Apple Cider Vinegar... part II


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Ok guys, let's calm down a little and recap.

It's been proven that the photos are invalid and even acvfan is now admitting he messed up the dates on them and they can no longer be regarded as evidence of any regrowth; so debate over for them.

There is no evidence what-so-ever that ACV has any benefits in the recovery of hair, though it may have benefits as a health "supplement", and may be classifiable as one of those health food additives like sunflower seed husks or something.

There is a huge amount of proven and repeatable evidence that the more traditional treatments for hair from the pharmaceutical companies do work, but like any drug there is always the risk of unwanted side effects.

There is no evidence that so called "natural" and herbal treatments do anything (beyond lining the pockets of liars) for anyone.

I propose that the new-age guys carry on experimenting, but until they have *ACTUAL VERIFIABLE PROOF* they refrain from constantly telling people they have a new miracle cure and evangelically trying to convince everyone to use it. Maybe put disclaimers on your enthusiastic posts?

I also propose that everyone else tries to leave them alone as long as long as they keep posting responsibly.


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Rogazzle said:
1750 said:
i personally do not see pussy cream, keto and minoxidil being the holy grail to countering the many causes behind hairloss ongoing.

Nor was it ever presented as such... It was labeled an "experiment", for a reason.

Edit: Topical dutasteride should address those DHT issues, to-boot. At least that's the idea...

here we go mate... give you an indication of how topical dutasteride may assist with dht inhibition (may work better than finasteride and cannot find documented results to add/compare to this graph).

still unfortunately diminishing returns and just a warning (from personal experience) please be careful with both dutasteride and finasteride regarding systemic absorption from topical applications.

Nasty stuff still gets into the bloodstream (dutasteride IMO is partic evil but that simply due to the sides it gave me...)....

edit.. ahh fek.. won't attach... give me a few hours and will tiny pic it.. is a gif file

edit: see if this works this time around


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Yeah it would be good to get some more pics of it together, perhaps just some good solid current images and then we can give it a further 6 months or whatever and see if he has an afro! hehe :)

I don't think it's right to interrogate this poor guy though, I'm sure he was only trying to share what he had found or feels he has found - then he gets branded as a fraud and treated like a criminal or something when he's hardly done anything but post about his experiences. To be honest, I'm honestly amazed the guy is still here! It would be a great shame if he were pushed away by all this stuff.

Do remember also that nobody is FORCING you to believe anything. When I claim male pattern baldness is the product of a sluggish liver, I'm not saying you all have to drop everything else and agree with me! Same goes for acvfan, he's just a guy attempting to treat his hair loss.

Oh, and acvfan, if you want to give apple cider vinegar a kick up the ***... logic would assume that anything else that ALSO purges liver fat, optimizes the intestinal flora or boosts liver health would further enhance your regimen!

I'm not saying jump on something like kefir without a degree of caution (it's pretty strong and I wouldn't want to give you advice that in any way turned out to negatively affect your results, but I think the 4 in my regimen are good for what I suggest :) Watermelon and calendula are also good as they enhance the liver and kidneys and rebuild the GI tract (probably as well as other organs) respectively. A healthy gut wall = even more shielding from nasty toxins!!

Oh on a related note I've cut down my colloidal silver intake and I believe my digestive health has been negatively affected :( I've got gas and stuff again which I barely got at all that I remember when I was talking a lot of CS. God I love CS. I'm just scared of argyria is all! If it wasn't for that I'd chug it like water everyday!! <3 silver!! :)

EDIT -- Oh, that's another potential helper acvfan! A bit of colloidal silver every day (just maybe 4tbs spread throughout the day) will mop up lighter infections from the body I think. Things like residual systemic candida, liver or gallbladder infections, stuff like that. Could be a useful ally if used carefully so I thought I'd put it out there :)



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1750 said:
Rogazzle said:
1750 said:
i personally do not see pussy cream, keto and minoxidil being the holy grail to countering the many causes behind hairloss ongoing.

Nor was it ever presented as such... It was labeled an "experiment", for a reason.

Edit: Topical dutasteride should address those DHT issues, to-boot. At least that's the idea...

here we go mate... give you an indication of how topical dutasteride may assist with dht inhibition (may work better than finasteride and cannot find documented results to add/compare to this graph).

still unfortunately diminishing returns and just a warning (from personal experience) please be careful with both dutasteride and finasteride regarding systemic absorption from topical applications.

