Anyone else considering totally checking out of society?

uncomfortable man

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That means so much to me, thank you evil. And it's not like I never tried anything. I've been to hair transplant docs and even got a trial of Propecia. I did the research, I consulted with hasson/wong. Weighed the risk, cost vs benifits and came to an educated conclusion that I would have spent a fortune for sub par results. I simply don't have enough donor hair and the tech itself is too limited.. Those are the circumstances.... not by any means a lack of ambition on my part like others here are so quick to believe. Anyhow, I'm glad your here.


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swingline747, great post. I also didnt have it easy some years ago - even had to borrow money from friends so I could afford food. For respect for their help, I didn't have any social life or leisure time activities that cost money back then, and that situation persisted for quite a long time (several years). But I managed to get through, even though it was hard.

Currently, I can honestly say I couldn't ask for more in life except hair. Rest of my life is perfect. Career, friends, hobbies, relationship. And for the wannabe-anti-materialist UCman: I am a minimalist. I use the money for buying immaterial things. You should maybe take into consideration that money is useful for many non-material things. And, for completeness' sake, I am currently going through a shed and have hit NW4. Noone's treating me any different than when I was NW3; indeed I just pulled a new job while competing with low NWs.

I realize that I am extremely lucky. I don't have the problems more than 80% of the world's population have: hunger, diseases, human rights' problems, working under bad conditions for crazy hours a day. The only problem I have is a cosmetical one which leads to me getting laid only once every month or every other month while single, instead of every second weekend. Does hair loss bother me? Yes, quite a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But it's no reason to let the rest of my life go to waste. I can enjoy many things unrelated to how attractive the opposite gender sees me - culture, food, watching movies, listening to music, traveling, video games, reading books, learning new things such as languages, sports, and quite a few more. I am able to enjoy all these things that 70 to 80% of the world population don't have remotely as much access to as I do.

Does hair loss suck? Yes, of course. Could our lives be much, much worse? Yes.
No, we shouldn't settle for a situation that could be improved a great deal. But we must also be aware that, even though there is much potential for improvement which can significantly improve our lives, we are still very lucky for everything else. Well, except if we choose just to wallow in self-pity because it's more comfortable and nurtures our notion of how bad society treats us. It tries to shift the fault for every aspect of your life away from you. Very convenient.


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That means so much to me, thank you evil. And it's not like I never tried anything. I've been to hair transplant docs and even got a trial of Propecia. I did the research, I consulted with hasson/wong. Weighed the risk, cost vs benifits and came to an educated conclusion that I would have spent a fortune for sub par results. I simply don't have enough donor hair and the tech itself is too limited.. Those are the circumstances.... not by any means a lack of ambition on my part like others here are so quick to believe. Anyhow, I'm glad your here.

Thank you UCman. People shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm sure if a hair transplant was an option for you you would work your *** off to afford it. The truth is there aren't many viable solutions for advanced baldness, if any. All we can do hope that better treatments will be available in the future.

uncomfortable man

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What is it you want me to take responsibility for? My genetics? Society as a whole? Both out of my hands. A cure? Out of my hands. What exactly benjt?


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What is it you want me to take responsibility for? My genetics? Society as a whole? Both out of my hands. A cure? Out of my hands. What exactly benjt?

Listen man, yes you prob have it worse hair wise but how much is you holding you back to?
I remember one comment you made complaining about how you werent allowed to smoke on your condo porch anymore and talking about how you hate fitness and see no reason.
We all hit ****ty spots, I come on here a lot to vent when I diss my pills or get in a rut but in the end I still go to the gym, try things and work hard. Maybe you do work hard, I dont know but in the end a lot of your comments just seem miserable 100% of the time. Like I have never seen ANYTHING remotely positive nor even negative but humorous out of them.
Maybe you just vent it out here and smile 100% in the real world... I dunno, doubt it tho but when you say something like

Leave it to swing to totally derail and devolve a thread into a discussion on womens bodies.maybe your nut warmer vesper will join in, huh? Anyway, how does one even check out on society and survive? How will you earn money to eat more importantly. Living off the grid sounds nice but how practical is it? Now if we are talking about not being social anymore by not going out to parties and bars or any kind of real life social gathering (even quitting FB) and just playing video games then sure, im already there.

dont expect to not get rebutted and then you say something like this

It is not self acceptance rather others acceptance of those with baldness that is the real issue at hand. Why should the burden lie on us when others cant accept us because of our condition?why not instead encourage people to treat us like human beings and not percieve us as inferior? . Teach a little tolerance instead, because from my experience people can be terrible creatures who could stand a dose of humility, humanity.

it shows you are weak and want everyone to bend to your will. I mean really do you want parents to have the "bald talk" with kids? Round off the sex talk with it?
I b**ch about MY situation, not how society acts to it, because let's face it if both you and I had hair like


neither would be here nor CARE about bald people in the world.


