I think that is not true, T definitely plays certain role in male pattern baldness. DHT has the greatest effect on Dermal papilla miniaturisation, but T alone can also trigger and continue that process. I believe, In vitro studies confirmed that.
After all, what is the difference between T and DHT ? It is basicly the same hormone, DHT only has two hydrogen atoms more added to its chemical structure which causes its greater affinity to AR. All androgen hormones can bind to AR and activate certain male pattern baldness genes. The only difference is how effective they bind, so affinity of binding is significant reason why some androgens are potent and some less in scalp hair loss.
T and DHT have almost the same chemical structure, except DHT (di-hydro-testosterone) has two H atoms more which provides its ability to bind more effectively to AR and passes genetical instructions to nucleus of the cell.
Regarding that only difference between T and DHT is their affinity to AR (how successfully they bind) but not instructions they transmit. Therefore if DHT causes male pattern baldness then there is no reason to suspect T does not.
I can't find new study study which shows T and DHT levels respectively, but here is study which describes Testosterone level after surgical castration:
..... Traditionally, castration was considered to be achieved if testosterone levels were lowered to a threshold of 50 ng/dl (1.73 nmol/l), a definition determined more by measurement methods derived from the use of old assay methods than by evidence. Serum testosterone levels in three-quarter patients after surgical castration drop to less than 20 ng/dl (0.69 nmol/l)......
We may assume DHT is suppressed by at least 70-80%, of course in some patients maybe even more depending on concentracion of 5ard in their organism.
Actually, If I do basic math, then I can conclude that DHT level doesn't depend much on total T level, remember that only small fraction of total T; 5-15% of T is converted to DHT. So, it's only necessary that this tiny percentage is available, which probably can be since T is also produced in adrenal gland. Maybe we must compare before/after DHT tissue level (in scalp, skin etc.) , not just DHT serum level. Unfortunately there are no studies which analyze this.