All the girls are scared of him. Soon, his assistant left and it was just the two of us. That’s the moment where he started losing control.

At this point in the lobby she at least has a (biased) witness and presumably there's staff. In her mind she's 100% sure he's not considering her for a role, she has therefore no need to be around him furthermore, so why even continue drinking in the hotel lobby?

Oh, because instead, you can go up to this lurching creeps hotel room and have a drink there. That's why.

But as each story starts out with "I knew exactly what he wanted and it wasn't for my acting - so there we were alone in his hotel room" it concludes with the guilt they actually seem to impose on everyone - except themselves as "victims" who were adults making stupid decisions at the chance of making money.

Everyone could see what he was doing. That’s the most disgusting thing. Everyone knew what Harvey was up to and no one did anything.

In her own words that's so disgusting, and she writes about other stories where she sees him perving on other young actresses openly, but says "no one did anything" well, you really need to acknowledge that despite your "traumatic" near-miss you did not do anything either. And in that same vein and taking the attention upon yourself to write about it, acknowledge that you were disgusting as well (if that's how you choose to describe it).

But like other actresses such as Delevingne she refuses to point at all the people who let this happen and feel no guilt over the fact it was so traumatic, that they sat back and watched it happen.

Fine Seydoux, no remorse over the past, but now this has opened your soul, surely you can shape the future?

It’s very common to encounter these kinds of men.
The first time a director made an inappropriate comment to me, I was in my mid-20s...
Another director I worked with would film very long sex scenes that lasted days...
Yet another director tried to kiss me...

They're all perverts and continuing their horrendous behaviour upon young actresses but hey, she respects their anonymity. Just like she did with Weinstein, and not a shred or hypocrisy is felt.

It's not just Seydoux it's been consistently like this with every actress who went into detail.

1- I knew he was a creep so I went to his room
2- it's sick how nobody has said anything until now
3- other directors are still out there doing this right now and nobody is saying who they are!!!

Overall this is in no way black-and-white as to how we should treat such a disgusting guy like Weinstein, and I think even those who resent women to some degree, will also resent how pathetic he is as well that he uses his power and influence to bully them into sex (if only as it inflates their worth and ego lol).

But there's absolutely no reaction or thought put into what allows him to behave like this in the first place and think it's perfectly acceptable. It's because in a fame seeking superficial world, which is nothing short of horrible the more anyone gets close to knowing the real side of it, women (and people in general) will throw all morals and reasoning out the door in an instant to get ahead, even if it's the cheap and easy way.

Side note: I wouldn't be f*****g surprised if half these women actually did suck him off. Every single one talks about all the other actresses he's fucked except them, it's kind of interesting how Weinstein must view this "it's probably better she didn't say it, phew, but on the other hand.. damn I f*****g hit that sh*t and nobody will ever know".

But these actresses would rather go down the dignified "but I changed my mind and tried to escape" route.

Now the guilt's kicked in for how they got ahead in their careers, and that was by making a decision to engage sexually as a consenting adult, with another more than consenting adult. And we forget that as well, in most of these cases Weinstein didn't actually do anything illegal, unless it's illegal to attempt to kiss a woman who goes back to your hotel room for drinks. (though there are other alleged sexual assaults which are in a different category, and clearly should be taken seriously).

Anyway if this brings anything good, it's the tip of the iceberg for everything the "casting couch" has always been about, and we'll get actresses that are talented, and less shitty actresses in our feature films like Cara Delevingne (Lea Seydoux is awesome though).

And another good thing is the hilarious scene we'll get from Delevingne's recounting in the inevitable made-for-TV re-enacment:

When I arrived I was relieved to find another woman in his room and thought immediately I was safe. He asked us to kiss and she began some sort of advances upon his direction. I swiftly got up and asked him if he knew that I could sing. And I began to sing....i thought it would make the situation better....more an audition....i was so nervous.

Absolutely meme-worthy already.
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Yep and his one handed catch was quite good too. Again so good match to watch. Carolinas offense is finally starting to look good.
However I must admit, that Packers against Cowboys was definitely match of a day. Aaron is a beast.
Thursday night football, son!!! I will be watching.
We get it live down here.

