Actual Tens In Real Life...women Only


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more men are born than women
even if every single woman settled down with a guy there would still be millions of men who spent their lives alone
More men are born but more men die - it evens out - more so in Russia and Ukraine where there are significantly more women then men.


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more babushkas you mean
old hags like baba yaga who had their menopause back when breznev was in office
f*** no - lots of 20 and 30 somethings.

All these Gopniks drink themselves to death leaving the slav girls without a man to marry.

There's been a ton of articles and documentaries about it.

Opposite is true in China.


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and ffs the men who died were alive at one point too stop handwaving their deaths as unimportant, with the same logic nobody dies alone since you can write off the ones that did
What the hell are you even trying to say?

I wrote that women out number men in Ukraine and Russia because of alcoholism - just facts.


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Below is the population pyramid of Ukraine from 2016. As you can see, men outnumber women in all age brackets below 40.

View attachment 68716

A man who died alone because of alcoholism is a man who died alone.
You wrote originally that you believe there's a woman out there for everyone. Unless you're pairing middle aged women with guys in their 20s you're wrong. Writing the difference in statistics off due to earlier deaths of men does not change the fact that that a good part of these men had to die alone, after all otherwise you won't get that delicious middle aged female surplus.
Specifically on there being someone out there for nearly everyone: yes, I believe even in a lot of hard cases there is someone for everyone.

I've seen the undatables where people literally have major deformities and they still find love.

Mental disorders such as autism or bipolar tend to be set up with similar people with similar issues.


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Plus, while you're attributing all the male deaths to alcoholism I'd like to remind you that Ukraine is a nation at war, the crisis has cost over 10k documented lives.
Yeah, f*****g donestk fucks and Russian agitators


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I think this will actually help you IRL.
By establishing what female perfection is, You'll develop a keen eye for quality and flaw. And then, when you see how far most people fall short of it and learn not to be duped by cosmetics,
you won't feel so bad about your own hair loss! in fact you'll just give away less personal power to people you previously catagorised as attractive..
..kind of srs

Nope this pretty much makes sense.

I mean people can sneer at the idea of even taking the time to consider what your "perfect 10" is, as it's always going to be unobtainable and debatably unhealthy to really think about. But aesthetics are important to everyone and you must first discover and admit to yourself what traits you like, even if you aren't a superficial person (very rare) you can't help it, in those moments of madness and disagreement, your appreciation of your partners beauty to you won't be there. The smallest cracks in a relationship become amplified when you don't have the natural instinct to forgive them because of their face and body, so in not acknowledging the fact we're all superficial, we stop wasting ours and others time by pursuing a real relationship that will always be bitter without aesthetic fulfilment.

January Jones has beautiful tits.


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Eh christina doesnt look middle aged, nor that overweight. Also im not sure thats ginger? They have to be pale *** freckled phenotype. Shes a redhead

She's 42. She may not look middle aged but that was kind of my point.
Also I never called her fat but curvy. However, the point is she certainly doesn't fit into the Hollywood idea of the "perfect" waif like woman and is at an age where a lot of people (including people on this site) would say you are past it looks wise.
In her own words.............



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Below is the population pyramid of Ukraine from 2016. As you can see, men outnumber women in all age brackets below 40.

View attachment 68716

A man who died alone because of alcoholism is a man who died alone.
You wrote originally that you believe there's a woman out there for everyone. Unless you're pairing middle aged women with guys in their 20s you're wrong. Writing the difference in statistics off due to earlier deaths of men does not change the fact that that a good part of these men had to die alone, after all otherwise you won't get that delicious middle aged female surplus.

The few men that reach 90 will have some good times with all those widows


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Nobody cares about Ukrainian crisis anymore, that's outdated as f***

lol @ these cucks anyway

they fought "against" corruption and Russian influence and ended up with an oligarch president with a business in Russia


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one can't overestimate an impact of decayed hairline on every life aspect

I can't even enjoy alcohol

While my fullhead NT peers having fun drinking beer and f*****g prime jb I look like a middle aged bald alcoholic even I drink less than they
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pas and fraudlocks can save dozens or incels lives instead of sitting here



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That's a really heartbreaking picture. When I was younger I used to think that men were only after one thing: sex. But as I've become an adult I've realized several things:
1. Men have feelings just like us women, they just tend to have a harder time expressing them.
2. Men also want the security of a relationship, the cuddling, the hand holding, the forehead kisses... not just sex.
3. Men are insecure about their looks just like us women, and also need validation for their appearance. This was something I was not aware of as much before, but since joining this forum I have learned that men and women have several things in common, this included.


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That's a really heartbreaking picture. When I was younger I used to think that men were only after one thing: sex. But as I've become an adult I've realized several things:
1. Men have feelings just like us women, they just tend to have a harder time expressing them.
2. Men also want the security of a relationship, the cuddling, the hand holding, the forehead kisses... not just sex.
3. Men are insecure about their looks just like us women, and also need validation for their appearance. This was something I was not aware of as much before, but since joining this forum I have learned that men and women have several things in common, this included.
This was a good contribution. Seriously, well said.


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I'm not going to worry about what TurdForLife says. Thank God for ignore function :)

To other members who have been at each others throats recently: see how easy this forum can be?


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one can't overestimate an impact of decayed hairline on every life aspect

I can't even enjoy alcohol

While my fullhead NT peers having fun drinking beer and f*****g prime jb I look like a middle aged bald alcoholic even I drink less than they

This is just too true..

That Norwood 3.5 hairline ruins the possibility of enjoying social life.

Drinking alone still works though.