Apple Cider Vinegar... part II

G k

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Hoppi said:
On an unrelated note, a great vid I found about coconut kefir! Really made me smile :)

I'm planning to switch over to this once I've got fully into the swing of dairy kefir!


and G k, again, we're all entitled to our different approaches! :)

Yes of course we are entitled to that much.

But honestly man I see you given people all kinds of whack-job advices, most of which I worry about are the impressionable noobs.

However you can dish out all the advice you want, but you refuse to listen to anyone but those who agree with you.

If you really were not a vain pretty-boy, and truly worried about your health, you'd be at a different forum, and not a cosmetic one like this!


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G k said:
Yes of course we are entitled to that much.

But honestly man I see you given people all kinds of whack-job advices, most of which I worry about are the impressionable noobs.

However you can dish out all the advice you want, but you refuse to listen to anyone but those who agree with you.

If you really were not a vain pretty-boy, and truly worried about your health, you'd be at a different forum, and not a cosmetic one like this!

When do we elect him for the Darwin awards?


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I don't think the reality that silver can accumulate in the skin proves or disproves any other properties it has though, and we have no idea about the methods they used (tap water or distilled, salt or not, etc) and the kinds of quantities consumed.

Anyway, this thread isn't about colloidal silver, I think we just have to accept our views on this do not agree.

I take a very small amount of silver now, around 4-6 tablespoons a day, just in case there is some kind of liver infection that I have missed. I don't overdo it, and I don't make silver concentrations over about 15PPM.

But ANYWAY, that's not what this thread is really about, and the silver is not really my first weapon in correcting my system.

I'd be very interested if you can provide real proof that a burdened/sluggish liver will not significantly affect hormonal balance in the body. That will have actual relevance to my argument.

G k

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Rogazzle said:
G k said:
Yes of course we are entitled to that much.

But honestly man I see you given people all kinds of whack-job advices, most of which I worry about are the impressionable noobs.

However you can dish out all the advice you want, but you refuse to listen to anyone but those who agree with you.

If you really were not a vain pretty-boy, and truly worried about your health, you'd be at a different forum, and not a cosmetic one like this!

When do we elect him for the Darwin awards?

Well I'll contact poppa smurf and let him know there will be a new addition to their village..

Hoppi smurf


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You know, this seriously explains everything. Looks like a Writer? Musician? Ballerina Dancer? Major in "Liberal Arts"? Maybe a high school dropout? This would go a loooooooooong way towards explaining his layman understanding of biology. The New Age Medicine industry LOVES these types of customers.

Perhaps he could look into Chinese medicine. "Eating a tiger's penis will increase a mans virility and stature."

Oh sh*t. Look what I started.


And the quest goes on.

G k

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finfighter said:
Hoppi said:
I'd be very interested if you can provide real proof that a burdened/sluggish liver will not significantly affect hormonal balance in the body. That will have actual relevance to my argument.

Dude, unless you are an alcoholic, or you have Hepatitis, or you abuse acetaminophen based medications, or oral steroids. There is absolutely no reason that someone your age should have Liver problems, have you even had your liver function tested/diagnosed by a physician?

And if you have an infection they have these things now called Antibiotics.

All of this has nothing to do with Androgenetic Alopecia.

This is what I'm trying to tell Hoppi.

He thinks he has all these problems, and male pattern baldness is a symptom.

He does not realize that he is stuck in the "denial" phase of male pattern baldness.

When I started losing my hair I was convinced it was because of my lifestyle and dying my hair too much. It seems like most people suspect it is something else other than male pattern baldness at first.

Hoppi is stuck in this phase :(

he is in a bubble, we cant communicate with him.


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OK seriously. Time for us (well more 'me') to back off. We've seen suicides over this kind of stuff transgress on the interwebs.

Don't need others. I agree I'm taking it too far. The point was proven.

No more pearls.

Hoppi and others, just be cautious, wish you the best.


