Baldness Confirmed Disfigurement: Wikipedia Article Matches Our Situation


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True, we all need to "let go" and move on. However, when you live with regret and don't have the mental stability or tools to do it, you tend to stagger. Let's face it, there is no one in this forum that is not suffering from mental instability or low self esteem. We all have been brainwashed by social media and its narcissism to want to look our best so all age brackets will be affected.

How many times did our parents try to tell us how being confident and smart was more important than looks. Mine preached looks will fade as you get older. Well guess what? They were wrong. Because our society changed that thought process with the evolution of social media. In earlier generations without computers, you had to chose those people in your social circle or go to bars to increase your chances. Now, you don't even have to leave the house. Yet with all these social amenities, people still have to resort to forums like this one to feel better about themselves. Depression, social anxiety, and suicide is increasing every day because we don't have mental stability anymore. We don't know how to let go and move on. Once you can, you won't need this place or any of us.

Romans painted their bald patches. Egyptians put sh*t pots on their heads to cure baldness. Onion juice has been used since time immemorial as 'treatment'.

This disease is old as old is the modern human. We always tried to treat it.

Our ancestors were considered mature men at 20. Right then, fullheads were telling our ancestors that balding at 20 is no problem: they were married, mature men with a life expectancy of 40 years, 50 at best. 'They just had to let it go'. Guess what, they still cared, and put sh*t on their heads.

Balding at 20 or earlier in this age is like getting NW7 at 11 years old during the Middle Ages. Maturity is now the late 50s (the so called 'age of stop caring', like 20 I suppose was 2000 years ago. Nameless, and our ancestors, are the proof that it doesn't exist). The situation of the balding man only got worse: we are now young balding men. Our life expectancy is more than 100 years. A deformity, an abortion, with a long life ahead. Like a bald 11 years old in year 1300. Bald at 1/5 of their lives.

I won't f*****g let go. They didn't let go. I won't: for the first time in History, we have surgery and treatments and forums to anonymously vent in.


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Romans painted their bald patches. Egyptians put sh*t pots on their heads to cure baldness. Onion juice has been used since time immemorial as 'treatment'.

This disease is old as old is the modern human. We always tried to treat it.

Our ancestors were considered mature men at 20. Right then, fullheads were telling our ancestors that balding at 20 is no problem: they were married, mature men with a life expectancy of 40 years, 50 at best. 'They just had to let it go'. Guess what, they still cared, and put sh*t on their heads.

Balding at 20 or earlier in this age is like getting NW7 at 11 years old during the Middle Ages. Maturity is now the late 50s (the so called 'age of stop caring', like 20 I suppose was 2000 years ago. Nameless, and our ancestors, are the proof that it doesn't exist). The situation of the balding man only got worse: we are now young balding men. Our life expectancy is more than 100 years. A deformity, an abortion, with a long life ahead. Like a bald 11 years old in year 1300. Bald at 1/5 of their lives.

I won't f*****g let go. They didn't let go. I won't: for the first time in History, we have surgery and treatments and forums to anonymously vent in.
I agree with you. So why does nameless has to be the only one that has to let it go?


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I agree with you. So why does nameless has to be the only one that has to let it go?

I understand he's upset, but he would be worse off if he didn't slay his virgins in his early twenties. At least he got to live 'them golden years'. My golden years were 15-18.

He hasn't to let it go. I understand his sadness and lifelong struggle. That's what is expecting me after all. But he must understand he had a big privilege: to live his early twenties.


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I understand he's upset, but he would be worse off if he didn't slay his virgins in his early twenties. At least he got to live 'them golden years'. My golden years were 15-18.

He hasn't to let it go. I understand his sadness and lifelong struggle. That's what is expecting me after all. But he must understand he had a big privilege: to live his early twenties.
He does understand it but it does not change the person who he is TODAY. He is suffering NOW. He had maybe 7 more golden years than you did so yes you have it worse. However, are you really here to have a "pissing contest" with everyone. I am not. I just want to be around people who struggle with low self esteem and body image problems like the rest of this forum because this is not the type of conversation I want to have with my friends or co workers who don't have the same issues. Not only that but I want to support you guys so you don't live your life with regrets like I do every day.


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He does understand it but it does not change the person who he is TODAY. He is suffering NOW. He had maybe 7 more golden years than you did so yes you have it worse. However, are you really here to have a "pissing contest" with everyone. I am not. I just want to be around people who struggle with low self esteem and body image problems like the rest of this forum because this is not the type of conversation I want to have with my friends or co workers who don't have the same issues. Not only that but I want to support you guys so you don't live your life with regrets like I do every day.

What are you regretting?

I think we are a bunch of realists who just can't accept the lower status of being bald. I sincerely think the average IQ here is higher than the general population IQ.


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I think the type of baldness that you show when you start balding at 35-40 is different than the one you get at 18-20 and which drags into your 40s. The latter is much less natural. When you start balding at 35-40, the loss is better distributed and "healthy". When you start balding at 18-20 and you have the luck you're not a NW7 by 40, chances are you had transplants which may not look as natural, or used tons of minoxidil which probably made some regions of your hair (those that respond well to the drug) different than the others. As @shookwun often underlines, the balding region has different texture and color compared to the sides and back. This phenomenon is more visible with the (balding) years.