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What is it you want me to take responsibility for? My genetics? Society as a whole?
For your f*cking life. Most aspects in life are not determined by what Norwood you are. You can enjoy almost everything except for dating. Whatever floats your boat.

If they were, the suicide rates among bald men (and their possibilities to reproduce) would be so low we virtually wouldn't see any baldness today, by the way. Clear indicator baldness doesn't kick you out of the dating and mating game.

And one more thing: What you, Fred, and hellouser have in common is that you take your own opinion for the sole and absolute truth. This is the big difference between you and the other people here. And you know who else thinks the same about their own vs. others' opinions? Absolutists, religious madmen, terrorists. People who forbid others' opinions and try to enforce one only truth - their world view. Start accepting that different people deal with hairloss differently, even at higher NWs, instead of insulting everyone who doesn't share your world view which puts everybody at blame for everything in your life, including things that have nothing to do with baldness.
This just supports, by the way, what swingline said about you: You want everyone to bend to your will and have a huge sense of entitlement. You cannot accept others not giving you the time of your day (or not sharing your opinion, for that matter). You wouldnt be happy even if you had hair, because you would still blame others for what is wrong with you.

And a question for you, UCman: If you had a perfect NW1 for your whole life, how much would you care about people suffering from hair loss?


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swingline747, great post. I also didnt have it easy some years ago - even had to borrow money from friends so I could afford food. For respect for their help, I didn't have any social life or leisure time activities that cost money back then, and that situation persisted for quite a long time (several years). But I managed to get through, even though it was hard.

Currently, I can honestly say I couldn't ask for more in life except hair. Rest of my life is perfect. Career, friends, hobbies, relationship. And for the wannabe-anti-materialist UCman: I am a minimalist. I use the money for buying immaterial things. You should maybe take into consideration that money is useful for many non-material things. And, for completeness' sake, I am currently going through a shed and have hit NW4. Noone's treating me any different than when I was NW3; indeed I just pulled a new job while competing with low NWs.

I realize that I am extremely lucky. I don't have the problems more than 80% of the world's population have: hunger, diseases, human rights' problems, working under bad conditions for crazy hours a day. The only problem I have is a cosmetical one which leads to me getting laid only once every month or every other month while single, instead of every second weekend. Does hair loss bother me? Yes, quite a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But it's no reason to let the rest of my life go to waste. I can enjoy many things unrelated to how attractive the opposite gender sees me - culture, food, watching movies, listening to music, traveling, video games, reading books, learning new things such as languages, sports, and quite a few more. I am able to enjoy all these things that 70 to 80% of the world population don't have remotely as much access to as I do.

Does hair loss suck? Yes, of course. Could our lives be much, much worse? Yes.
No, we shouldn't settle for a situation that could be improved a great deal. But we must also be aware that, even though there is much potential for improvement which can significantly improve our lives, we are still very lucky for everything else. Well, except if we choose just to wallow in self-pity because it's more comfortable and nurtures our notion of how bad society treats us. It tries to shift the fault for every aspect of your life away from you. Very convenient.

Yeah most of the world population is living under extreme condition not time to complain if they get bald no wonder many people in this forum is from first world countries.

getting bald is a cr@p and people can get a reactive depresión but lasting for long is no healthy, and if it interferes with you daily life in terms of funtionality it needs medical counseling.

Great at post.

uncomfortable man

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For your f*cking life.

When have I complained about anything non hair loss related in this forum? Maybe three times total in over twelve years. Outside of baldness my life is fine and I do appreciate what blessings I have. But like you just said, that doesn't mean you can't recognize areas for improvement. This place is my toilet so you only see my shyt, remember that.

And swing, if I had the guys hair from lost I may not care about bald guys as much but I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to make fun of them like so many do. you are all acting like I'm in the wrong for taking offense to being ridiculed and demeaned for my baldness. WTF! How is wanting to belong and being treated like a human being me bending others will to my huge sense of entitlement? Again, WTF. How some of you guys just love to try and twist whatever I say into something aprehensible is beyond me!