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lol, what I don't get is why you guys have to be so closed minded and like.. adamant that you just HAVE to impose your views on the other person (in this case me).

You can't just do what I do and say "Ok, they have their way of dealing with this, and I have mine, and that's fine", you have to keep going and going until either I'm so tired of the arguing that I leave, or you can convince yourselves or ideally me that you simply must be correct.

Let me say this once and for all and for many, many people who have alternative views on these things:


I'm sorry if that bothers you, but you'll just have to keep posting until you convince yourselves that your way of seeing things is the only way that anybody else should ever see things.



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Do you really believe, honestly, that that was their primary motivation in this?

Whatever man, I just can't win. I was only expressing my opinion and giving advice to someone who was already using alternative treatments anyway.

I don't even know how to continue this post without being drawn into lies ._.

EDIT -- I also think it's very important this is pulled back on topic again!! I don't want to see another ACV thread get locked!!

Please erm... discuss the enzymes and acids present in ACV, it's use as a prebiotic, it's place in treating fungal infections, etc! lol

Bye again! :)


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Rogazzle said:
Where's that chart from? If it's accurate, then it's pretty telling. I think topical dutasteride is more potent than finasteride; using less to generate the same outcome. Going to borrow this chart to post over at regrowth. Thanks mang!

BTW: You wouldn't have a version that shows data points for ACV or a liver detox would you?

aha you're a funny fugger... ACV for me is being added as an inclusion to my health regime.... as an internal supplement I personally do not feel it will have any real effect on my hormones/androgen binding activities.
I have a low tolerance for gluten and wheat (bloat to all hell) and therefore am trying to see if this will help add a bit more balance (alkaline) to my digestive system as well as potentially help with more consistent insulin levels.
It's a cheap addition to the internal supplements I already take (yada, yada nuff said)

will have to get back to you on charts' origin. Have not been active on the forum for some time now so my old filing system of hairloss studies is not exactly tidy / in one place / or even on one computer.

BBL.. my wife calls..


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1750 said:
aha you're a funny fugger... ACV for me is being added as an inclusion to my health regime.... as an internal supplement I personally do not feel it will have any real effect on my hormones/androgen binding activities.
I have a low tolerance for gluten and wheat (bloat to all hell) and therefore am trying to see if this will help add a bit more balance (alkaline) to my digestive system as well as potentially help with more consistent insulin levels.
It's a cheap addition to the internal supplements I already take (yada, yada nuff said)

will have to get back to you on charts' origin. Have not been active on the forum for some time now so my old filing system of hairloss studies is not exactly tidy / in one place / or even on one computer.

BBL.. my wife calls..

I really do think that all these things have ties to candida and maybe (less often) leaky gut and/or dysbiosis. I think more people should try things like kefir and see if their situation improves. Kefir coupled with ACV is a good digestive combo on it's own IMO.

G k

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Hoppi said:
lol, what I don't get is why you guys have to be so closed minded and like.. adamant that you just HAVE to impose your views on the other person (in this case me).

You can't just do what I do and say "Ok, they have their way of dealing with this, and I have mine, and that's fine", you have to keep going and going until either I'm so tired of the arguing that I leave, or you can convince yourselves or ideally me that you simply must be correct.

Let me say this once and for all and for many, many people who have alternative views on these things:


I'm sorry if that bothers you, but you'll just have to keep posting until you convince yourselves that your way of seeing things is the only way that anybody else should ever see things.


Quit being a queen. If you truly didn't care you wouldnt post here.

The purpose of any forum is critiquing and if you cant take the heat, dont hit "submit".

Just because we arent supporting the reality you want to believe, that doesn't mean we are oppressive schoolyard bullies trying to crush your dreams.

Its called feedback and most people find it useful. We listen to what you say, process it, and reply. You listen to our replies, b**ch about how unconventional you are and how we dont get it, and how "all of us" are imposing "our" views on you.

