Confidence And Charisma More Important Than Hair?


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I said this other day---a lot to times confidence=cocky a**h**...if a guy i over confident its a huge turn off because they come off arrogant. I think if people over compensate for it (the pick up artist guys are like this) its a huge turn off to 'most' women i think.

Now you must learn how to be cocky without being arrogant... where does one draw the line?! HMMM!!! And then of course, women will tolerate different levels of confidence cockiness.


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Now you must learn how to be cocky without being arrogant... where does one draw the line?! HMMM!!! And then of course, women will tolerate different levels of confidence cockiness.

when people over compensate they are assholes men or women..havent you met women like that--they are so full of themselves an come on super strong and keep coming on because they can't believe you would not find them interesting? Sometimes people are even like this with wanting to be friends.


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Now you must learn how to be cocky without being arrogant... where does one draw the line?! HMMM!!! And then of course, women will tolerate different levels of confidence cockiness.

I think arrogance necessarily includes playing down the abilities of others, among other differences.


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when people over compensate they are assholes men or women..havent you met women like that--they are so full of themselves an come on super strong and keep coming on because they can't believe you would not find them interesting? Sometimes people are even like this with wanting to be friends.

Only time I can see women acting like that is when they kind of want the D from you. Otherwise, why would they give a sh*t?

I think arrogance necessarily includes playing down the abilities of others, among other differences.

Yeah, one of my old friends from elementary is like this, he laughs at anyone's misfortune, often taking pleasure in others failures.


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Only time I can see women acting like that is when they kind of want the D from you. Otherwise, why would they give a sh*t?

Yeah, one of my old friends from elementary is like this, he laughs at anyone's misfortune, often taking pleasure in others failures.

What is the "D"? You mean sex?


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What is the "D"? You mean sex?

D = dick = getting aroused = sex = having her innards ravaged by a man that turns her on = orgasm

You don't typically get that high as a woman with a bald guy.


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Yeah, one of my old friends from elementary is like this, he laughs at anyone's misfortune, often taking pleasure in others failures.

That's sadism / lack of empathy, not arrogance.

Trump would actually be a good example of overconfidence including arrogance. He's not just full of himself, he seems to believe everybody else is incompetent in spite of having invested no effort trying to figure out why they're doing what they're doing.


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Yup! if you suck in bed i dont give a sh*t how handsome you are.
I can confirm this.

Being that guy that orgasms, and is suddenly finished while the girl still has to get off will leave your jerking off again before you know it.

Women will put up with it, but eventually get tired of the routine and despite how attractive you are will dump your ***.


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There's a reason we don't have a universal manual on how to be good in bed. Just like there is no manual on how to seduce women that works. You can't teach something that's mostly about compatibility between two people.

Neil Strauss would hate you for that comment... cuz you know, he's a con artist.


You can get loads better in bed.

I was a pretty lazy lover because I am well hung and I thought this meant I didn't have to try.

When I was 25 a woman complained that I was really boring in bed and It made me reconsider everything I did.

After that I started giving oral and learned about power and submission in the bed room. I learned that's its not about having a big dick and its more about psychology. Honestly, arousal is so much in the head - especially for a woman.

I've made quite a lot of women c*m by whispering dirty talk while we fucked.

Plus, during oral I tend to make them c*m even before we have full on sex.


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My girlfriend orgasms every time and I'm not doing sh*t, I'm just on my f*****g back.

She always asks me if she can c*m and I always have to tell her to hold it otherwise she gets too sensitive and well, I'll surely be jerking off then.

I've been with 31 different girls, and here too, it's just black or white. There were the ones I could make c*m without doing much, and others that came once in a blue moon despite me trying to perform like a pornstar.

So I don't actually think you can become "good in bed" either, it depends on the girl, whether she can c*m fast, and whether she's really turned on by your looks or not.

There's a reason we don't have a universal manual on how to be good in bed. Just like there is no manual on how to seduce women that works. You can't teach something that's mostly about compatibility between two people.

Fred, you've said previously that you're very good in bed. You last an hour, you lose 1 or 2 lbs of water weight, women compliment you on your strength, you have a high sex drive and need to orgasm everyday, etc. You've also written that you have a high retention rate with women who actually f*** you.

Which doesn't sound consistent with that post above, where you just lie on your back and starfish apparently.


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You can get loads better in bed.

I was a pretty lazy lover because I am well hung and I thought this meant I didn't have to try.

When I was 25 a woman complained that I was really boring in bed and It made me reconsider everything I did.

After that I started giving oral and learned about power and submission in the bed room. I learned that's its not about having a big dick and its more about psychology. Honestly, arousal is so much in the head - especially for a woman.



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My girlfriend orgasms every time and I'm not doing sh*t, I'm just on my f*****g back.

She always asks me if she can c*m and I always have to tell her to hold it otherwise she gets too sensitive and well, I'll surely be jerking off then.