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Yeah most of the world population is living under extreme condition not time to complain if they get bald no wonder many people in this forum is from first world countries.

getting bald is a cr@p and people can get a reactive depresión but lasting for long is no healthy, and if it interferes with you daily life in terms of funtionality it needs medical counseling.

Great at post.

there will be days when it interferes with your well being and functions. This is by all means true. But you need things to take your minds off it. This is why after most of my REALLY bad rants I conclude with
"im in a mood"

i know its not like this 10000000% of the time and even myself can get that glimmer of something.
UCman needs an instrument or a fish tank!


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@UCman: Yeah, and you ignored the rest of my post. Too uncomfortable to answer, I guess? Same as hellouser and FredTheBelgian - don't like a question, just ignore it.

uncomfortable man

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@UCman: Yeah, and you ignored the rest of my post. Too uncomfortable to answer, I guess? Same as hellouser and FredTheBelgian - don't like a question, just ignore it.

Settle down, I just answered your question above in response to swing. If I never went bald I would be just as clueless as anyone else is about it....but baldness has taught me a harsh lesson about the true nature of people. So, now if I got my hair back I would be much more compassionate and understanding of those still inflicted. IMO, the measure of any great societies compassion is how they treat their sick and bald. By this standard the US fails miserably. Satisfied mr. Pecking antagonist?

- - - Updated - - -

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness, brah.

In the context of being bald and needing a way out, how does this help? Does speaking in rhetorical riddles make you sound profound? If there was a fvcking candle to light, don' you think I would have lit it already?OMFG!


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In the context of being bald and needing a way out, how does this help? Does speaking in rhetorical riddles make you sound profound? If there was a fvcking candle to light, don' you think I would have lit it already?OMFG!

LOL, so true.


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Just curse the darkness then if it's easier for you. Matters not to me at this point.


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Settle down, I just answered your question above in response to swing. If I never went bald I would be just as clueless as anyone else is about it....but baldness has taught me a harsh lesson about the true nature of people. So, now if I got my hair back I would be much more compassionate and understanding of those still inflicted. IMO, the measure of any great societies compassion is how they treat their sick and bald. By this standard the US fails miserably. Satisfied mr. Pecking antagonist?

- - - Updated - - -

In the context of being bald and needing a way out, how does this help? Does speaking in rhetorical riddles make you sound profound? If there was a fvcking candle to light, don' you think I would have lit it already?OMFG!

dude cheer up idk if im mistaken but someone in this forum told you got a wife and a son, those should be not a candle but two suns that lights darkness.


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Just curse the darkness then if it's easier for you. Matters not to me at this point.

Doesn't matter either way. Telling someone to light a candle or not do anything at all or curse the darkness producess the same result:

You're still bald.

You know what does produce a result? Hair. That's the only thing that fixes the problem. I don't see how these religious type words of encouragement have a place in these discussions.


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The metaphorical candle can be something completely different than hair. Life is not only about hair, there are many enjoyable things in life that are in no way impacted by having hair loss.


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Doesn't matter either way. Telling someone to light a candle or not do anything at all or curse the darkness producess the same result:

You're still bald.

You know what does produce a result? Hair. That's the only thing that fixes the problem. I don't see how these religious type words of encouragement have a place in these discussions.

Yeah you are still bald, so what? Will that mean i will be live a miserable sobbing about how bad the world is, feeling miserable wont get you anywhere, it only makes baldness worse than already is.

Denying some solutions to stop being miserable, is worse than baldness itself and there is some inner problems if you are reluctant to be happy regardless of having hair or not having hair., cause there are plenity of things on life for which is worth fighting.


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Life is not only about hair, there are many enjoyable things in life that are in no way impacted by having hair loss.

Life is not only about hair, but not having hair can impact all parts of your life (and not for the better). It affects your social life, your love life, and sometimes also your professional life. I can attest to this as losing my hair has negatively impacted all these categories. There are many wonderful things in life, but when you are in a deep depression over something (in this case hair loss), your brain simply cannot see the light anywhere. I am in a deep depression and have completely lost the ability to find joy in things. While forcing myself to do things I used to find enjoyable, I can still hear in the back of my mind "but you're going bald". I can never completely escape the feeling of overwhelming depression, and it's not something that I, or UCman, can be blamed for. UCman has been through a lot because of hair loss, and so have I. Maybe some people see us as overly negative but the truth is we have been through trauma and cannot be blamed for being depressed. Besides, hair loss affects different people in different ways, you cannot expect people to deal with an issue in the way you would have.

Also benjt, I wonder what Norwood you are? (the inevitable question).