Hey Joe,
Yes I would not mention your hair loss woes to her either. From my perspective I just don't
believe being completely transparent or "totally honest" with
even one's supposed most intimate confidant is necessarily advantageous or wise in the long run.
At face value, expressing one's hair loss insecurity may not measure much of a risk,
however we become victims of the cumulative toxic effects invariably once
our interpersonal health and stability are inevitably tested.
Of course the day you are compelled to introduce your male pattern baldness to your friend , there's a chance she'll extend her signature salutations
and that will be the end of it, but on the more ominous end of contextual hypotheticals, there's also a chance
you'll begin to resent yourself/her more if things ever turn south in the relationship.
Haha perhaps I'm too cynical (in general), but I am not someone who can easily evaluate
the larger picture if I am dismissing every alleged unimportant incident as trivial.
Normally trust is vital in every partnership,and good communication can be a true keystone to build your solid foundation on,
but time is hardest on everything organic and deeper shared vulnerabilities will lose their initial shine
and don't necessary stand up to the corrosiveness of time quite as well as they formerly had or we might have first imagined back in the good old daze of the romance. The fact is that the future stability (when it comes to relationships in general), is mostly determined by our adaptability to change and/or threshold of tolerance. Time and personal temperament can elevate the shape of two hearts,
maybe as much as constant friction caused by and correlated to change can degrade and harden even the gentlest heart.
All is hair in love and war.