Fred is lucky. For every fred their are forty disaster stories. I've seen some doll heads.
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But more on topic, I am looking forward to playing Dying Light at the end of the month. Gonna get lost in that shiz.
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I have accepted my baldness. What I will not accept is that my baldness makes me less of a person, contrary to what society asserts. I have hobbies that I enjoy, but that doesn't detract from the fact that I still have to go out into the world like this and endure chuckles and sneers. Retraining my mind to do what? Going bald opens your eyes to certain realities that cant be unlearned, only worked around at best. anyone who writes me off due to hairloss is a shallow superficial a**h**. It's a logically true statement or affirmation that I can always defer to but ynow, it just isnt enough to know you are in the right, when everyone else is so wrong. Ultimately you just want to belong and not be branded an outcast. The problem is retraining your mind or trying to brainwash yourself with positivity wont change how other people see you. It doesnt change the underlying root of the social problem with baldness. Going bald changes the way people percieve you usually in a negative way unless they themselves are bald.that is a reality that you are going to have to contend with rather than succumb to because ultimately you have no control over what other people think. That doesnt make you weak, just a victim of circumstance.That and the nature of baldness is a persistant one in that you are always reminded of your shortcoming which is a constant thorn in your side.