You never have answered anything Ive posed truthfully Tino...........................exceedingly dishonest and never answer direct queries with direct answers. Anyone who has dealt with liars sees the techniques and knows its not worth their time.
Thats exactly your behavour
You swich away from arguments of mine,you wont answer!
I give you an example.
You wrote:
Finasteride "non-responders" ? If you are old and have lost your hair, finas isn't going to "get it back". Even dutasteride doesn't get one much hair back. Ive seen the pictures and linked them. Finasteride slows baldness and might regrow a little vertex hair. I have never heard anyone deny that castration does not stop further baldness in Androgenetic Alopecia. Duke researchers concluded that it was pretty much a stop to further baldness, but according to "Tino" all the docs are wrong, and their is some "trigger" in people's diets-----amazing. It sounds like something someone would read on MPP-research's scammy website
I adviced you more than one time to a study.This study does not say,that Finasteride correlated negative whith some male pattern baldness probands,because they were old,peculiar because they hat longer CAG Repeats in the AR Gen.That means,that they had no strong androgenic influence.But they had so called male pattern baldness.The other group had short repeats,what means,that there is in fact strong androgenic influence.They respond well.
The second point which characterizes the behavour you suppose me,is that you seem to completly ignore prooven Facts,that there is a wrong redox modulation between Androgenic influence in male pattern baldness and general,and the Results Balding or other diseases.No comment about the work of Dr trueb i have postet in the last posting.No comment about other prooven,or approved triggering factors like Iron,thyroid imbalance or Stress.For you,this cognitions do not exist.
I think you cant belive that other influences can induce hair follicle apoptosis,cause you strong belive that castration makes Hairfollicles
absoloutly invulnerable.No Duke researcher would have such a illegitimate point of wiev.All the Duke researchers know exactly what all can induce apoptosis.In Fact,not scientific active docs do not know much about new cognitions.I listen to dermatological further educations,and i saw that Duke researchers do not feed little docs whith all the new cognitions.They treat them like little sheeps.Go and ask Prof Ulrike Blume Peytavy,or Prof Ralf Paus,and Dr Trueb.Or ask Stenn.They will tell you how it is.
What do you think happens,when you are castrated,and vegetarian whith long time iron deficiency.Or zinc deficiency,bad adjusted thyroid disease,malnutrition?
you wrote:
Gee, "oxidative stress" didn't cause this woman's hair to fall out. Nope, it was just testosterone treatment. Diet didn't change, hmm..........nope, just testosterone treatment. I wonder what "stone age" "triggers" might have caused her to have that
moustache and aged her skin and made her head hair go?
You ignore again every science.This displacement from oxidative stress as thing between the things,.....i call it simply ignoring.Sure...noone negated that there may no oxidative Stress in bearth growth due androgenes.By the way...not only androgenes can induce body hair growth.IGF-1 can do it too,and Minoxidil also.Sure not a moustache like Tom Sellek.Many non androgenic working drugs can induce hypertrichosis.
you wrote:.............................
yup, just some "trigger" from eating whatever. Human beings are omnivoires, evolved to eat anything they can get their hands on. Finasteride only inhibits 65-70% of DHT creation. It doesn't get it all. Researchers in S. Korea thought Dutasteride could "pretty much stop further balding" alone. One is still uptaking other androgens when on a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.
Dutasteride....A good question.Why does a DHT inhibition of almost 100 percent,fail to work in so many cases?It even fails to work in very young guys,which have great biological potential to regrowth hair?Duke researchers are so sure that it is the DHT....or not?
you wrote:
The pictures of the women, and a study I read about a group of them on testosterone therapy in which half developed some progression of Male Pattern Baldness all the way to the NW7 level, show one big thing..........................males and females both go Male Pattern Bald roughly half the time if given testosterone. A man makes his naturally and of course doesn't need injections. This is not "BELIEF", but proven, observed scientific fact. I can cut and paste this post over and over forever, and it will disprove anything about "dietary" triggers in someone's genetics. Vegans bald, super-healthy food folks go bald, professional athletes with private chefs bald, people in the distant past who ate natural diets balded and our primate ancestors bald.
It is really will never understand the interplay between individual genetic,and triggers.All you take up from my writing is the assume,that i negate the FACT that Testosterone,respectively his peripher chanced metabolite,is a very strong trigger for male pattern baldness,in genetic praedisposed individuals.But yo yourself grant,that not all female to male patients develop male pattern baldness.....or am i wrong?This Fact disprooves NOTHING.It prooves something.It prooves that you dont understand what i will say.
you wrote:----
the Greeks noticed that eunuchs didn't go bald even if all the other male victims in a castrates family did bald. "Tino" has tried to "slip in" a few whoppers suggesting that castaration doesn't stop further baldness, but its nowhere in the literature.
This deliverances from greece or egypt,whatever....are scientific non valid,because informations like for example,what will happen when a castrated subject will get thyroid disease,or has low Iron are missing.Noone investigated that....the only thing they saw is,that there was a difference to their genetic kinsman,when castrated.What makes you so sure that they keeped their hair full and healthy until they died?Again,Castration does maybe stopp further progression of
androgen induced Apoptotic influence,but it can do nothing for other influences.The complete inhibition of a important hormone,is no adhesive tape for hair and skin aging. ... -price.htm
This Mrs Duke...Vera Price,seems to know that androgenes are not all.
you wrote:
Chris Penn, ... n%26sa%3DN looks alot like a few men I know personally. He was over 320 lbs when he died at 40. He ate alot, obviously. The guys I know whoof down cheesburgers and cokes like anybody else, are fat, dont excercise, and are otherwis lab-geeks. Like Penn, they have all their hair and one is getting near fifty. Teenage hairlines. If ever anybody should have tripped a "dietary trigger" (and they probably have---for heart disease) these two should have.
If he has good genes,than they may outwight influences in an amount,that he wont notice cellulaer damages.But this is not the rule-the majority of women who are anorexic do develop non reversible hair loss.On my board,about 30 percent.
I did not ignored your pictures.......but this are singel case,cases which were under no investigation.You yust know a little of are not whith them and watch them.