You just dont get it man. Were not imposing anymore than you are on us.

Relaaaax hoppi man..If you wouldnt bounce around so much and speak so flamboyantly, you might realize that you are the one talking "at" us, with no regard for what we say, and no intention to dignify our thoughts.

No wonder you dont see a Dr. about your dire health problems, you'd probably scream in a high pitched voice at him too....

"You dont understand my leaky gut, man, NO one does!!!!"


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idontwanttobebalding said:
Hoppi....they don't care what you do to yourself...(free will and all)
it is what you may do to others that they are concerned with!
There are those who will jump off the bridge with you!

We all have free will.....but that will is not free of consequences!

Hoppi said:
Do you really believe, honestly, that that was their primary motivation in this?

Whatever man, I just can't win. I was only expressing my opinion and giving advice to someone who was already using alternative treatments anyway.

I don't even know how to continue this post without being drawn into lies ._.

Why to you pretend to be indignant Hoppi? You know full well this is *EXACTLY* the reason I comment on your posts; we've had the discussion over and over and yet you still recklessly recommend people ignore proven science, research and medical advice and instead take your quackery concoctions which are *PROVEN* to either be harmful or have no benefit what-so-ever.

There is a gaping chasm between conducing experiments on yourself in the privacy of your own home vs. posting your constant claims of "this time this is it, I have the miracle cure" on a public forum while trying to get other people to join you in your suicidal quest.

And don't reply with the usual wide eyed and innocent "Oh, I know I can get excited, but I don't mean any harm"; I'm sick of that old routine. You constantly and deliberately try to get others to join you and you know full well that you could be putting them in danger. You simply don't give a sh*t about anyone else or what harm you're doing!


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Just so you know, I am now mostly glossing over posts by you guys G k, Gemini, etc. I know you may be alright people IRL, but it's obvious we don't click and you seem totally incapable of anything even resembling a "live and let live" mentality. I know you will argue with that too, but I will gloss over that as well :)

From now on, I'm going to converse mainly with the like-minded people in this thread such as 1750 and acvfan, and squeegee when he comes back!

I don't like to keep feeling this get derailed and pulled into just endless, completely pointless fights and arguments. I may continue to read some of Rogazzle's posts (if he makes anymore here) as even though we are COMPLETELY different, I find him quite funny at times lol, although it's probably the avatar xD

I look forward to some cool convos with people like 1750 and acvfan in this thread! ^_^ Woot!


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Hoppi said:
Just so you know, I am now mostly glossing over posts by you guys G k, Gemini, etc. I know you may be alright people IRL, but it's obvious we don't click and you seem totally incapable of anything even resembling a "live and let live" mentality. I know you will argue with that too, but I will gloss over that as well :)

From now on, I'm going to converse mainly with the like-minded people in this thread such as 1750 and acvfan, and squeegee when he comes back!

I don't like to keep feeling this get derailed and pulled into just endless, completely pointless fights and arguments. I may continue to read some of Rogazzle's posts (if he makes anymore here) as even though we are COMPLETELY different, I find him quite funny at times lol, although it's probably the avatar xD

I look forward to some cool convos with people like 1750 and acvfan in this thread! ^_^ Woot!

There's a good cross section of people who feel smoking "medicinal" marijuana is beneficial to them, irrespective of the dangers to their lung health. This goes to show how being ignorant about medicine and personal health choices doesn't bode well for ones life expectancy in the long run.

But fair-is-fair. At least we can look forward to these types exterminating themselves out of our gene pool.

Darwinism works.



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I love marijuana :) haha, I think it's a great herb in general...

But yeah erm, overall, I dunno I think it's been great that so many things have at least been covered in this thread. I'm feeling super happy and positive since I learned about things like coconut kefir. It almost feels like this exciting new part of my life where I can actually understand my body more and work with it more!

I still don't quite know what's upsetting my "stomach" so much, but I'm getting there, and a lot of this stuff like coco kefir I thoroughly enjoy as well and think it's great.

