
All we need to know about RU58841

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Which company upped their prices, F.E or Kouting?


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Hair cycles and RU?

Ive been using RU for about a month now, i cant say ive seem much happen all over my scalp yet, however its still early days. But one thing ive noticed, is that about 10 or so more hairs on my hairline have gone from vellus to dark (what i assume is terminal) hair. Now these hairs are very small, so could only be about 2 weeks or so old.

only about 3 of these are unpigmented at the end (furthest away from the scalp) and have gotten darker, but these other hairs have grown pigmented.

Do you think its a case of these hairs maybe fell out right when i started using RU, and the RU has worked it's magic on them?

How long does it take a hair to start growing again after you pull it out, i am thinking in order to speed the process up a bit, i could pull small tufts of vellus hair from my hair line, and hopefully they will grow back terminal. Instead of waiting for them to fall.

Good or bad idea? ive also got a single hair growing about half a cm away from my hair line which is black. its about where my hairline was before it started to receed.

Another thing as well, my hair is naturally brown (ive dyed it black for a few years now, only once or twice a year tho), but these hairs seem to be growing back black? Just thought it was a bit strange.


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Has RU slowed or stopped shedding?

How much scalp are you applying RU too? And which company did you get your RU from?

Plus dont pull those hairs out. RU can have an effect on even growing hair follicles. They dont have to fall out before they can thicken. Thye can begin to thicken as they grow.


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My shedding has dropped rapidly, although i started using RU about 3 weeks after stopping propecia, so it could be down to either one, or both.

I am applying roughly 100mg in 4ml solution to my hairline, temples, vertex and crown. Imediately after needling (i do this every other day).

I got my RU from Kouting. I read somewhere that hairs cant grow(thicken) while in the anagen phase, and have to fall and start again in order to grow thicker and longer? Hence the shedding from minoxidil and finasteride?

EDIT: 100mg in a 4ml solution, what strength is this? i know i found the calculations here somewhere but i cant seem to find them again. Is it (100mg / 4ml) = 25 / 10 = 2.5% Strength?


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RU is a male pattern baldness prevention drug. Not a cure if you are already bald.

what you can expect if you are a good responder??

1) reduction of shedding (first few days or weeks)
2) thickening of some existing hair, depending on how healthy the hair follicles are
3)sheddiing of some weak hair and partial replacement by new, thicker hair.

It will not increase the overall haircount or coverage, it works on exisiting hair.

It works better than finasteride especially at the front, and has less side effects than finasteride.


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I did ask this to the manufacturer of RU in China.

They replied that they did tests where they let sit RU at room temperature for 15 days and test it afterwards and found no changes.
I would not worry about degradation at normal temperature or even summer.

The most important factor is moisture absorbtion and degradation due to air contact and light contact.
Keep the powder airtight and protected from direct light exposure and you can travel with it.

I had it (in powder form) in the trunk of my rental car for 10 days in summer when I traveled around southern California and Nevada and it worked fine too.
It got very hot in the car.

Freezer is recommended for long term storage.


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^ Exactly. I expect keeping your stash on top of the wardrobe wrapped in clingfilm and zipped in an airtight plastic zip bag should do the trick for most peeps.

It's not as if the compound degrades above freezing point. If it did, it'd be useless by the time you received it.


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Guys, I think this thread is half useless if it's not gonna help us understand whether RU really works on average. For this please for those who are using RU currently or have used it in the past, identify yourselves, tell us how's it hanging, and I will try to keep in touch with you in about 3 then 6 months. If by then only ELdut and Irish are praising RU then I think we can convincingly end this thread and move on.


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Been dissolving my RU in this polish rectified spirit that's 80% alcohol. Dissolves great but it dries so fast when I put in on my scalp i'm worried it's not absorbing very well. ElDut is using pure ethanol so I assume this would dry at least just as quick. Is it a good idea to mix in PG or is it ok the way it is? what is the function of the PG in the topical?


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bboy, definitely Propylene glycol aids dermal penetration and also keep the active compound, in this case RU, in solution for longer. When the alcohol dries if any RU has not yet entered the skin then it will be wasted just sitting on top of your scalp. Ethanol dries so fast that not all the RU will get absorbed adequately.

PPG will help solve that problem. i would add PPG if I were just to be sure. as i have heard bryan say, its too expensive not too. add no more than 20%. it can cause some probles at higher levels and will make the topical to greasy when used in higher strengths as well.

how much RU are you using per day?


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waynakyo said:
Guys, I think this thread is half useless if it's not gonna help us understand whether RU really works on average. For this please for those who are using RU currently or have used it in the past, identify yourselves, tell us how's it hanging, and I will try to keep in touch with you in about 3 then 6 months. If by then only ELdut and Irish are praising RU then I think we can convincingly end this thread and move on.

I am currently using RU at the moment, i have been on it for about a month to a month and a half, i can count at least 10 hairs on my hairline so far that have become thicker and more pigmented so are cosmetically visible. One of these hairs is about 1cm or a bit more in length, and it sitting at the edge of where my hairline used to be.

However there is a few things i must point out. Firstly, it is just the ONE hair that is growing that far from my current hairline, the rest are sprouting out around my current hairline.

I can see quite a few tiny (and i mean, maybe only 1-2mm in length) hairs inbetween the hairs at the front (its almost impossible to find these around the vertex or crown, as i cant get that close). Although these hairs seem pigmented, i have to get up real close in the mirror with a light to see em (they are darker then other vellus hairs around them, so i know its not the light making the hair apear darker)

Another thing i must point out is i am also using a scalp roller / dermaroller (1mm). and im using minoxidil too. However, i have only been using the dermaroller for about 3 weeks i think, and minoxidil for 2 weeks at most. So some of these terminal hairs i have found may or may not be down to this (or the combined effect of everything im doing). This does not however, explain the random hair that sits about 1cm infront of my current hairline, as the length of it, means it must have started its life when i started RU.

