Apple Cider Vinegar... part II


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Hoppi said:
1750 said:
LOL Rogazzle... quite simply you are a tool.
:spam: :spam: :spam:

Yeah but what can you do eh? :)

I just hope that this doesn't kill the thread.


But anyway :)

If you haven't realized, there's a lot of serious ownage in this thread. The train wreck is complete.

Glad I planted some seeds.


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You just keep telling yourself that! :)

Hard to see things with your eyes firmly shut isn't it? lol


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Hoppi said:
You just keep telling yourself that! :)

Hard to see things with your eyes firmly shut isn't it? lol

Yeah! You're right! lol

Thanks for chiming in and adding your phrenic heft to this thread.


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On an unrelated note,

your avatar rules :) haha

That film was very good ^^


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Rogazzle said:
Don't get angry, critical thinking -vs- wishful thinking. Who did you think was going win? Seriously? Might as well throw prayer into your regimen otherwise.

The fact is these unsubstantiated home brew cures and their kooky solicitors can be a great disservice. There are much more credible approaches to treating hairloss. And the posting of tenuously connected research studies in an effort to add plausibility (cherry picking) should be considered as well. Buyer beware.

But it's fun poking holes in these "cures" in the meantime. It's like a sport.

Not angry at all... I know you're enjoying trolling about and pressing buttons here. BTW mine aren't getting pressed and without vocal inflection, whatever I write is up to your own misguided interpretation.

Knowing in advance that you will have to have the last word... just know this...
I am laughing at you

But please... give me a few more laughs by enlightening me with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....


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1750 said:
Not angry at all... I know you're enjoying trolling about and pressing buttons here. BTW mine aren't getting pressed and without vocal inflection, whatever I write is up to your own misguided interpretation.

Knowing in advance that you will have to have the last word... just know this...
I am laughing at you

But please... give me a few more laughs by enlightening me with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....

Ermmm ...... so how's that regrowth working out for ya then?

Breath smelling a bit 'VINEGARY' lately?



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Rogazzle said:
1750 said:
Not angry at all... I know you're enjoying trolling about and pressing buttons here. BTW mine aren't getting pressed and without vocal inflection, whatever I write is up to your own misguided interpretation.

Knowing in advance that you will have to have the last word... just know this...
I am laughing at you

But please... give me a few more laughs by enlightening me with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....

Ermmm ...... so how's that regrowth working out for ya then?

Breath smelling a bit 'VINEGARY' lately?


LMAO... let's see how long this goes on for...

my hairloss is stable...
health is great.

little boy of little contribution.. the only one you're owning here is yourself...
am waiting for your enlightenment... by all means... actually contribute with some thoughts of your own

last word :)


Established Member
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1750 said:
Rogazzle said:
1750 said:
Not angry at all... I know you're enjoying trolling about and pressing buttons here. BTW mine aren't getting pressed and without vocal inflection, whatever I write is up to your own misguided interpretation.

Knowing in advance that you will have to have the last word... just know this...
I am laughing at you

But please... give me a few more laughs by enlightening me with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....

Ermmm ...... so how's that regrowth working out for ya then?

Breath smelling a bit 'VINEGARY' lately?


LMAO... let's see how long this goes on for...

my hairloss is stable...
health is great.

little boy of little contribution.. the only one you're owning here is yourself...
am waiting for your enlightenment... by all means... actually contribute with some thoughts of your own

last word :)


See sig.


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Some children on in this board.

Please keep this about ACV. If you don't care/think photos are fake/don't believe it, just please avoid this thread. It's been made clear that people think it's complete bs. Point proven. Now move on.


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answer the question rogazzle.. or continue to look like a child with a thesaurus...

enlighten us with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....


Established Member
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1750 said:
answer the question rogazzle.. or continue to look like a child with a thesaurus...

enlighten us with your extensive knowledge, theories and techniques to fighting hairloss....


Let's see your vinegar do that in 6 weeks.

If you can't, then STFU.

Brick you are right. Here's a BUMP back on topic.

Rogazzle said:
acvfan said:
I'll take photos again in June; everyone can take from them what they will.

Why does "the holy grail of getting your hair back" require 9 months (Sept 2010 - June 2011) to see anything promising? :dunno:




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Rogazzle - Different lighting in those photos. How do we know that is the same exact spot on your head? Also looks like the hairs are falling in a different direction making the one pic look as though there are more hairs.


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Brick said:
Rogazzle - Different lighting in those photos. How do we know that is the same exact spot on your head? Also looks like the hairs are falling in a different direction making the one pic look as though there are more hairs.


Figure it out. The evidence points overwhelmingly in only one direction.


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1750 said:
Rogazzle said:

Figure it out. The evidence points overwhelmingly in only one direction.

so pu$Sy cream, a steroid synthesis inhibitor and minxoidil is all we need for a successful and ongoing treatment to hairloss...

If I had to take a giant leap of faith, my bet would be on the pu$Sy cream.

Hope that parachute works for your Apple Cider Vinegar. That chasm looks long, and deep.


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I'll just throw something in here, which is that I do genuinely think it looks like Rogazzle did very well with his regimen, and I thoroughly support and applaud his efforts with it ^^

I have no problem with the "mainstream" treatments whatsoever - I think minoxidil and topical antiandrogens and stuff are fantastic and can be incredibly useful. I just have an alternative approach to my own hair loss, that's all, and time will tell whether that was a good call on my part or not.

I'm happy for ANYONE when they get results against Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness, because at the end of the day, let's be honest here guys, we are all on the same side :)



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Hoppi said:
I'll just throw something in here, which is that I do genuinely think it looks like Rogazzle did very well with his regimen, and I thoroughly support and applaud his efforts with it ^^

I have no problem with the "mainstream" treatments whatsoever - I think minoxidil and topical antiandrogens and stuff are fantastic and can be incredibly useful. I just have an alternative approach to my own hair loss, that's all, and time will tell whether that was a good call on my part or not.

I'm happy for ANYONE when they get results against Androgenetic Alopecia/male pattern baldness, because at the end of the day, let's be honest here guys, we are all on the same side :)


You seem to be backsliding here. You where pretty militant about your "alternative approaches" working.

"Right?" No, wrong. I just call bullshit out when I see it.


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very happy about any and all success for fellow hairloss brothers. well done rogazzle.

I too have had unbelievable results with minoxidil solutions in the past (mixed with numerous mild anti-androgens such as progesterone, retin-a, azelaic acid, list goes on).

There is however well documented diminishing returns on a regime that is not directly treating the problem (that testosterone, DHT and numerous other factors slowly kill off your hair). Hence they require either the user to add additional internal or external supplements/topicals to their regime for continued maintenance and control of those bastard androgens.

i personally do not see pussy cream, keto and minoxidil being the holy grail to countering the many causes behind hairloss ongoing.


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1750 said:
i personally do not see pussy cream, keto and minoxidil being the holy grail to countering the many causes behind hairloss ongoing.

Nor was it ever presented as such... It was labeled an "experiment", for a reason.

Edit: Topical dutasteride should address those DHT issues, to-boot. At least that's the idea...