Re: to Doctor and michael
docj077 said:
tino said:
docj077 said:
Too many hypotheticals and not enough pure science.
i have evidences for everything i say,respectivley i can confirm everything i write here.The art is to put the puzzle reasonable together.
This is something that neither you or I are qualified to do. You can't put a puzzle together if you don't have all the pieces. Besides, pretty much every single study that we have for male pattern baldness is involves a small sample that is rarely representative of the entire population of balding men. Large, double blind studies are needed combined with large retrospective studies analyzing the laboratory work of those with hair loss.
When it comes to research in male pattern baldness, it seems as though the Japanese are moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, any studies that look at animals instead of humans during the experimentation phase are pretty much worthless to us (the recent study looking at different types of tea is an excellent example). Numerous drugs including herbal compounds demonstrate a profound effect on hair growth in murine and other models. In humans, this is not always the case.
If you truly believe what you say, then you'll be able to answer these two questions:
1. If ROS are to blame for hair loss, then why aren't all potentially androgen affected tissues involved? If it's not purely in the genes, then the glutathione reductase and SOD systems should be essentially shut down in numerous tissues including the rest of the skin of the body, the muscles, the lymphatics, blood vessels, genitals, etc., etc. All of those tissues should be fibrosed, as well, as they have androgen receptors and respond to androgens.
2. If the glutathione reductase and SOD systems are affected, then why aren't every single male or female with male pattern baldness suffering from severe folliculitis and contant catalase positive organism infection of the scalp? Those systems are required for the respiratory burst and the death of staph. bacteria. More and more balding men would end up staph infections that turn out systemic. That is not the case. The elevation in sebum production that often accompanies male pattern baldness would be the perfect breeding ground for these organisms, so tell me why are they not more prevalent? They have perfect conditions if your theory is true.
I await your answers.
citation;This is something that neither you or I are qualified to do. You can't put a puzzle together if you don't have all the pieces.
Sure,i cant puzzle the hall truth together.I still haven t all the puzzle pieces.But i puzzled so far that i knew hair biologic processes long before other investigators deduced them from other systemic events to the hair follicle.What i told people years ago,its now proven and under investigation under condition of the same thoughts like mine.A good,...and ONLY good researchers deduces hair follicle releated events,from other events releated to other organs.Only over this way you will learn the secrets of the hair follicle and metabolism.Hair biologie is a very young science-other organes and appendant metabolisms are much better explored.I think i have puzzled so far,that it i can help much more than a dermatologist,who is dependet on his pharmareferends arguments,and conservative further educations,which tell him,that the stand of knowledge is that dihydrotestosterone shrinks the follicle,over unknown mechanisms,or that zinc or iron deficiencies additional to male pattern baldness,induce only diffuse hair loss.
citation;every single study that we have for male pattern baldness is involves a small sample that is rarely representative of the entire population of balding men. Large, double blind studies are needed combined with large retrospective studies analyzing the laboratory work of those with hair loss.,me and all others here are completly bald if we would wait for Studys you want.There are enough ideas,but the industrie thinks,that for example procianydine thicks hair a little,why should we bring such a product on the market,where still there is minoxidil,which works stronger.They do not think about additional effects,respectivley synergetic interplay whit products of other pharmaconcerns.I talked whith many of them......i dont want to sound arrogant,but they are no discussion partner for me.
We people here have no other choice than using our knowledge to help ourselfs.And we have to go on a mission whith that attitude.We ourselfs must test arguable substances,topically or oral.Waiting like sheeps for something that may come,is the death for our follicles.And the more vital a follicle is,the better he is regenerable.....if there really will be something in 5 or 6 years.
citation;Numerous drugs including herbal compounds demonstrate a profound effect on hair growth in murine and other models. In humans, this is not always the case.
As first.....substances which worked in animals,and failed in humans,can only called failures,when the investigators, used a DNA-Flowcytometrie,to mess a changed proliferationsactivity during the treatment phase.Further and additive useful messmethodes are messing of hair shaft diameter by trichoscan.A trichogramm says nothing,a trichoscan without messing the hair shaft diameter says also nothing.Same for hair count.Changed hair shaft diameter which showes changed size of the follicle,and or proliferative s-phase activity,says that there goes something on,what shows that the substance can least additive to other.Many studys in humans which so called failure may not failed,because the messmethodes were unusable.
i also think that japanese move i a very right direction.Very good resaerchers.
citation;If ROS are to blame for hair loss, then why aren't all potentially androgen affected tissues involved?
who says that it isnt so?Isn t it possible,that other androgen affected tissues have better defense mechanisms against upregulated ROS,or that ROS do upregulate the strong expressed antioxidative encymes there-sperm production for example?Or DHT induces ROS there were they are needed for other duties?Myogenesys for example needs Inflammation and growth factors together to work.Tumor supression needs ROS.DHT starts when the childhood ends,it takes things the adult men dont need anymore(like strong IGF-1 expression for growth lenght),and assitst functions important for adult people,for example spermatogenesis for reproduction.Ros,and ROS induced inflammation do not always do bad things.It is all tissue specific.Why should the system be so silly and fibrose everything?In the line of some diseases,it does that.Also in partial androgen mediated/gender specific diseaes,like heart disease(myocard fibrosis),or some kidney diseases.But its not only Androgenes who do fibrosis-the next male pattern baldness gen candidat the mineralocorticoid receptor,and his friend Aldosterone,do the same i a double edged way.
citation;the glutathione reductase and SOD systems are affected, then why aren't every single male or female with male pattern baldness suffering from severe folliculitis and contant catalase positive organism infection of the scalp? Those systems are required for the respiratory burst and the death of staph. bacteria. More and more balding men would end up staph infections that turn out systemic. That is not the case. The elevation in sebum production that often accompanies male pattern baldness would be the perfect breeding ground for these organisms, so tell me why are they not more prevalent? They have perfect conditions if your theory is true.
How do you come to such an idea??I never heard something like that,and a quick research,did not told me that catalase or SOD releated polymorphisms are releated to such events.Maybe there is a little case report.......but this is no proove for the commones of such events.Melatonin deficiencies make decreased skin antioxidant activity,and many deficiencies too.Also there is no such a relationship.But the theory is,for instance do think that itching and seborrheic dermatitis in the line of male pattern baldness and pco-s are possible mediated by inflammation induced by a redox imbalance.Did you know that sebum is rich in antioxidative Vitamines like Vitamin E?It delivers it.The antioxidative network of the system and skin is big.When one policeman will get attacked,others do help to fight the enemy.Sometimes not even all together can fight the enemy,and sometimes ROS themself are killing life-threatening factors.Wasnt it so that somewhere there is a theory which says,that balding is a evolutionaery relict,which had his roots in keeping bacteria away from the scalp skin?Maybe thats why ROS are stronger expressed there