I'll continue to learn and keep working to improve my body! ^_^

EDIT -- and thanks finfighter, I appreciate it ^^


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finfighter said:
Rogazzle said:
There's a good cross section of people who feel smoking "medicinal" marijuana is beneficial to them, irrespective of the dangers to their lung health. This goes to show how being ignorant about medicine and personal health choices doesn't bode well for ones life expectancy in the long run.

Do some research, first of all medicinal marijuana can be administered via vaporizor which negates the need for combustion, and eliminates the carcinogenic chemicals that would have been released upon combustion. Secondly, Marijuana's active ingredient THC, has been shown to retard Lung cancer cell growth in vitro, and more recently in animal studies as well, which suggests that marijuana actually reduces ones chance of lung cancer, other studies have found that it retards growth of breast cancer cells as well.

ScienceDaily (Apr. 17, 2007) — ''The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.

They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.

THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. The researchers suggest that THC or other designer agents that activate these receptors might be used in a targeted fashion to treat lung cancer.

"The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer," said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine.

Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation. Although a medical derivative of THC, known as Marinol, has been approved for use as an appetite stimulant for cancer patients, and a small number of U.S. states allow use of medical marijuana to treat the same side effect, few studies have shown that THC might have anti-tumor activity, Preet says. The only clinical trial testing THC as a treatment against cancer growth was a recently completed British pilot study in human glioblastoma.

In the present study, the researchers first demonstrated that two different lung cancer cell lines as well as patient lung tumor samples express CB1 and CB2, and that non-toxic doses of THC inhibited growth and spread in the cell lines. "When the cells are pretreated with THC, they have less EGFR stimulated invasion as measured by various in-vitro assays," Preet said.

Then, for three weeks, researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice that had been implanted with human lung cancer cells, and found that tumors were reduced in size and weight by about 50 percent in treated animals compared to a control group. There was also about a 60 percent reduction in cancer lesions on the lungs in these mice as well as a significant reduction in protein markers associated with cancer progression, Preet says.

Although the researchers do not know why THC inhibits tumor growth, they say the substance could be activating molecules that arrest the cell cycle. They speculate that THC may also interfere with angiogenesis and vascularization, which promotes cancer growth.''

Source- ... 193338.htm


Rogazzle said:
There's a good cross section of people who feel smoking "medicinal" marijuana....]

Why do you think I wrote "smoking"?

So my original assertion still stands.

- Many of the carcinogens and co-carcinogens present in tobacco smoke are also present in smoke from marijuana.

- Marijuana smoking does cause inflammation and cell damage, and it has been associated with pre-cancerous changes in lung tissue.

- Marijuana has been shown to cause immune system dysfunction, possibly predisposing individuals to cancer.


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.


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Mad thing is.... the two things that I think are the biggest culprits for male pattern baldness (fatty liver / stones, and candida / dysbiosis) can BOTH be treated by ACV.

Both of those are IMO due to their effect on the liver.

The other things I think can do it are leaky gut (again, liver), high insulin resistance (liver), kidney health (liver), cholesterol/DHEA (due to it all increasing androgenic activity in the body) and the prostate (due to prostate size having such a tie with male pattern baldness severity in at least one study I saw, and also the prostate being such a home for DHT).

But, I'm still learning all the time! I still think fatty liver and candida are the big two!


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finfighter said:
I don't agree with Hoppi's theories either, but it's time for you to give this guy a break, you have been incessantly belittling this guy, to no end. At least he doesn't deny the Androgenetic Alopecia theory like some people on here.

It's time that you cut this sh*t out.

Well I did back off. But the dude is like a Jim Jones or David Koresh of the hairloss diaspora around here. If you read his garbage over at the immortalhair forums, then you'll get a sense of the dangerous ideas he's putting into these kids heads over there.

I don't think anyone should humor his public delusions.