Darolutamide (odm-201), A Better Topical Than Enzalutamide?


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However a DHT-attack may manifest, be it an itch or a shed, there's no denying a well-intact solution of Darolutamide will function better than a damaged one. You can apply 100, 200, 300 mg of your batch and it still won't work.
Yeah. I may just make It and leave it for a few days with the shaking (even though I barely hear it up when I do).


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I have been in touch with Mr Luo about the process and this is what he is telling me;

Put Darolutamide and PEG6000 together and stire to mix. Heat the mixture at 65℃ to melt. Stire to make it to be mixed uniformity. Keep the mixture at 65℃ for 30min. Then put into freezer, it will turn into a solid. Comminute the solid into powder. You can separate into several potions as you need.
You can use a large amount of PEG6000, so that you can separate easily. and you can use about 0.1g to make an experiment


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I have been in touch with Mr Luo about the process and this is what he is telling me;

Put Darolutamide and PEG6000 together and stire to mix. Heat the mixture at 65℃ to melt. Stire to make it to be mixed uniformity. Keep the mixture at 65℃ for 30min. Then put into freezer, it will turn into a solid. Comminute the solid into powder. You can separate into several potions as you need.
You can use a large amount of PEG6000, so that you can separate easily. and you can use about 0.1g to make an experiment
Well that’s confusing as f***


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Yeah, I was hoping someone here could clear it up, maybe ideal if he was around


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Love you x I’m grateful for your optimism

Please take as much optimism as you want from me. I want what's best for you and yes of course for your hair. You're on a nuclear bomb regime, please don't go jumping on a bunch of other crap, give this time to work. You're trained in the medical field, you're a woman of science, please step back and analyze the problem as a scientist and an engineer. I know it's hard but emotional responses will not help you here.
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I will receive about a month's supply of Daro to test pretty soon. Will report here. What's a good starting dose? Is ethanol alone good as a vehicle?


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I will receive about a month's supply of Daro to test pretty soon. Will report here. What's a good starting dose? Is ethanol alone good as a vehicle?
4mg/4ml. That’s something like 0.01%
I’m just mix mine in minoxidil


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I have been in touch with Mr Luo about the process and this is what he is telling me;

Put Darolutamide and PEG6000 together and stire to mix. Heat the mixture at 65℃ to melt. Stire to make it to be mixed uniformity. Keep the mixture at 65℃ for 30min. Then put into freezer, it will turn into a solid. Comminute the solid into powder. You can separate into several potions as you need.
You can use a large amount of PEG6000, so that you can separate easily. and you can use about 0.1g to make an experiment
I thought yours easily dissolve in everclear, so why are you considering doing it another way?


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Remember to use only high grade ethanol or the 38 mg/mL solubility figure goes way down with lower grade ethanol.

I use 96% ethanol. :)



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I will receive about a month's supply of Daro to test pretty soon. Will report here. What's a good starting dose? Is ethanol alone good as a vehicle?
I thought yours easily dissolve in everclear, so why are you considering doing it another way?

In 96% everclear it's not that bad to dissolve. I'm not considering changing, I am trying help the others to find a better way. I feel like I'm cured and just want everyone else to have it too. I have Mr Luo on chat in my phone so I just asked him and he gave me the information. He is an amazing man and I trust him wholeheartedly.


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In 96% everclear it's not that bad to dissolve. I'm not considering changing, I am trying help the others to find a better way. I feel like I'm cured and just want everyone else to have it too. I have Mr Luo on chat in my phone so I just asked him and he gave me the information. He is an amazing man and I trust him wholeheartedly.

For how many days does your solution last before you need to mix again?

I just started with my new batch, which is now 50 mg in 15 mL. I'm keeping in the fridge.


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For how many days does your solution last before you need to mix again?

I just started with my new batch, which is now 50 mg in 15 mL. I'm keeping in the fridge.

I'm mixing for 7 days at a time. My first batch I kept a room temp, Mr Luo suggested to keep it in the fridge or freezer so that's what I'm doing.


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I'm mixing for 7 days at a time. My first batch I kept a room temp, Mr Luo suggested to keep it in the fridge or freezer so that's what I'm doing.
I’m making mine for roughly a week at a time too, but I have to make 40ml since I use it all over my head. How are you dissolving It? I thought I was having some success with the microwaving but yesterday I found a little undissolved chunk in my batch. Fml.


