swingline747, great post. I also didnt have it easy some years ago - even had to borrow money from friends so I could afford food. For respect for their help, I didn't have any social life or leisure time activities that cost money back then, and that situation persisted for quite a long time (several years). But I managed to get through, even though it was hard.
Currently, I can honestly say I couldn't ask for more in life except hair. Rest of my life is perfect. Career, friends, hobbies, relationship. And for the wannabe-anti-materialist UCman: I am a minimalist. I use the money for buying immaterial things. You should maybe take into consideration that money is useful for many non-material things. And, for completeness' sake, I am currently going through a shed and have hit NW4. Noone's treating me any different than when I was NW3; indeed I just pulled a new job while competing with low NWs.
I realize that I am extremely lucky. I don't have the problems more than 80% of the world's population have: hunger, diseases, human rights' problems, working under bad conditions for crazy hours a day. The only problem I have is a cosmetical one which leads to me getting laid only once every month or every other month while single, instead of every second weekend. Does hair loss bother me? Yes, quite a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But it's no reason to let the rest of my life go to waste. I can enjoy many things unrelated to how attractive the opposite gender sees me - culture, food, watching movies, listening to music, traveling, video games, reading books, learning new things such as languages, sports, and quite a few more. I am able to enjoy all these things that 70 to 80% of the world population don't have remotely as much access to as I do.
Does hair loss suck? Yes, of course. Could our lives be much, much worse? Yes.
No, we shouldn't settle for a situation that could be improved a great deal. But we must also be aware that, even though there is much potential for improvement which can significantly improve our lives, we are still very lucky for everything else. Well, except if we choose just to wallow in self-pity because it's more comfortable and nurtures our notion of how bad society treats us. It tries to shift the fault for every aspect of your life away from you. Very convenient.