I've been with 31 different girls, and here too, it's just black or white. There were the ones I could make c*m without doing much, and others that came once in a blue moon despite me trying to perform like a pornstar.

So I don't actually think you can become "good in bed" either, it depends on the girl, whether she can c*m fast, and whether she's really turned on by your looks or not.

There's a reason we don't have a universal manual on how to be good in bed. Just like there is no manual on how to seduce women that works. You can't teach something that's mostly about compatibility between two people.
Of course you can become good in bed, but I believe your physical attraction, and how much pornography your partner watches can dicate a lot of this. But physical attraction will almost entirely shape your experience. There are factors, but they are tiny variables

I have been with women before that as soon as they started riding my dick already reached an orgasm. I have also been with women that needed a severe pounding before they got off.

No different then how attractive she is. the difference is night-and-day, when you are with an attractive women your sex will reach an animalistic level where you truly feel primal. A feeling so strong, you cannot forget. Try having this sex with a below average women on the chubby side, she might leave you more limp then you were to begin with. When you reach that bell curve of being with a hot chick, you will never go back.

Sex is all physical. I have reached a point in my life where I wont even bother having sex unless I am truly into a women. These feelings are not to be mistaken, and cannot be faked. You will notice the difference when you are with chicks that do it for you, among those that dont. You simply dont get that ravenous appetite that a hot chick elicits when you are doing the dirty.

I would rather be single and alone then attempt to date, and have sex with a girl I am not into. Sex is useless, and boring. More yawn, and boring then it is rewarding.


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You can get loads better in bed.

I was a pretty lazy lover because I am well hung and I thought this meant I didn't have to try.

When I was 25 a woman complained that I was really boring in bed and It made me reconsider everything I did.

After that I started giving oral and learned about power and submission in the bed room. I learned that's its not about having a big dick and its more about psychology. Honestly, arousal is so much in the head - especially for a woman.

I've made quite a lot of women c*m by whispering dirty talk while we fucked.

Plus, during oral I tend to make them c*m even before we have full on sex.
Your looks dictate this bro.

you will encounter women who will simply c*m from you putting your fingers in. The psychology, and arousal part is all on the merit, and basis of your looks not how dirty, and dominate you act.

haven't you ever had sex with a girl you were not into, to the point where you were not even looking at her. It simply isn't the same as being with a hot broad. takes longer to get off, because ugly chick doesn't release the same dopamine as a women you are truly into.

Sex is all derived on dopamine.


Your looks dictate this bro.

you will encounter women who will simply c*m from you putting your fingers in. The psychology, and arousal part is all on the merit, and basis of your looks not how dirty, and dominate you act.

haven't you ever had sex with a girl you were not into, to the point where you were not even looking at her. It simply isn't the same as being with a hot broad. takes longer to get off, because ugly chick doesn't release the same dopamine as a women you are truly into.

Sex is all derived on dopamine.

I think I have to disagree that being good In bed as a man is about looks.

Its often about knowing how to please a woman.

I haven't got better looking as I've aged (maybe not worse either) and yet I can make women c*m easier now. That's because I've learned what turns a lot of women on (each woman is different but a lot of them like to be submissive)


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Your looks dictate this bro.

you will encounter women who will simply c*m from you putting your fingers in. The psychology, and arousal part is all on the merit, and basis of your looks not how dirty, and dominate you act.

haven't you ever had sex with a girl you were not into, to the point where you were not even looking at her. It simply isn't the same as being with a hot broad. takes longer to get off, because ugly chick doesn't release the same dopamine as a women you are truly into.

Sex is all derived on dopamine.

What if you became a recluse for a while? The sight of any woman after that should get you going easily, no? lol


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I think I have to disagree that being good In bed as a man is about looks.

Its often about knowing how to please a woman.

I haven't got better looking as I've aged (maybe not worse either) and yet I can make women c*m easier now. That's because I've learned what turns a lot of women on (each woman is different but a lot of them like to be submissive)
Of course you can get better with positions, lasting longer and working your tongue, but haven't you learned that some women can simply c*m from you just sticking it in. Has nothing to do with how you rode her, and how dirty you talked. All LOOKS bro. Some women simply get off faster then others. building up tension, good fore play before hand can help loads in determining how fast a women gets off to

Even when I was a lazy lay, type of guy who busts and is done for the remainder.. I still could make a girl orgasm by simple movements.

don't be in denial of your 'skill set' determining any of this.

However I do feel that women who have trouble getting aroused, wet and reaching orgasm probably watch to much pornography.

What if you became a recluse for a while? The sight of any woman after that should get you going easily, no? lol

Depends. Could be aggressively watching pornography for release. Which will not make you crave or care much about what you were missing out on.


Some women are easy to make c*m and some hard.

Have you ever had a woman that takes like 20 mins of oral to reach an orgasm?

There are tons of forum questions and article from women posting why they cant c*m during sex. Honestly, some women c*m easier than others.