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Maybe you just need time. I've been on dutasteride for 4 years and ru for the last 3. Adding daro halted my shed, I guess it's strong enough blocking dht

Keep going, don't give up, this stuff works
It’s been 3.5 weeks. Shedding doesn’t seem to let up. This morning I brushed my hair and 20 hairs came out in my brush. I’ll lose another 80-100 in the shower. Another 30-40 throughout the day. That’s how it’s been for a while, but it’s been increasing. To give you an idea of how fast my hairloss is.. the first photo of the top is 1.5 years part, the second one of the side is 3 months apart. I have DUPA/restrograde recession with female pattern top thinning as well. I literally have it all. It’s.. sickening. Every day I dread having a shower because another chunk of my hairline is missing, my part is wider, my nape is higher and I look even more freakish


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It’s been 3.5 weeks. Shedding doesn’t seem to let up. This morning I brushed my hair and 20 hairs came out in my brush. I’ll lose another 80-100 in the shower. Another 30-40 throughout the day. That’s how it’s been for a while, but it’s been increasing. To give you an idea of how fast my hairloss is.. the first photo of the top is 1.5 years part, the second one of the side is 3 months apart. I have DUPA/restrograde recession with female pattern top thinning as well. I literally have it all. It’s.. sickening. Every day I dread having a shower because another chunk of my hairline is missing, my part is wider, my nape is higher and I look even more freakish

First pict ligthing might be different, but the second one there is definitely some thinning... I just wonder why male pattern baldness would be so aggressive for a female, seems strange


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First pict ligthing might be different, but the second one there is definitely some thinning... I just wonder why male pattern baldness would be so aggressive for a female, seems strange
I have theories. Low estrogen. Really high cortisol, and Eosinopenia. Eosinophils are a type of estrogen receptor in some cases, and they also promote growth factors, wound healing, protein matrix synthesis. Having chronically high cortisol lowers your: Eosinophils, estrogen and testosterone. Increases your DHEAS. So whilst I can address the hormonal stuff, the route cause being high cortisol never was, and my last blood test showed 0% eosinophils. I think I may need to take something to lower my cortisol because the more I read, the more I’m understanding about the severe flow-on hormonal affects of it, one of which is Androgenetic Alopecia.


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I have theories. Low estrogen. Really high cortisol, and Eosinopenia. Eosinophils are a type of estrogen receptor in some cases, and they also promote growth factors, wound healing, protein matrix synthesis. Having chronically high cortisol lowers your: Eosinophils, estrogen and testosterone. Increases your DHEAS. So whilst I can address the hormonal stuff, the route cause being high cortisol never was, and my last blood test showed 0% eosinophils. I think I may need to take something to lower my cortisol because the more I read, the more I’m understanding about the severe flow-on hormonal affects of it, one of which is Androgenetic Alopecia.

I'm quite sure it is/must be solvable for you, but you have to spend extra time in studying yourself.


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It’s been 3.5 weeks. Shedding doesn’t seem to let up. This morning I brushed my hair and 20 hairs came out in my brush. I’ll lose another 80-100 in the shower. Another 30-40 throughout the day. That’s how it’s been for a while, but it’s been increasing. To give you an idea of how fast my hairloss is.. the first photo of the top is 1.5 years part, the second one of the side is 3 months apart. I have DUPA/restrograde recession with female pattern top thinning as well. I literally have it all. It’s.. sickening. Every day I dread having a shower because another chunk of my hairline is missing, my part is wider, my nape is higher and I look even more freakish

I don't think anti-androgens are going to be the solution for a woman, if you have no other signs of hyperandrogenism like facial and body hair growth.

Have you tested your estrogen since you say it's low? Are you on bio-identical estrogen replacement? How is your thyroid - did you get that tested and do you have the numbers? NEVER let it go with just a phone call telling you 'your numbers are fine', just because something is 'in range' does not mean that it's good. Most endocrinologists are clueless about hormones, sad truth. I as a male have been fighting hormonal disturbances for 5 years and it's a REALLY long and hard fight, trust me. But it's possible to come out on top. If you need some advice you can PM me.


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Well, after only one application it feels effective for up to one day. I had a little hint of an itch the next morning, but it went away upon reapplication, another mL. I was going to do twice a day, but wanted to see that first hand.

So 3.3 mg is useful for a day for the itch. I'll proceed with twice a day now.


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All the people who respond to topical anti androgens on this website notice this within 2 weeks.... thats my conclusion based on a lot of topics. Anybody here who noticed it did something after >3months?