Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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I dislike the fact that so many women use the man and now that other women speak out they join the bandwagon because it's the thing to do. Where was their morals when they accepted the parts and received millions of dollars?


"I felt guilty as if I did something wrong".

You did do something wrong. And you are not brave for speaking out now that everyone else has as well.
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I think status (and wealth since it usually goes with it) is a great complement to average to above average looks.

As I explained yesterday, I get fluctuation in the quality of my relationship and how "invested" my girlfriend is in bed based on my status.

Status is an aphrodisiac as long as the initial sexual attraction (or sexual compatibility) is there. It's a prerequisite.

It is indeed a massive fillip for female sexual arousal/satisfaction


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Hypergamy over 9000 I'm so grateful for finasteride sides, the only cure for an ugly, bald guy today.

Both guys married ages ago when the wives were hot stuff.


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Even though hair loss has turned your hearts cold I know deep down you guys still believe in true love.

View attachment 66042

View attachment 66043

That's a really unflattering picture of Jackman's wife. He is more attractive than her but she really doesn't look THAT bad

Brosnan's wife actually still has a very nice face. Overweight but at least she appears to have a plump *** along with it

I could get off to both of these women


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Actually she looks pretty good even at her current size in different pictures.
Her some years ago. Should stand as a reminder for women to _never_ allow themselves to get ''fat with age'', ever.

Her face is still pretty actually, especially for her age which I googled to be 54. It's just the weight that's weighing (literally) her down.


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Her some years ago. Should stand as a reminder for women to _never_ allow themselves to get ''fat with age'', ever.
View attachment 66058
Her face is still pretty actually, especially for her age which I googled to be 54. It's just the weight that's weighing (literally) her down.

Woah that's wild.

She dosen't get to complain one bit if he sleeps with other women.


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I dislike the fact that so many women use the man and now that other women speak out they join the bandwagon because it's the thing to do. Where was their morals when they accepted the parts and received millions of dollars?

Some of these women were probably paid off.

It's a fact, that as far as Bill Cosby is concerned, he did pay a lot of the women to keep silent.

It's funny how when their money ran out (or he didn't pay them), they speak up.

I feel bad for the ones that didn't take any money, and I hope he does go to prison, because drugging/raping is kind of a fucked
up thing to do.


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Her some years ago. Should stand as a reminder for women to _never_ allow themselves to get ''fat with age'', ever.
View attachment 66058
Her face is still pretty actually, especially for her age which I googled to be 54. It's just the weight that's weighing (literally) her down.

Smokin hot in this picture!


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Some of these women were probably paid off.

It's a fact, that as far as Bill Cosby is concerned, he did pay a lot of the women to keep silent.

It's funny how when their money ran out (or he didn't pay them), they speak up.

I feel bad for the ones that didn't take any money, and I hope he does go to prison, because drugging/raping is kind of a fucked
up thing to do.

Both he and Weinstein, how utterly pathetic can men get?
I know people say that men think with our dicks, but really. Listening to Weinstein grovel to that girl, and for Cosby to drug women to feel them up. With all their money and stature. Come on.

At least Tiger Woods went about it the right way. Lots of consensual escorts with his money.


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Both he and Weinstein, how utterly pathetic can men get?
I know people say that men think with our dicks, but really. Listening to Weinstein grovel to that girl, and for Cosby to drug women to feel them up. With all their money and stature. Come on.

At least Tiger Woods went about it the right way. Lots of consensual escorts with his money.

I'm just saying, a victim of a crime shouldn't take money after it. Yes, Cosby should go to prison, and not all of them did.

But some were paid a long time. In fact, Cosby put one of them through college.


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Hypergamy over 9000 I'm so grateful for finasteride sides, the only cure for an ugly, bald guy today.
Those attractive men who settle down for fat or ugly women make me sick. I'm not settling down for nothing less than my looksmatch, either this or i'd rather be a virgin for eternity. I'm never going to inflate a fat whale's undeserved ego and hypergamy.