None the less i noticed a fairly rapid decrease in shedding shortly after starting RU.

For those who saw the irishpride post on RU, and saw the impressive `regrowth` he got in like 2 months, my results are nothing like this. a month and a half and im still a bit thin on top, however he could just respond really well, AND he was using Rogaine Foam aswell.

Irish, if your still around im not doubting you man, im just sharing my experience as everyone gets different results from treatments.

However, i think the combination of dermarollin' and RU has contributed to the regrowth at the hairline so far, as 2 weeks on minoxidil is a bit too early to see results (if im correct).


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RU will not grow new strands of hair at the hairline.
You might get one or two but those will not grow past 1cm.

There are simply no drugs that can do that at the moment.

If that is your expectation you should look into a Histogen or transplant type of solution.

RU is the best drug to stop further hairloss, thicken existing hair and this without side effects.
Nothing more and nothing less.


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el_duterino said:
RU will not grow new strands of hair at the hairline.
You might get one or two but those will not grow past 1cm.

There are simply no drugs that can do that at the moment.

If that is your expectation you should look into a Histogen or transplant type of solution.

RU is the best drug to stop further hairloss, thicken existing hair and this without side effects.
Nothing more and nothing less.

Here's a question for you dutasteride: what do you think are the prospects for security of supply when it comes to RU?

If, say, someone stabilized using RU, then opted for a transplant, would it be worth their while bulk ordering on the stuff to last several years in case things went south with the labs?


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I'm 5 weeks in at 150-200mg/day and I think it's far too early to pass any definitive judgement.

If I had to say something, it would be somewhat similar to karlg. I don't know if I just didn't notice before, but I've never noticed so many vellus hairs in my temple areas. They don't cover the entire pre-male pattern baldness hairline zone but it's pretty close. When I look really closely like karlg mentioned, I do see some really small colored hairs amongst those vellus hairs although again, I never looked this closely before so I can't pass definitive judgement myself either. I'm taking monthly pics as well so if there are any positive results, I'll be sure to report and show them.

In regards to what el-dutasteride said, I also don't believe that RU can bring back dead follicles. However, I believe the studies on RU have shown that when a sufficient amount is used, vellus to terminal conversion is very possible along with thickening of existing hair of course.


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do we know anything about RUs indirect affect on androgen receptors? is there in increase in them or sensitivity, and could we be worse off if we ever stop RU?


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el_duterino said:
RU will not grow new strands of hair at the hairline.
You might get one or two but those will not grow past 1cm.

There are simply no drugs that can do that at the moment.

If that is your expectation you should look into a Histogen or transplant type of solution.

RU is the best drug to stop further hairloss, thicken existing hair and this without side effects.
Nothing more and nothing less.

The hairs i have at the hairline are not `new hairs` as such, ive still got pretty much all of my old hairline and they are either vellus or these `intermediate` hairs. So im not growing hair from follicles that are completely dead.

RU has definately helped in bringing the loss to a grinding halt (more or less).

hairandthere said:
In regards to what el-dutasteride said, I also don't believe that RU can bring back dead follicles. However, I believe the studies on RU have shown that when a sufficient amount is used, vellus to terminal conversion is very possible along with thickening of existing hair of course.

Iv'e read this too, if i could turn alot of the vellus hair at the hairline terminal i'd be substantially better off. Although im not really using RU for regrowing my hairline specifically, im trying to thicken up the rest of it primarily.

One question ive got, ive just upped from 100mg to 150mg as ive got fairly long hair and alot of the RU gets caught up in it rather then getting on my scalp. Ive recently lowered the ammount of PG ive used, and noticed my hairs were covered in a fine film of RU powder after it had dried, is this because im putting to much RU in the 3ml of ethanol, or is this the RU that didnt get a chance to be absorbed, and the lack of PG means it dries out too quick?

Should i increase the ammount of PG i put in the solution? im using 0.5ml for the 3ml solution. Would 3ml ethanol and 1ml PG be more suitable?


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qwerty said:
do we know anything about RUs indirect affect on androgen receptors? is there in increase in them or sensitivity, and could we be worse off if we ever stop RU?

I'd like to see evidence on whether the above is true or not. It's a good question, and see'ing as RU is a fairly grey area, if the suppliers did go down or stopped producing it, we could be f*cked.

Although this may seem like a stupid question (im no scientist or anything), but if RU made the receptors more sensitive, then surely it wouldnt really work? Although RU suposadly does a good job, it doesnt stop all DHT and androgens getting to the receptors, and, if they were made more sensitive, then those androgens that do get to the receptors would do a considerably more damage then they normally would? Maybe not making RU completely inefective, but the balding process would surely continue, making RU ineffective for maintenance?


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karlg said:
Although this may seem like a stupid question (im no scientist or anything), but if RU made the receptors more sensitive, then surely it wouldnt really work?

Don't make yourself crazy by worrying about such things! :) The increase in androgen receptors is just a normal response that cells have when they detect a decrease in androgenic stimulation. That response certainly isn't capable of completely counteracting the antiandrogenic effect of RU itself.


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qwerty said:
could that increase end up being permanent after discontinuing RU?

I would like to know this too, i think the real, honest answer would be no one knows, however if the increase in AR's was your body's natural reaction to less AR stimulation, then (and i could be totally wrong) slowly weening yourself off RU, or slowly reducing the dosage, you would allow your body time to reduce the number of AR's because of overstimulation. wheras if you just stopped dead, then all those extra AR's would suddenly be exposed to androgens?

I'd like you hear your oppinion on this bryan :)
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