Which brings me to what I consider a FUNDAMENTAL distinction between
- those who start balding at 35-40 and
- those start balding in their late teenage years and are still balding at 35-40.

The former have probably lived a healthy youth that allowed them to grow healthily as young men / women (did nameless not say he had 2000 women? I dare any man who started balding at 18 to have had 2000 friends).
The latter have never really felt young and carefee; they have never felt "whole" with their body.
Saying this latter category fares better than balding adolescents is moot, because in their head they still have the confidence of balding adolescents.


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What are you regretting?

I think we are a bunch of realists who just can't accept the lower status of being bald. I sincerely think the average IQ here is higher than the general population IQ.
I am regretting that I missed out on alot of things in life because I did not have the confidence or self esteem to not care about all my flaws. I focused on all my flaws and thought I was never good enough for anyone. And if women were interested in me, I was fearful they would leave me for something better. I regret I have trust issues. I regret that I did not know how to focus on anyone else but myself. The list can continue but its not going to change one thing. And one thing I promise you is true. I don't want anyone (and even in the past never wanted anyone) to pity me because I created it all myself. I have to change. That is my point for all of you.


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I don't see how there could be any debate, the younger you bald the worse it is. It's almost exponentially worse. 15 is far worse than 18. 18 is far worse than 25, 25 is far worse than 35, 35 is far worse than 50.

It still has the potential to absolutely suck at any age though.


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I am regretting that I missed out on alot of things in life because I did not have the confidence or self esteem to not care about all my flaws. I focused on all my flaws and thought I was never good enough for anyone. And if women were interested in me, I was fearful they would leave me for something better. I regret I have trust issues. I regret that I did not know how to focus on anyone else but myself. The list can continue but its not going to change one thing. And one thing I promise you is true. I don't want anyone (and even in the past never wanted anyone) to pity me because I created it all myself. I have to change. That is my point for all of you.

Don't be that hard on yourself regarding the physical flaw. Remember that even the most confident (I hate this word) and likeable bald man faces some kind of social exclusion from women and fullheads. It's not only in your head. It's real.

Fullheads and women made you think it's all in your head and it's your fault if you 'missed out'. That's not entirely true. They made you miss opportunities, too, because bald is ugly, yet such a simple thing.

That's what bugs us so much. How a small mop of keratin has such an important social role, capable of destroying us internally and externally, and how no one still found a cure to this rather simple thing.

We need the cure or just a proper treatment to start living life without such and embarrassment going on.


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Don't be that hard on yourself regarding the physical flaw. Remember that even the most confident (I hate this word) and likeable bald man faces some kind of social exclusion from women and fullheads. It's not only in your head. It's real.

Fullheads and women made you think it's all in your head and it's your fault if you 'missed out'. That's not entirely true. They made you miss opportunities, too, because bald is ugly, yet such a simple thing.

That's what bugs us so much. How a small mop of keratin has such an important social role, capable of destroying us internally and externally, and how no one still found a cure to this rather simple thing.

We need the cure or just a proper treatment to start living life without such and embarrassment going on.
Thanks, I need to hear that. Its posts like this that make my day. I appreciate your support and understanding.


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Thanks, I need to hear that. Its posts like this that make my day. I appreciate your support and understanding.

Thanks to you.

My advice: work on your insecurities. If you want something, try to get it, don't let any negative thought break your will. If you fail, part is your fault, part is the fault of others. Many (I'd say almost all) girls reject confident bald men, or even short men: is it their fault?

They did their best: yet society and other people stopped them from getting the girl they dreamed. I'm talking about the social pressure girls have regarding getting handsome, good looking men with a full head and at least average height. I'm talking about the media and our traditions and instincts that equal youthful with handsome.

The bald man is pressured into thinking it's his fault. He 'lacks confidence'. He 'lacks attitude'. He 'lacks appeal'. No way. He may be lacking some confidence, he may lack some appeal, but the girl rejected him because he's bald. No girl wants a bald boyfriend. Only a niche truly doesn't care, yet suffers because of the social pressure, which is increasing in the social media era, but has been present since forever.

If one is handsome, not getting the girl is his fault. If one is ugly, he must work on his faults, but still he must be conscious about society and its standards. Not entirely his fault.


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Here you go again. I'm not arguing who of us has the worst life as I'm not 5 years old.
This is the last post from me with this subject, as it is pointless discussing it with you.
It is worse GOING bald at a young age, than GOING bald at an old age.
Not my life is worse than @nameless 's life.
Can we atleast agree on this?

And f*****g lol at hunting out the other balding guys in my age group and hang out with them. (If I can even find someone. There is literally none in my class of 100+ students. There is an older guy though, he's like 35 and has a better hairline than me, maybe I should hang out with him.)
Great solution reminds me of the classic "just pretend you have hair".