Nasty stuff still gets into the bloodstream (dutasteride IMO is partic evil but that simply due to the sides it gave me...)....

edit.. ahh fek.. won't attach... give me a few hours and will tiny pic it.. is a gif file

edit: see if this works this time around

Where's that chart from? If it's accurate, then it's pretty telling. I think topical dutasteride is more potent than finasteride; using less to generate the same outcome. Going to borrow this chart to post over at regrowth. Thanks mang!

BTW: You wouldn't have a version that shows data points for ACV or a liver detox would you?


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Hoppi said:
Yeah it would be good to get some more pics of it together, perhaps just some good solid current images and then we can give it a further 6 months or whatever and see if he has an afro! hehe :)

I don't think it's right to interrogate this poor guy though, I'm sure he was only trying to share what he had found or feels he has found - then he gets branded as a fraud and treated like a criminal or something when he's hardly done anything but post about his experiences. To be honest, I'm honestly amazed the guy is still here! It would be a great shame if he were pushed away by all this stuff.

Do remember also that nobody is FORCING you to believe anything. When I claim male pattern baldness is the product of a sluggish liver, I'm not saying you all have to drop everything else and agree with me! Same goes for acvfan, he's just a guy attempting to treat his hair loss.

Oh, and acvfan, if you want to give apple cider vinegar a kick up the ***... logic would assume that anything else that ALSO purges liver fat, optimizes the intestinal flora or boosts liver health would further enhance your regimen!

I'm not saying jump on something like kefir without a degree of caution (it's pretty strong and I wouldn't want to give you advice that in any way turned out to negatively affect your results, but I think the 4 in my regimen are good for what I suggest :) Watermelon and calendula are also good as they enhance the liver and kidneys and rebuild the GI tract (probably as well as other organs) respectively. A healthy gut wall = even more shielding from nasty toxins!!

Oh on a related note I've cut down my colloidal silver intake and I believe my digestive health has been negatively affected :( I've got gas and stuff again which I barely got at all that I remember when I was talking a lot of CS. God I love CS. I'm just scared of argyria is all! If it wasn't for that I'd chug it like water everyday!! <3 silver!! :)

EDIT -- Oh, that's another potential helper acvfan! A bit of colloidal silver every day (just maybe 4tbs spread throughout the day) will mop up lighter infections from the body I think. Things like residual systemic candida, liver or gallbladder infections, stuff like that. Could be a useful ally if used carefully so I thought I'd put it out there :)


"Colloidal silver is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal base. Long-term use of silver preparations can lead to argyria, a condition in which silver salts deposit in the skin, eyes, and internal organs, and the skin turns ashen-gray."

Like I said, being ignorant can't be good for your life expectancy....


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The mind boggles Hoppi.

You recommend people take an illegal and proven-to-be-dangerous chemical while criticizing proven treatments, you're unbelievable!


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I don't think I ever recommended anyone take colloidal silver, what I said is that I personally take colloidal silver. I make it myself mainly for it's reported antibacterial and antiviral properties, but also antifungal and antiparasitic. You may believe that or you don't, but it's my choice what I take eh? :)

*swigs CS*

rofl ^^


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Hoppi said:
I don't think I ever recommended anyone take colloidal silver, what I said is that I personally take colloidal silver. I make it myself mainly for it's reported antibacterial and antiviral properties, but also antifungal and antiparasitic. You may believe that or you don't, but it's my choice what I take eh? :)

*swigs CS*

rofl ^^

Drinking colloidal silver is irrational. You cannot successfully defend an irrational idea. This is why you have failed, yet, once again.


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Hoppi said:
I don't think I ever recommended anyone take colloidal silver, what I said is that I personally take colloidal silver. I make it myself mainly for it's reported antibacterial and antiviral properties, but also antifungal and antiparasitic. You may believe that or you don't, but it's my choice what I take eh? :)

*swigs CS*

rofl ^^

Hoppi said:
Oh, that's another potential helper acvfan! A bit of colloidal silver every day (just maybe 4tbs spread throughout the day) will mop up lighter infections from the body I think. Things like residual systemic candida, liver or gallbladder infections, stuff like that. Could be a useful ally if used carefully so I thought I'd put it out there :)


Dude, those were one post apart!

Is that crap melting your brain already and making you forget what you posted moments earlier?


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GeminiX said:
The mind boggles Hoppi.

You recommend people take an illegal and proven-to-be-dangerous chemical while criticizing proven treatments, you're unbelievable!

Hoppi suffering from colloidal silver toxicity - on the right.

