keep in mind that majority voted for clinton, something like 3 million more. Trump just got lucky and got the "more important" votes, whatever that means.
But this is why the electoral system is in place. Its a very crazy situation when you have two EXTREMELY over populated states that will issue IDs to anyone who could literally pick our president every 4 years. This is how actual dictatorships and communism starts, insane mob choice, and trust me most of the people in CA would seriously classify as insane.
Besides you want to say that denying the popular vote is ignoring a couple million people but then accepting the popular vote is ignoring the people who live in less populated states who may have their interests in mind just the same. Its actually a good system. Trump didnt get "lucky", the DNC got stupid and arrogant. They got what they deserved and a lot of those wiki leaks proved what hypocritical pieces of sh*t liars they are. Im not Rep, I did vote Trump, but for my own reasons.
Look at it 2 ways. The electoral college is a popular vote by district.... so its STILL a popular vote and almost all those states everyone calls racist white states actually voted obama the last 2 terms and how did that work out? They knew they screwed up and wanted a change. This proves more or less that the majority of people in those states want whats best for the country over just trying to win some bullshit liberal rat race to fill the white house with every "minority" they can to be overly "tolerant". I honestly hate the left with a passion. I hate their mind set, I hate their pedestals, I hate their intolerant level of tolerance, and their hypocritical way of life.
I think Trump will be fine, the guy is a HORRIBLE speaker who rambles and goes in circles, but in his own way he is pretty intelligent. I dont think he is easily manipulated and I think due to the nature of his business he really does NEED (not want) to see the US economy succeed.
I like his America First attitude because hey, F*** the rest of you honestly (no disrespect) if it wasnt America first then why does every other nation want to mass immigrate here?
Make America Great Again means making america something to brag about. Where people come here and want to assimilate, not come here to piss and cry that the current population wont cater to them while they send 7/8ths of their income overseas to their family so they can use it to sneak here and continue the process like some ponzi scheme.
I am for the wall because, hey now Mexico wants to build a wall on THEIR southern border, so suck it, let the liberals whine about that.
I also think his bravado and reputation wont let him fail. He wants to be known as the best in whatever he does. Are some of his past business dealings always 100% (bankruptcies?), no but thats also business, and many of those, like his casinos were due to the economy tanking.
People need to get over themselves and give him a chance. Honestly we had 8 years of manipulated job numbers, a stagnant economy/housing market and THRALLS of poorly executed "stimulus programs" that costs us BILLIONS (cash for clunkers, solyndra, perks for hiring etc etc).
I highly doubt we will be seeing any major wars under him, I honestly dont mind trying to be more friendly with Russia (hey the clintons were, look up Skolkovo). He will not change gay rights, I cant understand how many times he has to say hes PRO LGBT but they wont get it through their thick heads because hes a white man.... how ironic (intolerant tolerance)
I just hope his 4 years finally ends this over liberal mouth stitching, apologize for everything mindset we've been getting ourselves into.