I agree that if someone doesn't start losing their hair until they're in their 40s that *might* not be as bad as starting to lose it in their 20s. But I can't really say for sure because I didn't start losing my hair in my 40s so I don't know what it's like to start losing hair in my 40s. I would have preferred it if I could have delayed hair loss until my 40s because then I would have had a full head of hair longer, but for all I know I would have hated it just as much if I started losing it in my 40s as I did when I started losing it at roughly 20.

You'll have to ask someone who didn't start losing it until he/she was 40s how he/she feels about that. But then if he/she didn't start losing it until they were in their 40s they wouldn't know how it would have felt like to start losing it at 20 so they can't compare losing it at 40 to 20. So there's really no way to get a good answer to your issue.

And if you can't find bald people to hang with then just be alone. I hung out by myself for years. I did it so you can do it. It sounds to me like you're following in my footsteps.
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nameless does make a good point about the promising treatments for young people though. There's a Gen X generation of men who are going to be like the men who just aged out of the sexual revolution and will only be able to look at the youngsters with envy. At least from my lips to Tsuji's ears I hope that's the case.

These guys are screaming "Why me?" after a couple years of this sh*t. I've had to deal with this sh*t for decades. They act like they're the first people who ever had to deal with this sh*t. They are following in the footsteps of guys like me. They're merely at the beginning of the path that I've been walking whereas I'm decades into this journey. They need to be on this path for decades before they can claim they're worse off than someone like myself. And they won't ever have to. They'll get their hair back within a few years, maybe sooner if Pilofocus achieves quality donor regeneration.


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Good to know blackg. I don't say he's wrong or right. He's been suffering for a long time, and that's pretty much our fate (the cure has very low probability to come out in the next 20 years imo). I'm very empathetic to him, but I envy his full head early twenties.

I had to slay my virgins in my teens. I thank God I didn't wait to have sex.

Anyway he displays his opinion in a very condescending way to balding fellows. This makes him a little b**ch.

I'm not condescending towards bald men in general. It's YOU and guys like you that I'm condescending towards. And now that I've seen your vulgar homoerotic post about myself and another poster I disrespect you even more. Only a moron would think of the kinds of things you said in your pathetic post. It reads like something a disturbed 8 year old would write.


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Good to know blackg. I don't say he's wrong or right. He's been suffering for a long time, and that's pretty much our fate (the cure has very low probability to come out in the next 20 years imo). I'm very empathetic to him, but I envy his full head early twenties.

I had to slay my virgins in my teens. I thank God I didn't wait to have sex.

Anyway he displays his opinion in a very condescending way to balding fellows. This makes him a little b**ch.

From 15 through 24 I was the most popular young man in the places I was at and I had me a humdinger of a good time during those years.
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I'm on the side of the fence that definitely feels it's worse IN THE MOMENT when you're balding in your late teens/early 20's, but as someone who has been diffuse thinning/receding since I was 16, I'm also sympathetic to those like Nameless (and myself) who have had to endure this sh*t day by day, year by year, for over two decades now with no relief in sight.

Edit: it also depends where in your life you are. If I were married with a kid or two I probably wouldn't care so much. But I'm single with no kids so it matters to me. A lot.

There are two kinds of people when it comes to hair loss" those that hate it and those that don't. I think that if you're one of the people who hate it then it will hurt you no matter when it happens. I do agree that being secure in a relationship with someone that loves you can probably ameliorate some of that grief though. But if you're someone who doesn't like it then you won't like it in whatever moment you're living in. I didn't like it in my 20s and I haven't liked it in my 40s. In my honest opinion the only difference in how I feel now versus how I felt in my 20s is that now I'm also a bit worried I may run out of time on earth before I get it back.
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The way I see it , In general the earlier you start to bald the worse it is

If you started to bald at age 20 nameless then I would say you did experience "early balding" . So yes , you do have every right to complain

But starting to bald at 20 or starting to bald at 40 is no question . I'm not saying 40 year olds shouldn't care , but I do think it is easier when many of your peers also show hairloss. Some of us 20 year olds are trying to figure out life still , while at the same time getting screwed over by hair loss

-I'm not sure why you are saying it's worse to be balding at an later age, nameless. You started balding at 20 and that is what seems to bother you still, but that still means you are an early hairloss case

I started losing my hair about 20, but I don't feel any more entitled to my hair than someone who starts losing hair in their 40s and wants it back. I think some people hate hair loss and some people adjust to it, so the person who's the type to adjust to it will be fine if he/she loses it at almost any age, but the person who hates it will hate it no matter when he/she starts losing it.

Part of the problem here is that some people are focused on aging whereas i see this as two different personality types - one type that does adjust to hair loss and one type that doesn't adjust to hair loss. Also, as someone who's starting to get older I will tell you that when you're bald and you start getting older you start worrying that you might never see the day when you have a full head of hair again and that = despair.
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Thank you.

I appreciate the effort you put into this.

Consider the source blackg.
Please look at his post again and consider if he's even a normal intelligent person.
It's literally THE stupidest most slobby post I've ever seen here.