"Since the 1990s, "colloidal silver" has been marketed as an alternative medicine product, with unsubstantiated, and in some jurisdictions illegal, claims of effectiveness. Medical authorities advise against the use of such colloidal silver preparations, as does the published medical literature, because of their lack of proven effectiveness and the risk of side effects.

Colloidal silver preparations primarily deliver inactive metallic silver, rather than the active microbicidal silver ion. There is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of colloidal silver in vivo. Some in vitro studies demonstrate an anti-bacterial effect of colloidal silver, although one study in 2004 of a colloidal silver solution marketed on the Internet showed no such antimicrobial activity. Most recently are claims that nano-colloidal silver products do not cause argyria, this has neither been proven or dis-proven due to the lack of independent study either way."

But it's all natural!


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oh haha sorry :)

well I stand by my words anyway!

Silver is not harmful unless taken in HUGE quantities, and won't turn your skin blue unless taken in pretty large quantities over a long period of time, and a poor quality CS as well.

I find it a good thing to have for if I feel bacteria may be involved, such as say a bacterial infection in a hard to reach place such as my gallbladder or liver, where kefir and stuff wouldn't reach it.

Again though, my choice eh? :)


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Hoppi said:
oh haha sorry :)

well I stand by my words anyway!

Silver is not harmful unless taken in HUGE quantities, and won't turn your skin blue unless taken in pretty large quantities over a long period of time, and a poor quality CS as well.

I find it a good thing to have for if I feel bacteria may be involved, such as say a bacterial infection in a hard to reach place such as my gallbladder or liver, where kefir and stuff wouldn't reach it.

Again though, my choice eh? :)

Whatever floats your boat buddy.

Reading this topic is making my IQ drop. Time to retire from this thread.



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Also I feel I must add - I take CS in strict moderation and with plenty of selenium and vitamin E.

A few positive vids about CS:




So, yeah! Not all blue skin and whatever - as long as you are CAREFUL and responsible with it!!

Oh, edit, I don't use salt because that makes silver chloride which you don't want :)


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Hoppi said:
Also I feel I must add - I take CS in strict moderation and with plenty of selenium and vitamin E.

A few positive vids about CS:




So, yeah! Not all blue skin and whatever - as long as you are CAREFUL and responsible with it!!

How much of this do you not understand?

"Colloidal silver isn't considered safe or effective for any of the health claims manufacturers make. Nor is it an essential mineral, as some sellers of silver products claim.

Colloidal silver products are made of tiny silver particles suspended in a liquid — the same type of precious metal used in jewelry, dental fillings, silverware and other consumer goods."

Buh bye New Age retards.


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lol whatever man :) I believe what people say about it, and I've done a lot of research.

Again, agree to disagree!

G k

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I actually think colloidal silver has beneficial effects...But what happens when you have an infection?...Your body heals it. So there might be some use for CS but most people have bodies that will take care of itself if you take care of it.

I find it ridiculous that you are on this "my body is a broken machine and I must fix it to save my hair".

I mean seriously, all this sh*t about being gassy, having tapeworms etc etc....

You will have to sit down with yourself and realize that you are just incredibly VAIN, and stop trying to make it into a life or death crusade, by which male pattern baldness is merely a side effect.

male pattern baldness does not mean your body is a broken machine!!!

I have never met anyone if greater denial than you. Accept you are a vain pretty boy and you want your hair, and stop blaming your flatulence and other ridiculous things for your hair falling out.

Get some fackin' RU and minoxidil, stfu and enjoy life man. You are too young to be spending late nights researching parasites and flatulence.


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On an unrelated note, a great vid I found about coconut kefir! Really made me smile :)

I'm planning to switch over to this once I've got fully into the swing of dairy kefir!


and G k, again, we're all entitled to our different approaches! :)


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And there's the coconut :whistle:

Love the coconut kefir from the health food store btw..same company that makes the ice cream.


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Hoppi said:
lol whatever man :) I believe what people say about it, and I've done a lot of research.

Again, agree to disagree!

This is worth a drive-by return post, only because I'm enjoying tormenting the Hippie freak.


Case Reports

* A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high blood level of silver [4].
* Two men, ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by Internet claims [7].
* A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as a preventive for everyday infections [8].
* A 58-year-old man who treated a presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9].
* A 38-year-old man developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from information on the Internet [10]. ... verad.html

Hoppi, enjoy your putrid fester as you sit there, twiddling your thumbs, denying your stupidity, and the facts.