Christian McCaffrey to score two TD's.
One on the ground and one receiving...
What do ya think? A chance?


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Georgina Chapman announces that she's leaving Harvey Weinstein within days of him losing his fame, power, and credibility. It's almost as though her not willing to fight with him implies that she never truly loved him at a deep level:

View attachment 66002

View attachment 66003
The fact that he is a repeat groper of naive, unsuspecting women may just have a bit to do with it.
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He's missing half of the the truth right there.

Some people here were also genuinely worried about him.
Yeah, I know.
Anyway a few posts back you did bring up an interesting point about people being born with above average intelligence.

I have been around some bitter men (all intelligent yet of average looks) complaining how attractive girls generally go for "idiots."
Translation; good-looking men of average intelligence.

Endlessly complaining about how those guys are lucky to be blessed at birth with high aesthetics.

Yet never acknowledging their own privilege as far as working in a well paying job and living in a nice apartment.
Courtesy of their high IQ.

They are also the luck ones.


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Thursday night football, son!!! I will be watching.
We get it live down here.

Christian McCaffrey to score two TD's.
One on the ground and one receiving...
What do ya think? A chance?
Thursday football! yay :D
Not sure about McCaffrey. I am no expert in football, but Eagles defense is extremely good against rush game. However I believe, that Mc will score at least one similar to the one against Lions.


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The one in the middle is a Ten. Absolutely perfect light brown hair and perfect perfect figure

looks about 18



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It's because they consider me an amusing or sick joke, or maybe even a cautionary tale

Dude your black pillism is branching into borderline self-parody lately. It's ok to admit that you have worth and make attempts to better your life, you don't need to be stuck with this same attitude there is no harm in admitting Fred is right to an extent. As long as your career is ok plenty of woman would find you witty and like your emotional side.
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The self-parody is the only part I agree with, guess it's a result of my depression getting worse, I did not believe it was even possible. Nevermind, I'm here to vent, since it la the only thing I can do, so even if I appear even more ridiculous and pathetic it's fine, as long as I retain what little sanity I have left. Venting on an anonymous forum is all I can do.
One lesson I've learned about life: it can always get worse, always. But it can also get better. How are you sleeping nowadays? What you need is plenty of rest when you are down. Less time awake means less time trapped with your thoughts, at least for me. What also helps is fresh air, and animals.


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This. Not sure about the resting thing, unless one depression is also caused by the fact he is tired.
Yeah, I guess. I remember he mentioned he was not sleeping much and in my experience it makes depression x10 worse. When dealing with depression you need all the energy you can have to fight it, and without sleep you're more helpless against it.


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They're okay, I guess. I'd rather see some real shots of them when they aren't posing and made-up like dikes on Mardi Gras.

Shinzo looks cool!


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You and @Dante92 don't deserve your intelligence.

I'm jealous of Dante's ability to play the piano and to be able to speak what? 5 languages? What's with his high IQ, it's not like he deserves it, he was born with it! And look at that, he has a great job while less intelligent people are struggling to even get a job as a security agent.

See what I did here?
I can´t believe I write this, but here I am with Dante. You are basically saying, that being stupid and happy is equal or worse to being clever and suffer. What is intelligence for when the world won´t accept you. What is personality for when you have shitty genetics and feel like, that you are in the wrong body. Here is the point I understand some people want to remove their genetics from Humanity gen pool. I don´t want to have kids... Why? You can say, that I am at least average in intelligence. However I spend sh*t amount of time on fighting the genes. What could us unlucky in genes, but intelligent accomplish more in life? All the time spent only on looking at least normal. sigh... In my eyes the future is in intelligent people with good genes. That is why I am leaving the idea of having children. Somewhere deep down I really would want them, but I try to believe this will be the better and unselfish idea. However I still do my best to be happy, enjoy life and to return the gift of life by making by any chance the world better for the future generations or at least for the kids of my sisters.


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The self-parody is the only part I agree with, guess it's a result of my depression getting worse, I did not believe it was even possible. Nevermind, I'm here to vent, since it la the only thing I can do, so even if I appear even more ridiculous and pathetic it's fine, as long as I retain what little sanity I have left. Venting on an anonymous forum is all I can do.

Dante what languages do you speak? I'm an amateur linguist myself.