Mental illness is worse than baldness. Unfortunately, baldness can cause mental illness. I've suffered moments of intense physical pain, and psychological pain doesn't compare.
I've seen people who had to go through cancer or who had recover from cancer. They were mostly OK because even though their disease is horrible and there is a good chance that they will die, there is still hope.
This is where baldness is different. I know I managed to ease my psychological pain a lot thanks to my hair transplant, but there was a time when I thought this way out wasn't possible.
There was no hope. Only a lifetime of being a lonely bald loser. A wasted youth that I never even had the chance to live, the idea of never feeling a woman's touch.
And those thoughts between the age of 20 and 23 hurt like hell, they paralyzed me, and made me have horrific panic attacks just before sinking into the deepest depression.
The lack of hope is what makes a disease horrible. To me, death was better than this future I imagined at the time. At least it was peaceful, no more suffering.
When people think about horrible disease, they think about the ones where death is lurking at the corner.
They don't think about the ones that make you live your whole life as a ghost, or as you said Wolf, a dead man.
And during this life as a dead man, people won't even see you as suffering. You will get no empathy, no pity, and no understanding.